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NCLEX Final Ati Study
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1. Hyper natremia (greater than 145) SALT! Skin flushed - Agitation - Low grade fever - Thirst
Hypernatremia SALT
Who produces insulin
2. CATS - convulsions - arrhythmias - tetany - spasms - stridor (decreased calcium) - high Ca - low phosphorus diet
Tenkhoff cath
Signs observed in hypocalemia
Addisonian Crisis
Hypo - parathyroid
3. First sign of PE is sudden chest pain - followed by dyspnea and tachypnea.
Placement of a wheelchair
First sign of pe
4. Allen's test - occlude both ulnar and radial artery until hand blanches then release ulnar. If the hand pinks up - ulnar artery is good and you can carry on with ABG/radial stick as planned. ABGS must be put on ice and whisked to the lab.
5. Right sided heart failure caused by left ventricular failure (so pick edema - jvd - if it is a choice.)
S/S of a fat embolism
Orthostatis is verfied by
Cor Pulmonae
6. A
Nepphrotic syndrome
When is Rhogam given and how
When to test urine for ketones and glucose
7. HYPERtension TACHYpnea and TACHYcardia
Color codes
Common S/S of Infectious Mononucleosis
Common S/S of Shock
No Cantalope
8. A= appearance (color all pink - pink and blue - blue [pale]) P= pulse (>100 - < 100 - absent) G= grimace (cough - grimace - no response) A= activity (flexed - flaccid - limp) R= respirations (strong cry - weak cry - absent)
How many oz in a ml
COPD patients
Apgar Scoring
9. Upper part of the uterus
NG tube rules
Where should placenta be
10. Painless - progressive englargement of spleen and lymph tissues - and Reedstenberg cells!
Dance Sign
Brachial Pulse
Common S/S of Hodgkins Disease/Lymphoma
Allen's test
11. Ottorhea
Common S/S of Thypohiod
Common S/S of Basilar Fracture
Guillian Barre
If you see a nurse make a mistake Chain of command
12. Position pt on right side (promotes emptying of the stomach) with the HOB elevated (to prevent aspiration)
What to do in the case of tube feeding with decreased LOC
LVN/LPN cant
What to in the case of - Pt with heat stroke
Common S/S of Increased ICP
13. Unusual positional tip - Low - fowlers recommended during meals to prevent dumping syndrome. Limit fluids while eating.
Common S/S of chicken pox
To prevent dumping syndrome
Grey Turners sign
14. During the acute stage of Hep - A gown and gloves are required. In the convalescent stage it is no longer contagious.
Hep A precautions
Peritoneal dialysis
After removal of the pituitary gland what should you watch for
First sign of pyloric stenosis in a baby
15. Serum acetone and serum ketones rise in DKA. As you treat the acidosis and dehydration expect the potassium to drop rapidly - so be ready - with potassium replacement. Fluids are the most important intervention with HHNS as well as DKA - so get fluid
Labs in DKA>
Nitrazine paper
1 pint = How many cups
Yellow - Delayed
16. Stranger anxiety is greatest 7 - 9 months - Separation anxiety peaks in toddlerhood
Orange tag in pysch
Stranger Danger>!
For a lumbar puncture
MORE info on DKA ugh!
17. (incision at nape of neck)--> position pt flat and lateral on either side.
After Infratentorial Surgery
Immunizations rules
MMR and Varicella
18. Definitive diagnosis for abd. aortic aneurysm (AAA) --> CT scan
How to Dx a AAA
Hodgkins disease
During CBI (continuous bladder irrigation)
19. Osteomyletitis is an infectious bone dz. Give blood cultures and antibiotics - then if necessary surgery to drain abscess.
Common S/S of Cataract
Coomb's test
20. Caput succedaneum= diffuse edema of the fetal scalp that crosses the suture lines. Swelling reabsorbs within 1 to 3 days.
Whats petaling
Shift to the left means
caput succedaneum=
Med that can't be infused Intra osseously
21. Recurrent bloody diarrhea
Buck's Traction
Labs for congenital heart disease
Common S/S of Ulcerative Colitis
22. 1st Degree - Red and Painful 2nd Degree - Blisters 3rd Degree - No Pain because of blocked and burned nerves
More info on droplet precautions
Pain in the LLQ indicative of...
Common S/S Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy
Burn Degrees
23. Kernigs Sign (leg flex then leg pain on extension) Brudinzski sign (neck flex= lower leg flex)
Common S/S of Meningitis
What is bleeding considered in ADPIE
Contact transmission precautions
Common S/S of appendicitis
24. Liver - brain - lung - bone - and lymph
Common sites for metastatsis
Dig rule for kids
Infant with Cleft lip
Where are chest tubes placed
25. BSA is considered the most accurate method for medication dosing with kids. (I though it was weight - but apparently not)
NG tube rules
autonomic dysreflexia
Common S/S of Cataract
Most accurate way to test kids for medication accuracy
26. A patient with liver cirrhosis and edema may ambulate - then sit with legs elevated to try to mobilize the edema.
Common S/S of pneumonia
Pt with edema and walking
MG and Guillian Barre
27. ** Ask for anaphylactic rxn to eggs or neomycin before MMR
Munchhausen Syndrome
Before giving MMR>
Crutch use
Common S/S of Liver cirrhoisis
28. Sepsis and anaphylaxis (along with the obvious hemorrhaging) reduce circulating volume by way of increased capillary permeability - which leads to reduced preload (volume in the left ventricle at the end of diastole). This is a toughie...think about
Besides meds and congenital problems .. What can lead to decreased preload
Besides sodium - water also follows
Options for cancer
29. You can petal the rough edges of a plaster cast with tape to avoid skin irritation.
Allen's test
STD= gonnorrhea
Whats petaling
30. Lioning face
Heart Defects
Cmmon S/S Fibrin Hyalin
Common S/S of leprosy
31. If your laboring mom's water breaks and she is any minus station you better know there is a risk of prolapsed cord.
When you see coffee brown emesis think>
Common S/S of Dengue
A preggo in a minus station
32. Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) pain is in RL quadrant with rebound tenderness.
How will CSF look in meningitis
Autonomic Dysreflexia/ Hyperreflexia
33. In a five -year old breathe once for every 5 compressions doing cpr.
Before Epidural
Late Decels
CPR in a five year old
Guillian Barre
34. AFTER the procedure - the client should be placed in the supine position for 4 to 12 hrs as prescribed. (Saunders 3rd ed p. 229)
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Prior to liver biopsy
Protocol for Droplet Precautions
Lumbar Puncture
35. Cardiac cath - npo 8-12hr - empty bladder - pulses - tell pt may feel heat palpitations or desire to cough with dye injection. Post - Vital signs keep leg straight bedrest 6-8hr.
Shilling test
What is obtained before starting any iv antibiotic
Cath lab
36. Tet spells treated with morphine.
Where are most spinal cord injuries
Common S/S of addisions
Birth control - Diaphram
What treats tet spells
37. COPD patients REMEMBER: 2LNC or less (hypoxic Not hypercapnic drive) - Pa02 of 60ish and Sa02 90% is normal for them b/c they are chronic CO2 retainers. ...
COPD patients
Room air is...
If you THINK a patient has new HTN
Common S/S of Kawasaki syndrome
38. Seizure>
Eclampsia is a
Kids with HIV
Disease precautions
Ventilator Alarms
39. You will ask every new admission if he has an advance directive - and if not you will explain it - and he will have the option to sign or not.
Acid/ ASH diet
Every new admission needs
Common S/S of asthma
After appendectomy
40. If a TB patient is unable/unwilling to comply with tx they may need supervision (direct observation). TB is a public health risk.
Common sites for metastatsis
TB health risk
How will CSF look in meningitis
41. *Meniere's Disease - Admin diuretics to decrease endolymph in the cochlea - restrict Na - lay onaffected ear when in bed. Triad: 1)Vertigo 2)Tinnitus 3)N/V
42. Increased temp - weakness - disorientation/delusions - hypotension - tachycardia; hypotonic solution
Carbon dioxide narcosis
During CBI (continuous bladder irrigation)
43. Muscle weakness - lack of coordination - abdominal pain - confusion - absent tendon reflexes - sedative effect on CNS
Potassium and acid base balance
Tet spells
44. Paget's Disease - tinnitus - bone pain - enlargement of bone - thick bones.
45. WBC shift to the left in a patient with pyelonephritis (neutrophils kick in to fight infection)
Psuedomembrane in DIptheria
Labs in DKA>
Shift to the left means
Autonomic Dysreflexia/ Hyperreflexia
46. Sengstaken blakemore tube used for tx of esophageal varices - keep scissors at bedside.
Sengstaken blakemore tube
Lymes mostly found in
Asthma and arthritis best excercise
Crutch use
47. Use cold for acute pain (sprained ankle) and heat for chronic pain (arthritis)
Use of cold and hot
Pathological jaundice
Besides meds and congenital problems .. What can lead to decreased preload
48. It is X- linked. Mother passes the disease to her son
Cullens sign
Facts about hemophilia
Cmmon S/S Fibrin Hyalin
Tension Pneumothorax
49. Hot and dry- sugar high (hyperglycemia) cold and clammy- need some candy (hypoglycemia)
During CBI (continuous bladder irrigation)
Hep A precautions
Rule of thumb for obsessions/distractions
To remember blood sugar
50. Pull pinna down and back for kids < 3 yrs. when instilling eardrops.
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Common S/S of Pemphigus Vulgaris
When instilling eardrops