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NCLEX Final Ati Study

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Placenta previa = there is no pain - there is bleeding. Placenta abruption = pain - but no bleeding.

2. Don't sleep on operated side - don't flex hip more than 45- 60 degrees - don't elevate HOB more than 45 degrees. Maintain hip abduction by separating thighs with pillows.

3. No meat and milk together

4. Children with tetralogy of Fallot may develop 'tet spells'. The precise mechanism of these episodes is in doubt - but presumably results from a transient increase in resistance to blood flow to the lungs with increased preferential flow of desaturate

5. You will ask every new admission if he has an advance directive - and if not you will explain it - and he will have the option to sign or not.

6. Ascending muscle paralysis.. dont confuse with MG

7. Red beefy tongue

8. Apgar measures HR - RR - Muscle tone - Reflexes - Skin color each 0-2 point. 8-10 OK. 0-3 RESUSCITATE.

9. (increased ADH): change in LOC - decreased deep tendon reflexes - tachycardia - n/v/a - HA; administer Declomycin - diuretics

10. No phenylalanine with a kid positive for PKU (no meat no dairy no aspartme

11. Birth weight doubles by 6 month and triple by 1 year of age.

12. Group - a strep precedes rheumatic fever. Chorea is part of this sickness (grimacing - sudden body movements - etc.) and it embarrasses kids. They have joint pain. Watch for elevated antistreptolysin O to be elevated. Penicillin!

13. When drawing an ABG - you need to put the blood in a heparinized tube - make sure there are no bubbles - put on ice immediately after drawing - with a lable indicating if the pt was on room air or

14. Bronze like skin pigmentation

15. Unusual positional tip - Low - fowlers recommended during meals to prevent dumping syndrome. Limit fluids while eating.

16. Allergic to eggs (Tristan D. ) !

17. Bedrest with extremities elevated 20 degrees - knees straight - head slightly elevated (modified Trendelenburg)

18. Vertigo - Tinnitus

19. A patient with a low hemoglobin and/or hematocrit should be evaluated for signs of bleeding - such as dark stools.

20. Staph infection that is resistant to Vancomycin treatement! Worse than MRSA

21. Moon face appearance and buffalo hump

22. Crackles suggest pneumonia - which is likely to be accompanied by hypoxia - which would manifest itself as mental confusion - etc.

23. Use cold for acute pain (sprained ankle) and heat for chronic pain (arthritis)

24. A positive ppd confirms infection - not just exposure. A sputum test will confirm active disease.

25. Glucose

26. Non dairy sources of calcium include RHUBARB - SARDINES - COLLARD GREENS

27. Orange tag in triage is non emergent Psych

28. Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) pain is in RL quadrant with rebound tenderness.

29. Diaphragm must stay in place 6 hours after intercourse. They are also fitted so must be refitted if you lose or gain a significant amount of weight.

30. Watch out for questions suggesting a child drinks more than 3-4 cups of milk each day. (Milks good - right) Too much milk reduces intake of other essential nutrients - especially iron. Watch for anemia with milk - aholics. And don't let that mother p

31. * To convert Centigrade to F. F= C+40 - multiply 9/5 and substract 40 * To convert Fahrenheit to C. C= F+40 - multiply 5/9 and substract 40.

32. Hypospadias: abnormality in which urethral meatus is located on the ventral (back) surface of the penis anywhere from the corona to the perineum (remember hypo - low (for lower side or under side) Epispadias: opening of the urethra on the dorsal (fro

33. Chvostek= Tapping on the face above the cheek bone will cause spams! Trosseaus= using a BP cuff and inflating it - and it will cause spasms of the wrist

34. MRSA - Contact precaution ONLY - VRSA - Contact And airborne precaution (Private room - door closed - negative pressure)

35. CHRONIC pain

36. After pain relief - cough and deep breathe is important in pancreatitis - because of fluid pushing up in the diaphragm.

37. Psuedo membrane formation

38. The immediate intervention after a sucking stab wound is to dress the wound and tape it on three sides which allows air to escape. Do not use an occlusive dressing - which could convert the wound from open pneumo to closed one - and a tension pneumot

39. Liver - brain - lung - bone - and lymph

40. Bounding pulse - SOB - dyspnea - rares/crackles - peripheral edema - HTN - urine specific gravity <1.010; Semi - Fowler's


42. Stepladder like fever with chills

43. Chest tubes are placed in the pleural space.

44. Low magnesium and high creatinine signal renal failure.

45. Nonfat milk reduces reflux by increasing lower esophageal sphincter pressure

46. Descending muscle weakness

47. OHyper reflexes (upper motor neuron issue 'your reflexes are over the top') oAbsent reflexes (lower motor neuron issue)

48. Barrel chest

49. Developmental 2-3 months: turns head side to side 4-5 months: grasps - switch & roll 6-7 months: sit at 6 and waves bye - bye 8-9 months: stands straight at eight 10-11 months: belly to butt (phrase has 10 letters) 12-13 months: twelve and up - drink

50. ORhogam : given at 28 weeks - 72 hours post partum - IM. Only given to Rh NEGATIVE mother.