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NCLEX General

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. If feet have been dependant - allow 15 minutes before applying - check q 4 hrs - rmv q 8 hrs to wash and dry legs

2. Manifestations 1) Hypotension - cyanosis - tachycardia 2) Increased venous pressure - loss of consciousness b. Prevention 1) Run fluid through tubing and needle or catheter to force air out before starting infusion 2) When using glass bottle - change

3. In intravenous infusions - the drip rate (also called the drip factor or drop factor) is the number of drops delivered per ___ of solution.

4. 16-18 F is standard adult size - children are standard 5-12F

5. Painful - tissue engorgement

6. What disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones cortisol or aldosterone? This condition is characterized by chronic - worsening fatigue and muscle weakness - loss of appetite - and weight loss.

7. Dispose of sharps in puncture - resistant containers B. Do not recap used needles C. Wear protective barriers (gloves - gowns - masks - eyewear) when at risk for exposure to body fluids D. Clean blood spills with soap and water or household bleach 1:

8. Promotes circulation

9. Shaky - slurred speech - weak - seizure - drowsy - sweating - inability to swallow

10. Diarrhea is sign of lithium toxicity along with oversedation - ataxia - tinnitus - slurred speech - and muscle weakness/twitching; stop lithium and obtain serum levels when diarrhea present

11. Increases heart rate

12. 1cc

13. Lack of mature erythrocytes caused by inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the body

14. Analgesics - antipyretic - small anticoagulation

15. 16 oz.

16. No longer than 10-20 seconds at a time - allow pt to rest between suctioning - flush cath with NS between suctionings - 80-100 mm is normal adult suction

17. Total suppression of urine

18. 10 degree angle - 25-27G needle - 5/8-1/2' needle - barely cover bevel under skin - do not do near a vein - do to the side - used for PPD&allergy testing

19. Homonymous hemianopsia - partial szs w/limited visual phenomena

20. Same osmotic pressure as in the cell Normal saline (0.9% NaCl) b. Dextrose 5% in water c. Lactated Ringer's

21. Onset:15-30 mins - clear - peak:30-11/2 hr. - duration:3-4 hrs. - can mix with intermed.& short

22. Sheet between patient and cooling blanket b. Prevent skin damage c. Change position frequently d. No shivering: Muscle relaxant may be given if patient shivering

23. Does Maslow Fit? If NO - alre all answers physical or are all answers pschosocial? If yes - eliminate psychosocial - Does the physical needs make sense? Then apply your ABC's

24. Onset:1-4hr. - cloudy - peak:6-10hrs. - duration:10-16 - up to 24 hrs. - cannot mix!!

25. Human papilloma virus

26. A generalized reaction to contaminated equipment or solutions a. Manifestations 1) Chills and fever 30-60 minutes after start of infusion 2) Flushing - sudden pulse increase 3) Backache - headache 4) Nausea - vomiting 5) Hypotension - vascular collap

27. Pain relievers r/t opium

28. The pain usually comes prior to nausea and vomiting;

29. Bloodstream infection: if becomes very bas pt may have a red line along arm

30. Has regular insulin in it already

31. Retards bacteria growth

32. Head injury is one of the most common causes of ___ and disability in the U.S.

33. The loss of the right or left half of the field of vision in both eyes.

34. 1 tab with 5 min not exceeding 3 doses

35. Chronic syndrome resulting in a deficiency of hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex with darkening of skin - loss of appetite - and depression

36. What is a bleeding disorder that results from a severe reduction in circulating platelets?Can be idiopathic or may be the result of decreased platelet production in the bone marrow - Platelet count less than 75 -000 cells/mm3

37. Place the wheel chair on the patient's strong side B. Position the open part of the chair toward the foot of the bed. C. Have patient stand on strong foot and pivot - then sit in chair

38. 1 g

39. Form of shock associated with adrenocortical insufficiency and characterized by profound hypotension and electrolyte imbalances.

40. PH 7.52 2. pCO2 52 3. HCO3 34 4. Cause: Vomiting; excessive diuresis

41. Shake med - have pt breathe out - when starts to inhale press down - have the pt hold breath for 10 seconds - wait 1 min befroe next dose

42. Hypertension is sometimes called a ___ disease because many clients are symptom free until complications arise - which can occur decades after the hypertension first begins.

43. Too much insulin - no food - too much/intense exercise - onset - sudden

44. A decrease in total blood volume such as hemorrhage - transfusions

45. Most common problem: when fluid or med leaks out of vein into tissue - edema occurs - feels cool - fluid in tissue will reabsorb eithin 24 hrs.

46. Excessive thirst (as in cases of diabetes or kidney dysfunction)

47. Tinnitus - headache - hyperventilation - agitation - confusion - diarrhea - and sweating; withhold medication and contact the physician

48. O2 sat is less than 93

49. Receptive dysphasia

50. Resp. depression