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NCLEX General

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Holding one's breath & attempt to exhale - Done during exercise - heavy lifting - birth delivery - coughing - sneezing - straining when urinating - defecating - vomiting. May cause cardiac arrest with a weakened heart - Encourage proper breathing whe

2. A generalized reaction to contaminated equipment or solutions a. Manifestations 1) Chills and fever 30-60 minutes after start of infusion 2) Flushing - sudden pulse increase 3) Backache - headache 4) Nausea - vomiting 5) Hypotension - vascular collap

3. 2 pt

4. Is an abnormal increase in the number of RBC's granulocytes - and thrombocytes - leading to an increase in blood volume and viscosity (thickness).

5. Partial thickness loss of skin involving epidermis and/or part of dermis

6. Fluid balance - acid - base - nerve conduction a. Causes 1) Increased perspiration 2) Drinking only tap water 3) GI losses: diarrhea - vomiting - suction 4) Diuretics b - Manifestations 1) Confusion 2) Hypotension 3) Oliguria 4) Muscle weakness 5) Co

7. Atb

8. Homonymous hemianopsia - partial szs w/limited visual phenomena

9. In client with emphysema - decreased oxygen concentrations due to chronically elevated ___ levels are the main stimuli for respiration.

10. Head injury is one of the most common causes of ___ and disability in the U.S.

11. Contralateral dystonia - Contralateral choreoathetosis

12. PH 7.32 2. pCO2 58 3. HCO3 32 4. pO2 60 5. Respiratory Acidosis - hypoxia 5. Causes: COPD - lung cancer

13. Painful - tissue engorgement

14. Flush daily with saline or heparin to prevent clots from forming B. Change dressing three times per week C. Check for infection D. Discard 5-10 ml when drawing blood E. In multilumen catheters use ports for designated purpose F. Valsalva's maneuver w

15. A cancer of the blood forming organs; 80% of childhood ___; noted for the presence of lymphoblasts which replace normal cells in the bone marrow; blast cells are also see in the peripheral blood; null cell type has best prognosis

16. Is a centrally acting alpha - adrenergic used to treat hypertension; apply to nonhairy site every 7 days; side effects include drowsiness - sedation - orthostatic hypotension; heart failure

17. Is a skin eruption caused by one of the two families of herpesvirus - herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

18. Physiologic needs b. Safety and security c. Love and belonging d. Self esteem e. Self actualization 2. Keep them breathing; keep them safe

19. Headache - rash - sensitivity to light

20. Jacksonian szs - generalized szs - hemiparesis

21. Meds used to treat constipation

22. Legs up in stirrups 2. Uses a. Gyn exams b. Perineal surgery 3. Increases risk of venous stasis and deep vein thrombophlebitis

23. Human papilloma virus

24. Constrict blood vessels

25. 60 gtt

26. Medications used to treat ___ must be given continuously and on time throughout the client's life to maintain therapeutic blood levels.

27. Do not give more than 3 consecutive bouts

28. Anesthesia is the partial or complete loss of sensation - and general anesthesia produces a complete loss of sensation (unconsciousneess). It is also referred to as ___.

29. The 55-yr - old male client has recently been diagnosed with ___. The nurse recognizes that this dx increases the client's risk of coronary heart disease - myocardial infarction - and peripheral vascular disease.

30. 1 tab with 5 min not exceeding 3 doses

31. Act by altering perception of and response to pain 2. Act on the central nervous system 3. Adverse reactions a. Depress respirations b. Decrease alertness c. Decrease coughing d. Decrease blood pressure and pulse e. Slow peristalsis f. Constrict pupi

32. Dispose of sharps in puncture - resistant containers B. Do not recap used needles C. Wear protective barriers (gloves - gowns - masks - eyewear) when at risk for exposure to body fluids D. Clean blood spills with soap and water or household bleach 1:

33. 1000 g

34. Generalized infection throughout body

35. Analgesics - antipyretic - small anticoagulation

36. Needle punctures dura and cerebral spinal fluid lost. 2. Patient at risk for spinal headache.

37. Lack of mature erythrocytes caused by inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the body

38. Toxic effect r/t damage to 8th cranial nerve resulting in dizziness - tinnitus - gradual hearing loss

39. 16 oz.

40. Deficient oxygen in the blood.

41. —pentamidine is an antiprotozoal agent used to prevent and/or treat Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) - a common opportunistic infection in AIDS patients; manifestations of PCP usually include coughing - fever - dyspnea - fatigue - and weight loss

42. Reverses effects of other narcotics

43. Read 48-72 hrs later - inject 0.1 ml - assess for induration(hard bump) - measure in mm - greater than 5 mm is queestionable - 5-10 need CXR - redness indicates localized reaction not a concern - problem is induration

44. Manifestations 1) Hypotension - cyanosis - tachycardia 2) Increased venous pressure - loss of consciousness b. Prevention 1) Run fluid through tubing and needle or catheter to force air out before starting infusion 2) When using glass bottle - change

45. Also known as pernicious anemia - is characterized by an interruption in the formation of RBC precursor cells. Interruption in the formation of RBC precursor cells - will result in a high number of large - immature cells.

46. Inability to look in a particular direction of gaze (both eyes signals a brain disease)

47. 22 - 29 mEq/l

48. A bleeding disorder characterized by an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets in the blood - which impairs the clotting process

49. A large multinucleated or multilobed cell with inclusion body- like nucleoli surrounded by a halo of clear nucleoplasm and must be present to dx Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

50. Postexposure protocol