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NCLEX General Rn

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 60 gtt

2. Gown - mask - gloves

3. Resp. depression

4. Inflamm of the vessel: caused by irritaition of vessel by needle - cannula - meds. S/S are warnth - swelling - tenderness. IV must be dc'd - warm compress to decrease discomfort

5. Toxicity due to blood and protien in the urine

6. Thirst - frequent urination - fatigue - blurred vision - ketoacidosis - vomiting - dry mouth - very weak - confused - unconscious

7. To slow formation of scar tissue

8. Given right befor meals to control blood sugar

9. Down and back

10. Meds used to treat constipation

11. Hang bag above stomach - clamp tubing - fill bag with formula - prime tubing - reclamp tube - attach to tube and open clamp - adjust flow - flush tube with water - disconnect

12. 3 tsp

13. 1 tsp

14. Sudden

15. An antagonist for estrogen that is used in the treatment of breast cancer

16. Salicylates - NSAIDs

17. Reverses effects of other narcotics

18. 12 in.

19. 6 oz.

20. Inflammation and pain

21. Only used for 1-2 ml of med b/c is smaller muscle

22. Atbs that are effective against many organisms

23. Patient - time - dose - route - medication - documentation

24. Put air into cloudy first - then clear

25. 2 pt

26. Dermatologic

27. O2 sat is less than 93

28. Atb

29. Slows down mental/physical processes

30. Quick sugar source(glucose tabs - 4oz. juice - 6 oz. soda) wait 5-10 mins - recheck sugar - rrepreat if persists

31. Piece obstructing blood flow may have decreased bp - pain along vein - loss of conscoiusness

32. Right

33. Generalized infection throughout body

34. Sedative/hypnotic - a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles

35. Left

36. Always given with short acting insulin such as reg/ humulog

37. A corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation

38. 1 tab with 5 min not exceeding 3 doses

39. Check order - clean gloves - loosen dressing - observe wound - measure - rmv gloves - prep sterile field - moisten sterile dressing and clean - dry wound - apply ointments - cover

40. Quickly absorbed - 90 degree angle - 19-23 G needle - 1-2' length - average adult:11/2 - 22G - mandatory to aspirate - purpose is to deposit meds into deep muscle for quick absorption

41. Shake med - have pt breathe out - when starts to inhale press down - have the pt hold breath for 10 seconds - wait 1 min befroe next dose

42. Check balloon for patency - non dom hand open labia - dom hand cleans - insert cath 2-3' until urine returns - inflate balloon - pull back - push 1 more ' - document

43. Onset:1-4hr. - cloudy - peak:6-10hrs. - duration:10-16 - up to 24 hrs. - cannot mix!!

44. Common for debriding

45. Retards bacteria growth

46. 16 oz

47. Wait 5-10 mins inbetween meds

48. No more than 750-1000ml's can be taken out at a time or will cause shock

49. Helps destroy intestinal parasites

50. Monitor apical pulse for 1 full minute