Test your basic knowledge |

NCLEX Medications

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What are 2 examples erectile/impotence agents?

2. What is impt to know about elavil? (teach - SE - Diet)

3. What is a normal adult dose of meperidine?


5. How many ounces in 1 cup?

6. What is impt to know about reglan? (action - when to take)

7. What is impt to know about Valium? (norm dose - check)

8. What is important to know about Baclofen? (use - SE)

9. hat is important to know about a clonidine patch?

10. What are the indications for patches: fentanyl - lidocaine - nicotine - and nitroglycerin?

11. What food considerations should be made for a patient on Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) (ex: Marplan - nardil - parnate - & St. John's Wort)?

12. What is the benefit of a smaller needle for injections?

13. If regular insulin is given in the AM when might you see S&S of hypoglycemia?

14. What is an example of a nonopioid analgesic?

15. What do beta blocker names end in?

16. What is important to know about clozapine? (check - watch for)

17. What are 4 examples of anticonvulsants?

18. What is impt to know about imdur (isosorbide)? (use - watch for).

19. What is an example of an isotretinoin?

20. What is important to know about Paxil? (Use - teach)

21. What are appropriate sites for subQ injections?

22. What is ginseng and its uses/concerns?

23. What teaching should be done regarding Chantix?

24. What is important to know about BIAXIN? (USE)

25. What are 2 examples of H2 Histamine Antagonist Receptors?

26. What is an example of an emetic?

27. What is important to know about Azulfidine? (Use)

28. What is impt to know about Actonel and Boniva? (Use - teaching - SE)

29. What are the side effects of beta blockers?

30. What is important to know about a lidocaine patch?

31. What is important to know about Mannitol? (use - if effective..)

32. What is important to know about Methergine? (use - check - expect)

33. What is impt to know about cardizem/calan? (use - action - SE)

34. What 8 medications should be taken with food?

35. In What type of patient should high potassium foods be avoided?

36. If NPH is given in the AM when might you see S&S of hypoglycemia?

37. What must you watch for when on corticosteroids?

38. What Is IMPORTANT TO Know ABOUT LITHIUM? (norm level - toxicity - contraindications - expected outcome)

39. What is an example of an adrenergic blocker?

40. If someone wants to know how to measure out 1oz of medication at home What can they use?

41. How many pints in 1 quart?

42. What is important to know about lidocaine? (use)

43. What is a toxic level of theophylline?

44. What is important to know about Niacin? (how to take)

45. What is an example of a pituitary hormone?

46. What is important to know about Evista? (use - SE)

47. What is an example of insulin?

48. What letter on the end of a test indicate Iodine?

49. What is important to know about Chantix and Zyban? (use - teach - SE)

50. What 7 meds should alcohol be avoided while taking?