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1. Antifungal/imidazoles. Treats candidasis as seen in AIDS.

2. Lipid - lowering agent. Used w/high triglyceride levels; monitor AST levels (8-20).

3. Antihypertensive

4. Contraindicated in people w/bleeding disorders.

5. Cause Respiratory depression and are contraindicated in head injuries; masks s/s of ICP.

6. Can cause photosensitivity - use sun screen.

7. Antiarrhythmic. Adverse reactions are severe hypotension or bradycardia.

8. Supplement for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects

9. Medications that end in AM. Ex: Lorazepam

10. (tiotropium). Bronchodilator/anticholinergic.

11. Always drawn up first.

12. Potassium sparing diuretic

13. CNS depressant. Given to mother during labor; can cause slowed respirations and hyporeflexia in newborn.

14. Can cause postural hypotension; monitor VS before & after administration.

15. LR ; .09NS ; blood products

16. An herbal supplement used in the mgt of menopausal symptoms.

17. Antiparkinson drugs.

18. Anti - convulsant. Reduces amount of anesthesia needed.

19. (oxazepam). Anti - anxiety medication.

20. Affect the muscles around the bronchi (large airways). When the lungs are irritated - these bands of muscle can tighten - making the bronchi narrower. ______work by stopping the muscles from tightening.

21. (hydroxyzine). Anti - anxiety - antihistamine - seadative/hypnotic.

22. Iron. Constipation is a side effect. Gastric irritation - nausea - abdominal cramps - a/v/d and dark colored stools are also side effects.

23. Antiemetic - antihistamine - sedative/hypnotic; can cause NECROSIS to vein

24. Antiarrththmic - inotropic. HF - A- fib - atrial flutter - paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Increases force of Myocardial contraction. Increases CO and slows HR.

25. Anti - hypertensive patch. PO treats ADHD. Epidural form treats cancer pain.

26. Antianginal - antiarrhythmic - antihypertensive. Decreases effectiveness of Lipitor.

27. Fast acting antihypertensive used in autonomic dysreflexia.

28. (isoproterenol). Antiarrhythmics - bronchodilators/adrenergics. Asthma - COPD - Bradycardia.

29. Calcium channel blocker/antihypertensive; when used w/other antiphyertensives can cause hypotension and HF.

30. Antidibetic. Must be discontinued 48 hrs prior to contrast media being given

31. (norepinephrine). Vasopressor. Severe hypotension and shock.

32. Aka: estrogen. Initial SE: nausea. Long - term SE: visual disturbances & tinnitus

33. Taken w/something acidic at bedtime.

34. .45 ; .2 ; D5W

35. (cefazolin). Anti - infective. 1st gen. cephalosporin.

36. Anti - inflammatory steroid. Maintenance of asthma; rinse mouth after using.

37. Viagra - Levitra - Cialis.

38. Cephalosporin antibiotic. Can alter intestinal flora.

39. Needed in patients who are chronic alcoholics.

40. (pheneizine). Antidepressant/MAOI.

41. Contraindicated in closed angle glaucoma

42. Antihypertensive ace inhibitor. Treats BP - mgt of symptomatic HF.

43. Opioid analgesic. Monitor RR and depth of respirations.

44. An intermediate - acting insulin w/ a peak action of 6-12 hours

45. End in 'lol' - decrease BP. Negative SE: bronchospasms and bradycardia.

46. Supplement for pernicious anemia.

47. Hypotension is major side effect.

48. Used to treat tetany resulting from possible damage to parathyroid gland.

49. Can cause fetal hemorrhage; do not use during pregnancy.

50. Drug of choice for burn pain management.