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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Piece obstructing blood flow may have decreased bp - pain along vein - loss of conscoiusness

2. Shaky - slurred speech - weak - seizure - drowsy - sweating - inability to swallow

3. Given in small amounts bc is retained

4. Salicylates - NSAIDs

5. 45-90 degree angle - 25G needle - 1/2-1' length - below dermis/above muscle

6. Common for debriding

7. Too much food - ill - too little insulin - decreased activity - infection - stress

8. Dermatologic

9. Monitor K+

10. Atb

11. Topical agents designed to absorb through skin for systemic effects

12. 1 g

13. Onset:15-30mins. - clear - peak: 30-11/2 - duration: 3-4 hrs. - mix with intermed. - reg - short

14. 16 oz.

15. Constrict blood vessels

16. 10 degree angle - 25-27G needle - 5/8-1/2' needle - barely cover bevel under skin - do not do near a vein - do to the side - used for PPD&allergy testing

17. Place in semi - fowler's - open sterile suction cath - gloves as ordered - pick up sterile cath and connect to suction tubing - moisten cath with saline - insert through nostril with no suction - suction about 10 seconds - repeat

18. Wait 5-10 mins inbetween meds

19. Onset:1-4hr. - cloudy - peak:6-10hrs. - duration:10-16 - up to 24 hrs. - cannot mix!!

20. Sedative/hypnotic - a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles

21. Atbs that are effective agaist a few mo's

22. Read 48-72 hrs later - inject 0.1 ml - assess for induration(hard bump) - measure in mm - greater than 5 mm is queestionable - 5-10 need CXR - redness indicates localized reaction not a concern - problem is induration

23. Clean gloves - position cliient so drainage runs down - drape - discard gloves - open irrigation tray sterily - pour solution - sterile gloves - open packs - draw up solution - irrigate until runs clear - pat dry

24. Vitamin k

25. Only insulin that can be given IV

26. O2 sat is less than 93

27. Palpate areas for tenderness/consistency

28. No more than 750-1000ml's can be taken out at a time or will cause shock

29. Aspirin

30. Do not give anything by mouth - position on side - admin glucagon - call 911 - stay with pt.

31. 1 tsp

32. Up and back

33. Encourage to drink sugar free drinks - admin insulin

34. Able to kill bacteria

35. Commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasix) used to treat hypertension and edema

36. 1 kg

37. Quick sugar source(glucose tabs - 4oz. juice - 6 oz. soda) wait 5-10 mins - recheck sugar - rrepreat if persists

38. Always given with short acting insulin such as reg/ humulog

39. Check order - set up tube feed equip/suction - positon in fowlers - place towel - measure tube length - wipe face - ask about diff breathing through one nostril - apply lub. - flex head forward - insert gently until coughs - have swallow water - ch -

40. Onset:1-2hr. - clear - no peak - duration:24 hrs. - cannot be combined

41. Administer bronchodilators before other meds

42. Too much insulin - no food - too much/intense exercise

43. 1cc

44. Drowsiness - mood change - depression

45. Narcotic

46. A corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation

47. Inflammation and pain

48. 6 oz.

49. Straight back

50. Inflamm of the vessel: caused by irritaition of vessel by needle - cannula - meds. S/S are warnth - swelling - tenderness. IV must be dc'd - warm compress to decrease discomfort