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Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Working less hard in a group

2. Words and sounds - E.g. Really? - You're kidding! - Then what happened - Uh-huh

3. Possible agreements or part of agreemenrrs that you might reach with your negotiation party

4. Zone Of Possible Aggreements defined by range between parties' reservation prices

5. The tendency to treat chance events as though they have a built in evening out mechanism

6. Putting a number of events - or potential occurrences into a time sequence exp. 'First I'll bring up A - then lead to B - and after that ill cover C etc.

7. Dies-hard bargainers - Lack of trust - Sabotage from weak commitments - Differences in gender and culture - Difficulties in communication

8. Listening actively and empathetically to whatever the other party says

9. Often - a consumer is willing to pay more for the identical product or service sold at a swank specialty shop than at discount store. There is a tendency to assign a greater value to the quality of the transaction over the actual intrinsic worth of a

10. Making projections about future outcomes

11. Clients are treated like partners

12. External standards or precedents that might convince one or both parties that a proposed agreement is fair

13. Brainstorming - electronic brainstorming - surveys

14. The frequency with which some event or pattern occurs in the general population

15. The strategy of trading off in a negotiaion so as to capitalize on differet strengths of preference

16. Do not be disclosing - Learn interests - BATNA - etc. of other side - Establishing an anchor - Offering concessions grudgingly - Presenting deadlines to create urgency - Offering multiple proposals to provide option - Signal interest in closing the d

17. Members who are attracted to particular members

18. Out of the box thinking

19. The derivation of group preference from individual preference is indeterminate

20. See invalid correlations between events

21. Unable to acces knowledge when we need it

22. Involves trade iffs that require each group member to offer another member a concession on one issue while receiving a concession from yet another group member on a different issue

23. Average Negotiators more reliant on sequence planning - Skilled Negotiators more likely to use issue planning (more flexible plan)

24. Expand the amount of available resources

25. Clarify the meaning of communications and check perceptions with the speaker exp. paraphrase in own words

26. The process of drawing logical conclusions

27. Skilled negotiators tended to avoid saying gratuitous things about themselves - avoided self descriptions of 'fair' or 'reasonable' and comments such as generous offer

28. The strenght of positive relations within a team

29. Someone who realizes both that the pie can be expanded and who does not forget to claim resources

30. Making concessions on issues before they are even requested

31. The worst agreement you're willing to accept ('walk-away')

32. Your Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement

33. Agreements wherein negotiators make bets based on their differences in beliefs forecasts risk profiles and interests

34. When a problem solver bases a strategy on familiar methods

35. The most common cause of transactional entrapment - E.g. Dollar auction- auctioneer accepts bid for a one dollar bill. second highest bidder must also pay the bid. Biggest problem is the reluctance to cut losses once the commitment is made.

36. Also known as Reflective Listening - as we can reflect on what was said - how it was said - and the nonverbal cues

37. A situation in which conflict does not exist between people yet they erroneously perceive the presence of conflict

38. Group members independently write down ideas for resolvig negotiation then meet a share the ideas

39. Basic human motive concerning preservation of the self versus collective

40. The total of the gains earned by each party in the negotiation

41. Splitting the difference or compromising which is ofern mistaken for win-win negotiaitions

42. Members who are attracted to the group

43. Based on intuition and emotion

44. Irrational excalation - Partisian Perceptions - Unreasonable expectations - Overconfidence - Unchecked emotions

45. Being overly affected by form of a presentation of information in negotiation (pay attention to both content and context. even though framing is important - be more aware of the content!)

46. If we reach agreement - we commit to some option

47. Skilled negotiators - if they decided to attack - gave no warning and attacked severely

48. What can i do if i walk away without agreement? which is best

49. How much utility we derive depends on who is providing it

50. Negotiators thinking they are revealing more information that they actually are