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Nursing Fundamentals Theory

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Cultural - views on healthcare - Environmental - access to healthcare - Socioeconomic - financial resources - insurance - Physical - mobility

2. Provide information on What is happening - Provide private area to grieve - Allow family time alone with patient before & after death - if so desired - Assist with contacting mortician - May attend funeral services

3. Binds fat & cholesterol to decrease absorption into bloodstream from GI tract

4. Plantlike organisms - molds (Ex: Athlete's foot - Ringworm)

5. Specific signs & symptom

6. Provide specific instructions about kinds of healthcare that should be provide or forgone

7. Code of ethics; accountability

8. Retards growth of organisms & is bacteriostatic

9. Inspect

10. Bladder - nervous system damage

11. Uses reagent substances to detect the enzyme peroxidase in the hemoglobin molecule

12. collected during midstream - first small amount of urine voided helps to flush away any organisms near the meatus - urine voided at midstream is most characteristic of urine body is producing - patient voids & discards a small amount of urine; contin

13. Personal emotional involvement - Need to explore own beliefs about death - Burn - out from work in areas of frequent death - Critical Care - ER - Hospice - Long Term Care

14. Deep breathing (TCDB - Turn - Cough - Deep Breathing) - During surgery - cough reflex is suppresses - mucus accumulates - & lungs do not ventilate fully. After surgery - respirations are less effective due to anesthesia - pain meds - & pain - hyperv

15. Bowel sounds - auscultate every 4 hrs when patient is awake - reduced or absent; should return within 8-24 hrs after surgery - Distention - assess; esp. if bowel sounds are absent or high - pitched (could indicate paralytic ileus) - Is there an infe

16. Respect for inherent worth & uniqueness of the individual; patient privacy & confidentiality

17. Inability to get to toilet in time or inability to recognize need to urinate

18. Dishonesty to alleviate patient anxiety or concern

19. Need to void without ability to hold or delay

20. Lifestyle - Psychosocial - Environmental - Developmental - Biologic risks

21. Fluid intake - at least 2000 mL daily

22. Brings large intestine to surface Can be created anywhere along large intestine - Consistency of stool depends on how far stool travels through colon before diversion - May be able to train bowel to evacuate at same time each day - if solid stool

23. Brings small intestine to surface - usually the ileum - stool is always liquid - may drain liquid stool without any control OR - can create inverted nipple & pouch 'continent ostomy' so stool is retained until catheter is inserted to drain OR - diver

24. Role modeling - discussion - panel discussion - audiovisual materials - role playing - printed materials

25. Degree of resistance the potential host has to the pathogen

26. Salmonella bacillus from raw eggs or chicken - Bacterial enteropathogens - viruses - or parasites - cause Traveler's diarrhea - Undercooked meat

27. Health - state of complete physical - mental - & social well being - not merely the absence of disease - Wellness - active state - oriented toward maximizing the potential of the individual

28. Obtaining complete proteins - soy products

29. Sense of hopefulness - participation in decisions - expression of feelings & emotions - Not die alone - religious or spiritual needs - honesty

30. Timed specimen collections (24- hour specimen): obtain correct container & preservative or ice if needed - Instruct patient/family about collection - Begin with empty bladder - end with empty bladder - Have patient void before beginning - Have patien

31. Dysuria - urinary frequency or urgency - cloudy urine with foul odor

32. For bowel diversions that bring portion of small or large intestine to abdominal surface for stool elimination - Permanent or temporary diversion - If permanent - may do abdominal - perineal resection to close off rectum & anal area (esp. if cancer i

33. Most common nosocomial infection (esp. in elderly) - may cause systemic infections in elderly - more common in females - urethra is shorter; urinary meatus is closer to anus - E. coli - cause of most UTI's - Risk Factors - Sexually active female - ca

34. Process of emptying the bladder

35. Statement of ethical obligations & duties of every person who enters practice of nursing; Non - negotiable ethical standard; Expression of nursing's own understanding of commitment to society

36. So patient should be taught to splint the incision (support with pillow or folded bath blanket) & cough during period after pain medication has been administered

37. Point of escape of the organism from the reservoir (Ex: Respiratory - GI - Genitourinary - break in skin)

38. Taking care of the whole person - body - mind - spirit - heart - soul - Provide best quality of life by symptom management

39. Patient's voluntary agreement to undergo a procedure or treatment after receiving the following information in layman's terms: Description of procedures & potential alternatives - Underlying disease process & its course - Name & qualifications of per

40. Health history & physical assessment within 24 hrs of surgery to identify risk factors & allergies - Identifying medications & treatments patient is currently receiving - surgery cancels all prior medication orders (Ex: no cumadin - Plavix - aspirin

41. Most significant & most commonly observed infection - causing agents in healthcare institutions

42. - Allow to verbalize feelings - fears - Do not leave alone - Include family

43. Wash gently with gauze or clean cloth & water - Pat dry

44. Leakage when coughing - sneezing - or increased intra - abdominal pressure

45. Hand Hygiene - Wash - before & after touching patient; before & after wearing gloves - Alchohol - based handrubs - if hands are not visibly soiled - Soap & water - if hands are visibly soiled or contaminated with blood or body fluids; wash for 15 sec

46. To restore function to traumatized or malfunctioning tissue (Ex: plastic surgery - breast reconstruction - skin graft)

47. Should be moist & red or pink if circulation is adequate - Pale or bluish indicates problem - bleeds easily (mucosa) but amount is minimal - Very edematous at first - but will shrink down to normal size as healing occurs (6-8 weeks) - Protrude above

48. Improves venus return - respiratory function - & peristalsis - relieves skin pressure. Patient should practice before surgery

49. Do - not - resuscitate - an order specifying that there be no attempt to resuscitate a patient in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest - Nurse is obligated to attempt CPR if there is no DNR order - Nurse should clarify the patient's code status: if th

50. Teach patient & family that pain meds will be ordered by physician & administered by nurse - Patient should ask for pain meds before pain becomes severe - A different med can be ordered if the med does not control pain or has unpleasant side effects