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Objective C Programming Basics

Subjects : it-skills, apple
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. C-style strings always end with a ____ character

2. Any class that's one step below another class in the inheritance hierarchy.

3. An advanced object-oriented development platform in Mac OS X; a set of frameworks whose primary programming interfaces are in Objective-C.

4. Same as class object. (second way to say it.)

5. C-style strings are stored in an array of _____

6. This symbol denotes a method as being a class method

7. Initializer method traditionally begin with the _____ prefix

8. A method that can operate on class objects rather than instances of the class.

9. _____ operators take 2 operands

10. Objective-C binds methods and arguments at _____ instead of compile time

11. Each class should have a ______ initializer a single method responsible for performing all of the object's setup and initialization.

12. A set of method definitions that is segregated from the rest of the class definition.

13. Instance variables are optional in iOS if ________ are used

14. In object-oriented programming the hierarchy of classes that's defined by the arrangement of superclasses and subclasses. Every class (except root classes such as NSObject) has a superclass and any class may have an unlimited number of subclasses.

15. To destroy an object set the variable that points to it to _____

16. Data types are divided into two main categories: integer and ______

17. In the Objective-C language an object that belongs to (is a member of) a particular class; created at runtime according to the specification in the class definition.

18. Any variable that's part of the internal data structure of an instance; declared in a class definition and become part of all objects that are members of or inherit from the class.

19. Rather than using arrays in Objective-C we often are able to use it's collection classes of NSArray - NSSet and NSDictionary with _____ for strings

20. In object-oriented programming the ability of a superclass to pass its characteristics (methods and instance variables) on to its subclasses.

21. Property attribute that synthesizes only a getter for the property

22. Data (like nouns) represent the information we are processing and in Objective-C this made up of the four elements of C types - _____ - enums and objects

23. Giving the compiler information about what kind of object an instance is - by typing it as a pointer to a class.

24. ____ provide a concise & elegant method for defining a discrete set of values

25. A protocol declared as a category usually as a category of the NSObject class.

26. Created by the compiler - lacks instance variables and can't be statically typed but otherwise behave like all other objects. As the receiver in a message expression - a it is represented by the class name.

27. 7 Common Integer data types: BOOL - char- short - int - long - _____ - NSInteger

28. Objective-C is a _____ of the C language

29. In object-oriented programming the object that is sent a message.

30. The root class in Objective-C

31. Discovering the class of an object at runtime rather than at compile time.

32. Protocols are adopted by adding a ____________ list of protocols inside angled brackets after the superclass declaration in a class's @interface block

33. The direct or indirect report of external activity especially user activity on the keyboard and mouse.

34. In a home building analogy a ____ is the blueprint and the object is the house

35. Objective-C objects should use strong or weak ______

36. a+b; is an example of using a _____ operator

37. The Objective-C runtime table that contains entries that associate method selectors with the class-specific addresses of the methods they identify.

38. Any method that can be used by an instance of a class rather than by the class object.

39. A class is said to do this when it declares that it implements all the methods in the protocol.

40. The general type for any kind of object regardless of class; defined as a pointer to an object data structure; can be used for both class objects and instances of a class.

41. ______ data types are always zero or greate

42. In object-oriented programming the ability of different objects to respond each in its own way - to the same message.

43. Property attribute that synthesizes accessors that are not thread safe

44. A protocol that's declared with the @protocol directive. Classes can adopt these - objects can respond at runtime when asked if they conform to them and instances can be typed by those that they conform to.

45. The time when source code is compiled; constrained by the amount and kind of information encoded in source files.

46. A tool that lets you graphically specify your application's user interface. It sets up the corresponding objects for you and makes it easy for you to establish connections between these objects and your own code where needed.

47. A language such as C that organizes a program as a set of procedures that have definite beginnings and ends.

48. This symbol denotes a method as being an instance method

49. Short for mutual exclusion semaphore. An object used to synchronize thread execution.

50. Procedures (like verbs) are processes that manipulate or transform data and in Objective-C these 3 elements are _____ - functions and methods