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Objective C Programming Basics

Subjects : it-skills, apple
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Two additional foundational building blocks of Objective-C distinct from data and procedure type foundations: ________ and Categories/Extensions

2. Three main categories of more complicated data structures:_______ - arrays and structs

3. In the Objective-C language an object that belongs to (is a member of) a particular class; created at runtime according to the specification in the class definition.

4. _____ allow indirect access and modification of a variable's value.

5. The Objective-C runtime table that contains entries that associate method selectors with the class-specific addresses of the methods they identify.

6. A tool that lets you graphically specify your application's user interface. It sets up the corresponding objects for you and makes it easy for you to establish connections between these objects and your own code where needed.

7. A Cocoa framework that implements an application's user interface; provides a basic program structure for applications that draw on the screen and respond to events.

8. In a format string the place holder for an object is ______

9. Objective-C is a _____ of the C language

10. A set of method definitions that is segregated from the rest of the class definition.

11. A ____ ____ is a situation where you free memory and then accidentally continue to use it

12. A _______ method is one that is likely to be unsupported in the future. It's use should be discontinued.

13. A class is said to do this when it declares that it implements all the methods in the protocol.

14. Placing a ____ before a normal variable name gives it's address

15. Symbol used to denote a placeholder in a format string

16. A programming unit that groups together a data structure (instance variables) and the operations (methods) that can use or affect that data; the principal building blocks of object-oriented programs.

17. A technique used in C-based languages where the operating system provides memory to a running application as it needs it instead of when it launches.

18. Rather than using arrays in Objective-C we often are able to use it's collection classes of NSArray - NSSet and NSDictionary with _____ for strings

19. Objective-C methods are called using ____ _____

20. Each class should have a ______ initializer a single method responsible for performing all of the object's setup and initialization.

21. There are ____ fundamental building blocks in Objective-C

22. _____ operators take 2 operands

23. A remote message that returns immediately without waiting for the application that receives the message to respond. The sending application and the receiving application act independently and are therefore not in sync.

24. Square bracket syntax for calling a method

25. The root class in Objective-C

26. Property attribute where the setter stores the assigned value but does not perform any memory management.

27. Data (like nouns) represent the information we are processing and in Objective-C this made up of the four elements of C types - _____ - enums and objects

28. Property attribute that synthesizes only a getter for the property

29. Zeroing weak referencing should be used for _____ and data sources to prevent inadvertent retain cycles

30. In the Objective-C language the declaration of a group of methods not associated with any particular class.

31. Giving the compiler information about what kind of object an instance is - by typing it as a pointer to a class.

32. A method that can operate on class objects rather than instances of the class.

33. An object id with a value of 0.

34. 7 Common Integer data types: BOOL - char- short - int - long - _____ - NSInteger

35. A class is said to do this to a protocol if it (or a superclass) implements the methods declared in the protocol. An instance does this to a protocol if its class does. Thus an instance that does this to a protocol can perform any of the instance met

36. Property attribute that causes the setter to store a copy of the assigned value

37. Protocols are adopted by adding a ____________ list of protocols inside angled brackets after the superclass declaration in a class's @interface block

38. Any class that's one step below another class in the inheritance hierarchy.

39. C-style strings are stored in an array of _____

40. _____ data types can be both positive and negative

41. The general type for any kind of object regardless of class; defined as a pointer to an object data structure; can be used for both class objects and instances of a class.

42. Short for mutual exclusion semaphore. An object used to synchronize thread execution.

43. When creating a class header file you begin with the _____ keyword and close with the @end keyword

44. A variable that points to the memory address of another value

45. The time when files compiled from different source modules are linked into a single program. Decisions made by the linker are constrained by the compiled code and ultimately by the information contained in source code.

46. An advanced object-oriented development platform in Mac OS X; a set of frameworks whose primary programming interfaces are in Objective-C.

47. An object in another application - one that's a potential receiver for a remote message.

48. In object-oriented programming the ability of different objects to respond each in its own way - to the same message.

49. Property attribute that synthesizes accessors that are not thread safe

50. A message sent from one application to an object in another application.