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Oracle Database 11 G Administration

Subject : it-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The 6 Background Processes: Database Writer (DBWWR) - Log Writer (LGWR) - Archiver (ARCH) - ___________ - Process Monitor (PMON) - System Monitor (SMON)

2. The simplest way to create a database is to use the __________.

3. This file contains info about the rest of the DB - like names and locations of data files - redo log files and is used by Oracle while starting the DB.

4. When a set of shared Application Tier Processes handle all requests - each of which maintain a persistent connection to the Database - this is called ______________

5. What describes the various computer processes resident in computer memory and memory areas shared by these processes?

6. Typical convention for naming data files

7. 3 ______________: Check - Uniqueness - Referential

8. The SYSTEM tablespace - which stores only tables containing information about the rest of the database - is called the ___________

9. A unique part of a record is called__________

10. The files on the storage disks connected to the database host is the __________

11. This process watches the progress of the database connections.

12. The location of backup copies of the data files is traditionally referred to as ________

13. The SYSAUX tablespace is used to store ____________ - such as Statspack or Management Information.

14. In a UNIX or Linux environment - you will also need to use the root account to perform a few tasks such as modifying the __________.

15. Beginning Oracle 10g - it provides the most essential software in a bundle called an _______.

16. The _____ property ensures that once all the steps in a transaction have been competed successfully - the results are considered permanent.

17. Which Oracle Architecture has two or more ODB Instances sharing access to the same set of disks and coordinating with each other over a fast network?

18. Before you can create the first DB on a system - you must first configure a _____.

19. What is typically the largest portion of the SGA?

20. In a UNIX or Linux environment - you will have to mount the _____ _____ and enable an X Windows environment for the use of _____.

21. This wakes up periodically and copies any accumulated Undo and Redo entries to the Redo Log File.

22. 3 ___________: Redundancy - Nullable Data Items - Duplicate Data Records

23. Transactions are Atomic or invisible from a logical perspective until the end of the transaction is indicated by an explicit instruction such as _______

24. The process responsible for transferring all modified data blocks in the Data Caches to the Data Files.

25. In which Oracle Architecture is each connection handled by a dedicated Oracle process?

26. The process responsible for transferring all Undo and Redo entries in the Log Buffer to the Redo Log Files.

27. The _____ property of a transaction ensures that the transaction does not compromise the integrity of the database.

28. The 4 Steps involved in installing the Instant Client: Download from OTN (Oracle Technology Network). - Unzip into directory of choice. - Create __________ - Add location of software to PATH and TNS_ADMIN.

29. Programs that can be stored in an Oracle Database are written in

30. A _____ _____ can be created to store blocks within the Buffer Cache that are rarely reused.

31. The space within data files is organized into

32. SGA - System Global Area is divided into distinct areas such as the buffer cache - the ________ and the log buffer.

33. The location of the database software

34. This is a queue of Undo and Redo entries.

35. Type of a SQL statement used to modify data

36. Which Oracle Architecture combines RAC and Standby technology?

37. The Many-To-One configuration of Instances per Database is called...* whereby the db lives on shared disks and instances on multiple computers attached to the DB

38. Type of SQL statements used to create and modify objects

39. What tool is used to automated the process of Redo information being shipped from the Main DB and applied to the Standby DB?

40. The various Oracle processes coordinate their access to the areas of the SGA by using IPC - Interprocess Communication mechanisms called _______

41. In which Oracle Architecture does the client communicate with an ODB Dispatcher Process which has a Request Queue and a Response Queue?

42. Oracle Provided Command-Line Tool - * used to automate tasks

43. The very large __________ shared by all Oracle processes is the SGA - System Global Area

44. In Connection Pooling the information generated by the autonomous tasks not preserved in RAM - but saved in _______ or in the DB itself

45. Commonly used block size of data blocks

46. The process responsible for making copies of the Redo Log Files when they fill up.

47. In UNIX - to use the dbca and netca executables in /bin/ - you have to point the _____ variable to any available X-server such as Xvnc.

48. In which Oracle Architecture can additional Instances be added to the cluster to scale out instead of scaling up?

49. A special _____ _____ can be created within the Buffer Cache to store data blocks from frequently used data tables - such as lookup tables.

50. In the Shared Server the State Information is kept in the SGA for _______________