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Oracle PL - SQL

Subjects : oracle, it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. An autonomous program runs in its own __________.

2. An INSTEAD OF trigger specifies what to do instead of a ___ statement.

3. Dbms_sql: DBMS_SQL package is compiled with _______ rights.

4. Web: Abbreviation of PL/SQL Server Page.

5. Cursors: A cursor that lives in session memory until the session ends.

6. For a collection - the NEXT method returns ____ when there is no next index value.

7. Java - C or other program called directly in PL/SQL.

8. Assignment of PLSQL_CCFLAGS (cannot / can) be included in ALTER PROCEDURE ... COMPILE ...

9. A numeric FOR loop cannot _________ by other than 1?

10. Cursors: The first two keywords in a Cursor FOR loop.

11. VARRAYs are (always / never) sparse.

12. How to reference a variable V declared in a block labelled L: ____.

13. With conditional compilation you can avoid compiling debug code in the _______ environment.

14. To run DDL statements - a trigger must be autonomous and must use ______ ______ SQL.

15. The PL/SQL preprocessor passes ______ code to the compiler.

16. Types: One of the 4 PL/SQL things that have a data type (begins with 'p').

17. I/O: One of the 3 types of data stored in the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer.

18. The lowest index of a nested table is ___.

19. Cursors: A cursor FOR loop can use an explicit or an _______ cursor.

20. I/O: The buffered output of dbms_output.put_line is retrieved by _______.

21. Cursors: Which cursor attribute is not meaningful for an implicit cursor?

22. Wrap iname=xxxx _____=zzzzz

23. Cursors: The value of SQL%ISOPEN is always ______.

24. I/O: Max number of bytes to pass in a call to DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.

25. Triggers: Unlike a stored procedure - you can enable and _____ a trigger.

26. A FOR loop can be indexed by numbers or by a ______.

27. Give the first line of the FOR loop with index i going from 1 to 10 in reverse.

28. A value that is neither represented by an identifier nor calculated from other values.

29. In interpreted mode - PL/SQL code is run in a _______ _______.

30. Exceptions: Declare an exception called E.

31. IDs: The type of words that cannot be user-defined identifiers.

32. Advantage: Performance: PL/SQL automatically creates ______ variables for variables in WHERE and VALUES clauses.

33. Exceptions: When an exception is raised inside a cursor FOR loop - the cursor is _______ implicitly.

34. Kind of datatypes that support object-oriented programming in PL/SQL.

35. If you are in a procedure inside a package - the compilation unit is the _______.

36. Exceptions: Write the call (2 args) to associate message 'Bad' with error code -20 -100.

37. Exceptions: An exception in the declarations section does not go to the __________ section.

38. Give the ANSI Date literal for December 25 - 2005.

39. Fundamental: One of the 4 types of lexical units: d_____

40. Web: PL/SQL _______ enables a Web browser to invoke a PL/SQL stored subprogram through an HTTP listener.

41. What word is in a function header but not in a procedure header?

42. Give the clause you add to a CREATE TABLE statement - when there is a collection column myColl - that you want to be stored in a table called myCollTab.

43. Types: The predefined subtype of PLS_INTEGER that has the NOT NULL constraint.

44. I/O: One of the 3 types of data stored in the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer.

45. Wrapping can be done with the ____ executable.

46. Static typing is also called _____ typing.

47. With a result-cached function - it uses a cached value when the function is called again with the...

48. Cursors: A cursor FOR loop cannot use a _______ variable.

49. The names of Java objects in Oracle can be up to __ characters in length.

50. When a session starts - CURRENT_SCHEMA has the value of the schema owned by ___________.