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Oracle Vocab

Subjects : oracle, it-skills
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The term used for major contsruction projects - the acqusition of land - and the investment in major Capital Assets in the County. The project assets are of significant value and have a useful life of five years or more. Imcude the purchase of land -

2. The difference between a fund's assets and its liabilites. A surplus or deficit of assets over liabilites and reserves within a specific fund or organizational unit. A comparison of projected ependitures and revenues with related appropriations. Port

3. A budget format prescribed by the State Controller. Shows activities grouped by functional organization units - such as departments. The term line-items refers to account and sub-account detail typically provided for revenue by source ( e.g property

4. Is made up of six unique segments: Fund - Org - Account - Project - Funding Source and TBD

5. An encumbrance category that allows you track you anticipated expenditures according to your purchase approval process. Types:commitments ( requisition encumbrances) and obligation ( PO encumbrances).

6. One or more funds that account for the goods and services provided by one department to another within a government on a cost-reimbursement basis. ( General Services Facilities Management - Fleet Maintenance - and Document Services ISF) will budget a

7. Locally generated revenues derived from property taxes - sales taxes - vehicle license fees - court fines - and fund balances. Can be used for any purpose that is a legal expenditure of County Funds. The Board of Supervisors controls their usage.

8. Appropriations and estimated revenue or an annual spending plan that is adopted by the Board of Supervisors( or the Board acting as the Board of Directors) pursuant to the Goverment Code - which balances revenues and expenditures.

9. Is derived from taxes - licenses - fees - and investment earnings.

10. A standard procurement document issued for delivery of specified goods or services on specified dates at specified locations. A PO is normally a one-time transaction.

11. A payment of money or other assets from one governmental unit to another - from a governmental unit to a not-for-profit agency - or from a not-for-profit agency to a government. Often earmarked for a specific purpose or program.

12. Those elements of cost necessary in the production of an article or the performance of a service but no an integral part of the finished product or service - such as rent - heat - light - supplies - management - supervision - etc.

13. A method of accounting in which revenues are recorded only when cash is received and expenditures are recorded only when payment is made.

14. The amount of revenue expected to accrue or to be collected during a fiscal year.

15. An object of value owned by a corporation or business. Assets are entered in Oracle Projects as non-labor resources.

16. Items that are stocked in intentory. Inventory is controlled by quantity and value. Remains an asset until it is consumed. The cost of an intentory items is recognized as an expense when it is consumed or sold.

17. Locally generated revenues derived from property taxes - sales taxes - vehicle license fees - court fines and fund balances. Affected by local economic conditions.

18. A fund used to account for the financing of good or services provided by one department to other departments of the County - or to other governmental units - on a cost-reimbursement basis.

19. An Actual order(sub-order) of goods and services issued against a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for actual delivery with specified quantities - dates and the accounting information.

20. The major fund in most government unit - the General Fund accounts for all activities not accounted for in other funds. Most functions such as Public Safety or Health Services and Human Resources are accounted for in the General Fund.

21. Classificaiton used to account for a government's ongoing organizatons and activities that are similar to those often found in the private sector -

22. The spread of an assets cost over the time period it is used.

23. A special fund created to provide centralized budgeting for the accumulation and expenditures of funds for the capital needs of the County.

24. An account that contains money set aside for a legaly restricted specifi future use.

25. A classification of cost that is assigned to each expenditure items. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups ( expenditure categories) and revenue groups ( revenue categories).

26. A self-balancing set of accounts.

27. A non-asset inventory that has already been expensed to a final use account and is thus carried and tracked as a on hand balance only - with an accounting value of zero.

28. An initial building of the budget using a base year usually the second of the prior year's Operational Plan) for non salary related accounts and recalculated salary and benefits costs based on current positions loaded into BRASS from PeopleSoft.

29. One of two classes of projects to be used by the County. Capital projects capture costs ( including depreciation) and revenue associated with the construction or acquisition of infrastructure ( i.e. road improvements bridges - etc) - buildings - othe

30. The difference between budgeted amounts and all actual and anticipated expenditures.

31. Land - improvements to land - buildings - building improvements - vehicles - machinery - equipment - works of art and historical treasures - infrastructure - and all other tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initia

32. Assures suppliers that sufficient funds wil be available once the order is filled. Also are known as obligations and commitments - and only become expenditures when paid or when the actual liability is recorded.

33. The estimated cost amounts at completion of a project. Cost budget amounts can be summary or detail - and ca be burdened or unburdened.

34. An accounting device established to control receipts and disbursements set aside to support specific activities.

35. Does not include paid or unpaid leave - work performed on behalf of a busness entity which is required for that entity to fullfil its business purpose.

36. An appropriation used for goods and services ordered and received - whether paid or unpaid - including provisions for debt retirement and capital outlays. Encumbrances do not become expenditures until they are paid.

37. The types of invoices- Standard - Credit memo - Debit memo - Expense Report - Prepayment - Mixed.

38. An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered

39. A unit with budgetary control and/or management responsibilities for financial transactions. Represents the 'cost center'qualifier segment required in Oracle and is at the trasactional level of input( child).

40. A type of Purchase Order that is issued to specify agreed-to prices - delivery periods or other terms for goods or services that will be ordered ( released) for actual delivery later. A BPA is normally issued to cover a long-term agreement period suc

41. The budget amounts for a project at the first successful Baselining of the project.

42. A type of purchasing document used to reference POs to a specific contract. It may include terms and conditions - agreed amounts - and an effective and expiration date.

43. The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles( GAAP) promulgated by te Governmental Accountng Standards Board - which guide the recording and reporting of financial information by state and local governments.

44. The amount computed by dividing an aggregate balance by the number of calendar days in the related range.

45. The most recently baselined budget version of the budget.

46. It is business or individual that provides good and /or services in return for payment. Also known as a Vendor.

47. A budget Format prescribed by the State Controller. Refers to account and sub-account detail typically provided by revenue source - and objects of expenditures based on the types of goods or services(salaries & benefits - services & supplies - other

48. The compilation of proposed amendments to the CAO Proposed Operational Plan. Change Letters must be filed by the close of Public Hearing.

49. A document received from a supplier that lists amounts owed to the supplier for purchased good or services.

50. The transfer of costs of services performed by one budget unit for the benefit of another budget unit within the same fund.