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Organizational Behavior

Subject : business-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Best alternative to negotiated agreement - determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement

2. What a company considers to respect as worthy - excellent - useful

3. The ability to monitor our own and others' feelings and emotions - to discriminate between them and to use this information to guide our thinking and actions. (REVIEW)

4. New .com businesses and low interest rates. But when these turn over = disaster

5. Like military - many layers - narrows span of control- STABLE AND CERTAIN ENVIRONMENT

6. We tend to attribute our own successes to internal factors and but the blame for failure on external factors.

7. Employees are expected to exhibit precision - analysis - and attention to detail

8. A model of mutual understanding that encourages disclosure and feedback to increase our own open area and reduce the blind - hidden - and unknown areas.

9. 1) Antecdents (what happened before) 2) Behavior (what is said and done) 3) Consequences (what happens after behavior) (REVIEW)

10. Global Competitors - heightened competition

11. Substantial agreement followed by initiative and persistence in pursuit of common goals (change in behavior and attitudes) BEST/MOST EFFECTIVE

12. The time at which we see an object or event can influence attention - as can location - light - or any number of situational factors

13. Ability to control rewards others value and remove negative sanctions. (Formal)

14. Newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization and internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization.

15. The tendency to fixate on initial information and fail to adjust initial information and fail to adjust initial views based on subsequent data.

16. Very focused on Data - low tolerance for ambiguity - want to make decision quickly - authoritative

17. Associated with charisma - go along with me because of my charisma- respect the person. (Personal)

18. A person's general belief about the amount of control he or she has over personal life events.

19. Decreases group performance-breeds discontent - destruction of group - reduces group effectiveness.

20. 1) Open systems (good fit w/ext environment) 2) Organizational learning 3) High performance work practices (efficient & effective) 4) Stakeholders (satisfy their needs)

21. Explains rules and expectations and provides information required to complete work tasks effectively

22. Degree to which work does planning execution

23. Occur in early stages of team development and focus on preparation for future work

24. Withdraw from the conflict; let the conflict continue

25. As human beings we have limited capabilities - and wanted short cuts- People are influenced by emotions and other motivations - and are under external constraints when making decisions

26. The process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action to meet the demands of a situation.

27. Dictate a solution by virtue of your authority

28. A mode of thinking (blind conformity) that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group - when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.

29. A term that reflects the different types of activities - and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate goal.

30. What are the different departmentalization strategies? The basis by which jobs are grouped together.

31. How critical is the resource to B? How many others are affected if the resource is not available? How quickly will that affect happen?

32. This exists when an organization's core values are both intensely held and widely shared. The greater the number of members who accept the core values and the greater their commitment to these values - the stronger the culture is.

33. The degree to which an issue demands the application of ethical principles.

34. Occurs when employees are given more responsibility for scheduling - coordinating and planning their own work.

35. Occur during the later stages of team development as team members work on the task

36. Know each other - know how to do task - work well together

37. Base decisions on information that is easier to recall from memory. Judging situations based primarily on readily available data that stands out in our minds (e.g. emotional - vivid and recent events.)

38. Judging someone on the basis of the group to which he or she belongs

39. Increased group performance- Improves the quality of decisions - stimulates creativity and innovation - encourages interest and curiosity among group members - provides the medium through which problems can be aired and tensions relates and foster

40. Forming - Storming - Norming - Performing - and Adjourning

41. Don't remain static. Internet - baby boomers are beginning to retire - and consumers are increasingly doing their shopping at "big-box" retailers and online

42. Perceive that its there. When parties finally start to figure out what the conflict is - conflict usually defined in this stage. Emotions play a major role in shaping perceptions.

43. Create a shared goal that cannot be reached without cooperation on both sides. You are not telling them how to resolve but telling them of a common goal you have.

44. Person-oriented behaviors; degree of trust - friendship - respect - and warmth that the leader extended to subordinates; attending to things that matter to people-pay and working conditions.

45. Make it impossible for a leaders behavior to make any difference to followers outcomes. They negate the leaders influence.

46. Capacity that A has to influence B - so that B acts in accordance with A's wishes. Power does not require goal compatibility - merely dependence.

47. Seeks to eliminate the chain of command - have limitless spans of control - and replace departments with empowered teams.

48. Paying attention to each follower's needs and treating each follower with respect

49. A theory of leadership that suggests that in many situations - whatever action the leader exhibits are irrelevant. Certain individual - job - and organizational variables can act as substitutes for leadership or neutralization

50. How I feel about it - how to handle. Five different individual styles-Avoiding - Competing - Compromising - Accommodating - and Collaborating. People differ in the degree to which they generally rely on these strategies but the approach will als