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PCAT A And P Urinary System

Subject : pcat
  • Answer 27 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Major functioning structure of the kidneys; consists of the renal corpuscle and proximal and distal convoluted tubules and nephronic loop

2. Cortical tissue extensions that come down between each of the 18 pyramids

3. Layer of fat that attaches to the posterior wall of the abdomen and serves to cushion the kidney

4. Give medullary pyramids striations

5. Ball of capillaries containing endothelium - filtrate - the efferent arteriole and the efferent arteriole

6. Ball-shaped; in glomerulus where filtrate is formed from blood

7. Point of the pyramid that points inward

8. Cuplike sac that has two layers

9. Deepest layer of the kidney and functions to prevent from spreading to the kidney

10. Help to concentrate urine

11. Place where urine collects before it leaves the body

12. Found mostly in the cortex; 95% of all nephrons

13. Main processing center of the urinary system

14. Outermost layer of the kidney - composed of kidney tissue - and serves to anchor the kidney to surrounding body structures

15. Filtering device at the opening of the nephron; filters out large solutes and sends water and small solutes to the renal tubule

16. Part of the nephron through which the filtrate passes to the collecting ducts

17. Picks up solutes that have been filtered out in the glomerular bed and reabsorb them

18. Inner layer of the internal kidney; consists of 18 cone-shaped subsections called the renal pyramids

19. Ducts that carry urine from the renal pyramid of the medulla to the renal pelvis for excretion through the ureters

20. Filtration - reabsorption - secretion and excretion

21. Composed of cuplike epithelium that do not have microvilli and which helps to regulate the salts in the kidneys

22. Outer most layer of the internal portion of the kidney

23. Region where blood vessels and lymphatic vessels enter the kidney

24. Microvilli-covered tubule that leaves Bowman's capsule and goes to the loop of Henle

25. Large structure that is continuous with the ureter - composed of minor calyces that drain into major calyces

26. Made up of the descending LOH and the ascending LOH

27. Found closer to the junction between the cortex and the medulla of the kidneys