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PCAT Biology Digestion

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. An acidic - semifluid mixture of partially digested food produced from the churning of the stomach

2. When nutrients are required for plants - the storage polymers are broken down to simpler molecules by enzyme hydrolysis

3. Synthesized and stored in the S cells of the upper intestine -stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate-containing substances from the pancreas and inhibits gastric emptying and gastric acid production

4. Food is moved down the esophagus by this rhythmic waves of involuntary muscular contraction

5. Refers to the enzymatic breakdown of macromolecules into smaller molecules and begins in the mouth when the salivary glands secrete saliva

6. Place to store food

7. Line the gastrovascular cavity secrete enzymes into the cavity

8. Refers to a digestive process that occurs outside of the cell - within a lumen or tract

9. Secretes two substances: intrinsic factor and hydrchloric acid

10. Produces bile in the gall bladder before release into the small intestine

11. Secreted from intestinal mucos for digestion of lactose

12. Secretion of the parietal cells that facilitates the absorption of vitamin b12 across the intestinal lining

13. Secreted from intestinal mucosa for digestion of maltose - lactose - sucrose

14. Provides for transient storage of feces before elimination through the anus

15. Secreted by the stomach that is a protein-hydrloyzing enzyme - and hydrochloric acd - which kills bacteria - dissolves the intercellular 'glue' holding food tissues together - and activates certain proteins

16. The breakdown of large food particles into smaller particles through mastication

17. (Insects) have a digestive system similar to that of the earthworm

18. Secreted from the intestinal mucosa for polypeptide digestion

19. Enzymes are secreted to digest the fly and absorb the soluble end products

20. Have one way digestive tract with both a mouth and an anus

21. Produces enzymes such as amylase - trypsin - lipase

22. Lacking lactase enzyme

23. Patients usually have a decreased lower esophageal reflux pressure - leading to an increased passage of stomach contents into the esophagus

24. Vessels of the lymphatic system

25. Where mechanical and chemical digestion of food begins

26. Bring food to the mouth (ingestion) and release the particles intoa cup-like sac

27. Finger like projections that extend out of the intestinal wall -contain capillaries and lacteals

28. Pseudopods surround and engulf food and enclose it in food vacuoles

29. Secreted by the glands of the stomach which protects the stomach lining from the harshly acidic juices present in the stomach

30. Unable to synthesize their own nutrients

31. Produced by the pancreas for protein digestion

32. Enzyme in saliva which hydrolyzes starch to maltose

33. Enzymes are secreted - hydrolyzing complex nutrients into simpler molecules - which are then absorbed

34. Emulsifies fats - breaking down large globules into small droplets (contains no enzymes)

35. Lubricates food to facilitate swallowing and provides a solvent for food particles =secreted in response toa nervous reflex triggered by the presence of food in the oral cavity

36. Can occur after spontaneous transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations not associated with swallowing

37. A typical saprophyte that lives on dead organic material - that secrete enzymes into the external environment (on bread)

38. Restin pressures of the lower esophageal sphincter normally range from 15-35mmHg above gastric baseline pressure

39. To grind the food

40. Uses intracellular and extracellular digestion

41. A large - muscular organ located in the upper abdomen - stores and partially digests food

42. Large particles of food into small particles begins by cutting and grinding in the mouth and churning in the digestive tract

43. Secreted from the intestinal mucosa for fat digestion

44. Produced and stored in the I cells of the duodenal and jejunal mucosa

45. Stimulates the parietal cells to produce a substance (HCl) that denatures proteins and activates digestive enzymes

46. Improve food digestion

47. Converted to pepsin and synthesized by chief cells

48. Occurs within the cell - usually in membrane-bound vesicles

49. Fuse with the food vacuole and release their digestive enzymes that act upon the nutrients

50. Contains a typholosole to provide increased surface area for digestiona nd absorption