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PCAT Biology Ecology

Subjects : pcat, biology
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Treeless - frozen plain found between the taiga lands and the northern ice sheets - very short summer and thus a very short growing season during which time the ground becomes wet and marshy

2. One species may be competitively superior in some regions - and the other may be superior in other regions under different environmental conditions. this would result in the elimination of one species in some places and the other in other places

3. The stable - living part of the ecosystem in whicih populations exist in balance with each other and with the environment

4. Rhododendrons and pines are more suited for growth in acid oil

5. Freshwater Biomes vs. Saltwater 3: Freshwater biomes - except very large lakes - are affected by variations in _________. temperature of freshwater bodies varies considerably; they may freeze or dry up - and mud from their floors may be stirred up by

6. Region exposed to low tides that undergoes variations in temperature and periods of dryness

7. Body temperature is very close to that of their surroundings -as temperature rises - these organisms become more active

8. Include those protists and fungi that decompose dead organic matter externally and absorb the nutrients - they consistitute a vital link in the cycling of material within the ecosystem

9. (living) includes all living things that directly or indirectly influence the life of the organism including the relationships that exist between organisms

10. Because organisms at the upper levels of the food chain derive their food energy from organisms at lower levels - and because energy is lost from one level to the next - each level can support a successively smaller biomass

11. Material is cycled and recycled betweenn organisms and their environments - passing from inorganic forms to organic forms and then back to the inorganic forms

12. Rivers - lakes - ponds - and marshes

13. Made into nitrites by chemosynthetic bacteria and then to usable nitrates by nitrifying bacteria

14. One species may be competitively superior to the other and drive the second to extinction

15. Characterized by low rainfall - although considerably more than the desert biomes receive -provide no shelter for herbivorous mammals from carnivorous predators -ex: East of the Rockies - steppes of the Ukraine - and the pampas of Argentina

16. Developed long legs and many are hoofed

17. Determines the nature of plant and animal life in the soil

18. Adaptations for maintaining their internal osmolarity and conserving water

19. Nekton and benthos - scavengers - and predators (fiercely competitive)

20. When one organism is benefited by the association and the other is not affected

21. Composed of populations that are able to exist under the new conditions

22. Animals that consume only plants or plant foods

23. Frozen area with no vegetation and terrestrial animals -animals that do inhabit polar regions generally live near the polar oceans

24. Chief animal inhabitant is the moose; however - the black bear - wolf - and some birds

25. Gaseous CO2 enters the living world when plants use it to produce glucose via photosynthesis. The carbon atoms in CO2 are bonded to hydrogen and other carbon atoms. the plant uses the glucose to make starch - proteins - and fat

26. Animals that consume primary consumers (carnivores)

27. Jungles characterized by high temperatures and torrential rains -found in Central Africa - Central America - the Amazon basic - and Southeast Asia

28. Freshwater Biomes vs. Saltwater 1: Freshwater is _______________ which results in the passage of water into the cell. Freshwater organisms have homeostatic mechanisms to maintain water balance by the regular removal of the excess water. these include

29. Integrated system of species that are dependent upon one another for survival

30. Each member of a food chain uses some of the energy it obtains from its food for its own metabolism and loses some additional energy in the form of heat

31. Energy is transferred from the original sources in green plants through a series o organisms with repeated stages of consumption and finally decomposition

32. One or both organisms can't survive without the other

33. Includes all portions of the planet that support life -the atmosphere - the lithosphere - and the hydrosphere

34. Links between oceans and land

35. The metabolically produced CO2 is released to the air. The rest of the orgnaic carbon remains locked whthin an organism until its death (except for wastes given off) - at which time decay processes by bacteria return the CO2 to the air

36. Algae - sponges - clams - snails - sea urchins - starfish - and crabs

37. Animals that eat both plants and animals

38. Monkeys - lizards - snakes - and birds - floor is inhabited by saprophytes

39. Distinct community in a geographic region

40. Rock and soil surface

41. Determine by the amount of decaying plant and animal life in the soil

42. Freshwater Biomes vs. Saltwater 2: In rivers and streams - strong swift currents exist - and thus fish that have developed strong muscles and plants with _____________ have survived

43. More than 70% of earth -plants have little controlling influence in communities -most stable ecosystems; the conditions affecting temperature - amount of available oxygen and cabon dioxide - and amount of suspended or dissolve materials are very stab

44. Encompasses all that is external to the organism and is necessary for its existence

45. Regiong beneatht he photic zone that receives no light

46. Lichens and moss

47. Determined by the same decisive factors-temperatures and rainfall

48. Active swimmers such as fish - sharks - or whales that feed on plankton and smaller fish

49. Live in burrows had few birds and mammals are found except those which have developed adaptations for maintaining constant body temperatures

50. Receive less rainfall than the temperate forests - have long - cold winters - and are inhabited by single coniferous tree-the spruce -extreme northern parts of Canada and Russia