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PCAT Biology Evolution

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. Incude teeth - bones - etc. rock - tar pits - ice - and amber

2. The decimal fraction representing the presence of an allele for all members of a population that have this particular gene locus

3. Population is very large -no mutations affect the gene pool -mating between individuals in the population is random -there is no net migration of individuals into or out of the populations -genes in the population are all equally successful at reprod

4. Stanley L. Miller demonstrated the application of UV rays - heat or a combination of these to a mixture of methane - hydrogen - ammonia - and water could result in the formation of complex molecules -after circulation of the gases for one week - he a

5. Populations will become sufficiently different from each other to be able to reproduce

6. All members of a particular species inhabiting a given locations

7. Genotypes with favorable variations are selected thorugh natural selection - and the frequency of favorable genes increases with the genepool. genotypes with low adaptive values tend to disappear

8. Dissimilar species ahve been found to have evolved from a common ancestor

9. Appear to be useless but apparently had some ancestral functions

10. Pressures in the environment select for the organism most fit to survive and reproduce -concluded that a member of a particular species that is equipped with beneficial traits - allowing it to cope effectively with the immediate environment - will pr

11. Most organisms demonstrate the same basic needs and metabolic processes -require the same nutrients and contain similar cellular organelles and energy storage forms

12. Fossil resin of trees

13. A cluster of colloidal molecules surrounded by a shell of water -tend to absorb and incorporate substances from the surrounding environment

14. Missing link between reptiles (has teeth and scales) and birds (also has feathers)

15. When the gene frequencies of a population are not changing - the gene pool is stable - and population is not evolving

16. Migration of individuals between populations that will result in a loss or gain of genes - thus changing the composition of a population's gene pool

17. Species multiplication is generally accompanied by migration to lessen intraspecific competition

18. Primitive horse the size of a fox with four toes and short teeth with pointed cusps for feeding on soft leaves

19. Organisms in a species have variations that give them an advantage over other members of the species -organisms may have adaptations that are advantageous for survival

20. Common ancestor is found at the trunk and the modern species at the tips of the branches

21. The sum total of all the alleles for any given trait in the population

22. Real populations have unstable gene pools and migrating populations -agents of this change are natural selection - mutation - assortive mating -genetic drift - and gene flow

23. The evolution of new species - which are groups of individuals who can interbreed freely with each other but not with members of other speies

24. The emergence of a number of lineages from a single ancestral species -may diverge into a number of distinct species; the differences between them are those adaptive to a distinct lifestyle - or niche

25. Only changes in the DNA of the sex cells can be inherited -changes acquired during an individual's life are changes in the characteristics and organization of somatic cells

26. Stages of development of the embryo resemble the stages in an organism's evolutionary history

27. Mates are not randoomly chosen but rather selected according to criteria such as phenotype and proximity - the relative genotype ratios will be affected and will depart from the predictions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

28. Small local population -closely related genetically since mating between members of the same occurs more frequently =influenced by similar environmental factors and thus are subject to the same selection processes

29. Ancient animals similar to both reptiles and birds and dominant in the Mesozoic era

30. Developing population must compete for the necessities of life. many young must die - and the number of adults in the population generally remains constant from generation to generation

31. P^2+2pq+q^2=1 -p^2=frequency of TT (dominant homozygotes) -2pq=frequency of Tt (heterozygotes) -q^2=frequency of tt (recessive homozygotes)

32. Results from the geographic isolation of a population

33. First forms of life lacked the ability to synthesize their own nutrients; they required performed molecules which made them heterotrophs -energy was present in the form of heat - electricity - solar radiation - including x rays and ultraviolet light

34. The closer the organisms in the evolutionary scheme - the greater the similarity of their chemical constituents

35. Evolutionary history and can be viewed asa branching tree

36. Discredited theory held that new organs or changes in existing ones arose becaUse of the needs of the organism

37. More offspring are produced than can survive

38. When groups within the branches develop in similar ways when exposed to similar environments -ex: fish and dolphins

39. Colloidal protein molecules tend to clump together to form coacervate Droplets

40. Same basic anatomical features and evolutionary origins -demonstrate similar evolutionary patterns with late divergence of form due to differences in exposure to evolutioinary forces

41. Primitive crustacean (relative to the lobster) - which was dominant form of the early Paleozoic era

42. Offspring naturally show differences in their characteristics compared to their parents

43. Similar functions but may have different evolutionary origins and entirely different patterns of development

44. Form in hollow spaces of rocks - as the organisms within decay

45. Over many generations of natural selection - the favorable changes eventually results in such significant changes of the gene pool that we can say a new species has evolved

46. Change allele frequencies in a population - shifting gene equilibria -can either be favorable or detrimental for the offspring

47. Preserved in asphalt tar pits

48. Impressions left by an organism ex: footprints

49. The process in which minerals replace the cells of an organism

50. Change in the genetic makeup of a population with time -explained by the constant propagation of new variations in the genes of a species - some of which impart an adaptive advantage