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PCAT Biology Excretion

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. Carbon dioxide and water vapor diffuse from the blood and are continually exhaled

2. Hypertonic to the blood

3. Remains relatively constant at 7.4

4. Regulate the concentration of salt and water in the blood through the formation and excretion of urine

5. Counter-current system causes the medium in the medulla of the kidney to be hyperosmolar with respect to the dilute filtrate flowing in the collecting tubule

6. Consists the Bowman's capsule - which embraces the glomerulus

7. The fluid and small solutes entering the nephron -isotonic with blood plasm

8. Regulation of the permeability of the collecting tubule to water is accomplished by the hormone ADH (vasopressin)

9. Concentrated urine in the collecting tubules flows into the pelvis of the kidney - a funnel-like region that opens directly into this

10. Bulb of nephro -leads into a long - coiled tubule tht is divided into functionally distinct units

11. Leads to the production of carbon dioxide and water

12. Through the selective permeability of its walls and the maintenance of an osmolarity gradient - the nephron reabsorbs nutrienets - salts - and water from the filtrate and returns them to the body - thus maintaining the bloodstream's solute concentrat

13. Excrete water and dissolved salts

14. Lungs - liver - skin - and kidneys

15. Anatomic arrangement of permits the reabsorption of ((% of the filtrate in the collecting tubules -makes the production of concentrated urine possible

16. Essential substances and water are reabsorbed from the filtrate and returned to the blood -occurs primarily in the proximal convuluted tubule and is an active process

17. Clean the blood plasma of unwanted substances as it passes throught he kidney

18. Serves to regulate body temperature - since the evaporation of sweat produces cooling

19. Nitrogenous wastes of arthropods

20. The reabsorption of water in this zone of the kidney - which permits the concentration of urine - dpeends on the permeability of the collecting tubules to water

21. As the filtrate flowing in the collecting tubules passes through this region of the kidney - on its way to the pelvis and ureter - water flows out of the collecting tubules by osmosis

22. Carbon dioxide is released from the tissues into adjacent tracheae through spiracles

23. Function to maintain the osmolarity of the blood -excrete numerous waste products and toxic chemicals -conserve glucose - salt - and water

24. No specific excretory system in plants -any excess CO2 - O2 - and H2O vapor - leaves the lant by diffusion through stomata and lenticels

25. Created when exiting and reentering at different segments of the nephron - with tissue osmolarity increasing from cortex to inner medulla

26. In the liver - leads to the production of nitrogenous wastes such as urea and ammonia

27. Urine collects until it is expelled via the urethra

28. Accumulates mineral salts and uric acid in arthropods then transported to the intestine to be expelled with the solid wastes of digestion

29. An organelle specialized for water excretion by active transport

30. Nephron secretes substances such as acids - bases - and ions like potassium and phosphate from the interstitial fluid into the filtrate by both passive and active transport

31. Water-solube wstes - such as ammonia and carbon dioxide - can exit the cells by simple diffusion through the cell membrane

32. Affect the blood acidity by causing changes in the PCO2

33. Surrounds nephron to facilitate reabsorption of amino acids - glucose - salts - and water

34. A hormone that causes an increased exchange transport of sodium and potassium ions along the distal convoluted tubule - the collecting tubule - and the collecting duct - resulting in a decreased excretion of sodium ions in the urine and an increased

35. Pores in stems

36. Capillary bed embraced by Bowman's capsule

37. Produced by the deamination of amino acids in the liver and diffuses into the blood for ultimate excretion in the kidneys

38. Processes nitrogenous wastes - blood pigment wastes - and other chemicals for excretion

39. Openings of tracheae

40. The removal of metabolic wastes produced in the body

41. Two pairs of nephridia in each body segment excret water - mineral salts - and nitrogenous wastes in the form of urea

42. Pores in leaves

43. Affect the blood acidity by causing changes in the HCO3-

44. Increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water - allowing more water to be absorbed and more concentrated urine to be formed

45. Tubelike things which are continuous with the external air

46. Passive process where Blood pressure forces 20% of the blood plasma entering the glomerulus through the capillary walls and into the surrounding Bowman's capsule

47. Divded into three regions: outer cortex - inner medulla - renal pelvis

48. Proximal convoluted tubule - the loop of Henle - the distal convoluted tubule - and the collecting duct

49. The removal of indigestible material

50. Water is removed by capillaries flowing in the medulla