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PCAT Biology Genetics

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. Developed the basic principles of genetics through his experiments with the garden pea

2. Dominant allele is expressed in the phenotype

3. Formed between the amino acid attached to the tRNA in the A site and the fmet attached to the tRNA in the P site

4. Each strand of DNA that is a template in the synthesis of two new daughter helices

5. Synthesized discontinuously in the 5'->3' direction (since DNA polymerase synthesizes only in that direction) as a series Okazaki fragments

6. New codon may be a stop codon

7. The parents differ in two traits - as long as the genes are on separate chromosomes and assort independently during meiosis

8. The study of how traits are inherited from one generation to the next

9. Degeneracy/redundancy of the genetic code since there are 64 different codons and only 20 amino acids

10. Consists of structural genes

11. 1) Genes exist in alternative forms. A gene controls a specific trait in an organism. 2) An organism has two alleles for each inherited trait - one inherited from each parent 3) The two alleles segregate during meiosis - resulting in gametes that car

12. Occurs while multiple alleles exist for a given gene and more than one of them is dominant -expression of both dominant alleles are simultaneous -ex: ABO blood group

13. Composed of two subunits (consisting of proteins and rRNA) - one large and one small - that bind together only during protein synthesis -have 3 binding sites (for mRNA and two tRNA)

14. Occurs when fragments of the bacterial chromosome accidentally become packaged into viral progeny produced during a viral infection

15. Either the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis I or the failure of sister chromatids to separate properly during meiosis II -zygote might either have 3 copies of that chromosome (trisomy) or just a single copy (monos

16. Cytosine and thymine

17. Short segments from lagging strand

18. Diagnostic tool to determine the genotype of an organism -Only with a recessive phenotype can genotype be predicted with 100% accuracy -if dominant phenotype is expressed - the genotype can be either homozygous dominant or heterozygous -used to deter

19. Each new daughter helix contains an intact strand from the parent helix and a newly synthesized strand

20. Organisms that carry two different alleles

21. Fruit fly -produces often (short life cycle) -reproduces in large numbers (large sample size) -chromosomes (especially in the salivary gland) are large and easily recognizable in size and shape -its chromosomes are few (4 pairs - 2n=8) -Mutations occ

22. One mRNA strand codes for one polypeptide

23. System where the repressor binds to the operator - forming a barrier that prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural genes

24. Expressed allele -usually assigned capital letters

25. Genetic makeup of an individual

26. Cell burst

27. Pairs of homologues in sexually differentiated species

28. Carries the complement of a DNA sequence and transports it from the nucleus to the ribosomes -assembled from ribonucleotides that are complementary to the 'sense' strand of the DNA -monocistronic

29. Regulation of gene expression and enables prokaryotes to control their metabolism

30. If the bacterioophage does not lyse its host cell - it becomes integrated into the bacterial genome in a harmless form - lying dorant for one or more generations. the virus mays tay integrated indefinitely - replicating along with the bacterial gneom

31. Progeny generations

32. Organisms that contain two copies of the same allele

33. May be found on the plasmids and transferred into recipient cells along with these factors

34. Include incomplete dominance - and codominance

35. Chromosome fragment

36. Virus that infcts its host bacterium by attaching to it - boring a hole through the bacterial cell wall - and injecting its DNA while its protein coat remains attached to the cell wall and enters the host in either a lytic cycle or a lysogenic cycle

37. Plasmids that are capable of integration into the bacterial genome

38. Begins at a unique origin of and proceeds in both directions simultaneously

39. Progeny phenotypes are apparently blends of the parental phenotypes

40. True-breeding individuals (which - if self-crossed - produce progeny only with the parental phenotype) with different traits - mated them - and statistically analyzed the inheritance of the traits in the progeny

41. The process by which a foreign plasmid is incorporated into the bacterial chromosome via recombination - creating new inheritable genetic combinations

42. System where the repressor is inactive until it combines with the corepressor

43. An organism with a dominant phenotype of unknown genotype (Ax) is crossed with a phenotypically recessive organism

44. Nucleic acid is replaced by another nucleic acid

45. Phage DNA takes control of the bacterium's genetic machinery and manufactures numerous progeny - causing the cell to lyse - releasing new virions - each capable of infecting other bacteria -if initial infection takes place on a bacterial lawn - then

46. Complementary to one of the mRNA codons

47. Location of genes on DNA

48. Transfer of genetic material between two bacteria that re temporarily joined

49. Small circular rings of DNA which contain accessory genes

50. Structural component of ribsomes and is the most abundant of all RNA types -synthesized in the nucleolus