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PCAT Biology Vascular Systems In Animals And Plants

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. Thin walled cells on the outside of the vascular bundle that transport nutrients down the stem -are living and include sieve tube cells and companion cells

2. Specialized of the root epidermis with thin-walled projections increase the surface area for absorption of water and minerals from the soil

3. Cell fragments that lack nuclei and are involved in clot formation -involved in injury repair

4. Water entering the root hairs exerts a pressure that pushes water up the stem

5. Fluid left after blood clotting

6. Branch into microscopic capillaries

7. Heterotrophic cells that generally consume other cells or food particles -movement of gases and nutrients is a ccomplished by simple diffusion within the cell

8. Composed of muscular - four-chambered heart - a network of blood vessels - and the blood itself

9. Primary organ of transport in the plant

10. Responsible for the proliferationof antibodies after exposure to antigens

11. Defined as the total volume of blood the left ventricle pumps out per minute = heart rate (number of BPM) x stroke volume (volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle per contraction)

12. Oxygen carrying components of blood -formed from stem cells in the bone marrow where they lose their nuclei - mitochodnria - and membranous organelles

13. Blood is confined to blood vessel

14. When hemoglobin bind to oxygen

15. Lying between the phloem and xylem - is a type of meristem called lateral meristem that provides for lateral growth of the stem by adding to the phloem or xylem

16. Systole and diastole - which together make a heartbeat

17. Used to lower the immune response to transplants and decrease the likelihood of rejection

18. Located at the tips of roots and stems where division leads to increase in length

19. Relatively thinly walled - inelastic vessels that conduct deoxygenated blood toward the heart

20. Actively dividing - undifferentiated cells of a plant

21. Valve on the right side of the heart has three cusps

22. Pumps oxygenated blood into systemic circulation (throughout the body)

23. Responsible for generating the force that propels systematic circulation and pumps against a higher resistance

24. Engulf and detroy foreign particles

25. An individual is injected witha weakened - inactive - or related form of a particular antigen - which stimulates the immune system to produce specific antibodies against it

26. Involves cells that combat fungal and viral infection

27. Coat the damaged area and trap blood cells to form a clot

28. Innervates the heart via the cervical and upper thoracic ganglia and causes an increase in the ehart rate

29. Functions to absorb materials through the root hairs and anchor the plant -provide storage for energy reserves

30. Two upper chambers of the heart -thin walled

31. Pumps deoxygenated blood into pulmonary circulation (toward the lungs)

32. Carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart

33. Universal recipient as it has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies

34. Involves the production of antibodies and cell-mediated immunity

35. Responsible for both of these immune mechanisms

36. Conducts impulse slowly - allowing enough time for atrial contraction and for the ventricles to fill with blood

37. Fetal red blood cells (which will have the Rh factor) enter maternal circulation during birth which cause the anti-Rh antibodies she produced when sensitized by the first birth may cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells

38. Another antigen that may be present on the surface of red blood cells

39. (earthworm) uses a closed circulatory system to deliver materials to cells that are not in direct contact with the external environment

40. Leukocytes that phagocytize foreign matter and organisms such as bacteria

41. Attracted to the injury site phagocytize antigenic material

42. The driving force of the circulatory system

43. Serve protective functions -aka WBC

44. Involves the transfer of antibodies produced by another individual or organism -acquired either passively or by injection

45. The period during which the ventricles contract

46. Phloem - cambium - and xylem layers

47. Composed of nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms

48. With the aid of its cofactors calcium and Vitamin K - converts the inactive plasma protein prothrombin to its active form - thrombin

49. Secondary circulatory system distinct from the cardiovascular circulation - =vessels transport lymph to the cardiovascular system - thereby keeping fluid levels in the body constant

50. Initiated by the body in response to physical damage and often accompanied by fever