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PCAT Biology Vertebrate Embryology

Subjects : pcat, biology
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1. Sac-like structure is involved in respiration and excretion and contains numerous blood vessels to transport (2 - CO2 - water - salt - and N wastes

2. Cervix thins out and dilates - and the amniotic sac ruptures - releasing its fluids -contractions are relatively mild

3. This system not only supplies oxygen and nutrients to the fetus but removes CO2 and metabolic wastes as well -two components of this system are the placenta and umbilical cord - which both develop in the first few weeks after fertilization

4. A rod of mesodermal cells that develops along the longitudinal axis just under the dorsal layer of ectoderm

5. Characterized by continued rapid growth and further brain development -antibodies are transported by highly selective active transport from the mother to the fetus for protection against foreign matter

6. The study of the development of a unicellular zygote into a complete - multicellular organism

7. Ex: marsupials and some tropical fish -without a placenta - exchange of food and oxygen between the young and the mother is limited

8. Integument (including the epidermis - hair - nails - and epithelium of the nose - mouth - and anal canal) - the lens of the eye - the retina and the nervous system

9. Encloses the yolk. blood vessels in the yolk sac transfer food to the developing embryo

10. Characterized by rapid contractions - resulting in the birth of the baby - folllowed by the cutting of the umbilical cord

11. Accomplished by labor

12. Three-layered structure that is created when cell migrations - once implanted in the uterus - transform the single-cell layer of blastula

13. Organs increase in size - which is a continual process from infancy to childhood to adulthood

14. If more than one egg is fertilized

15. A series of rapid mitotic divisions in early embryonic development -lead to an increase in cell number without a corresponding growth in cell protoplasm

16. Includes organogenesis - growth - gametogenesis

17. Membrane encloses the amniotic fluid. amniotic fluid provides an aqueous environment that protects the developing embryo from shock

18. Cells at the tip of each neural fold and give rise to sensory ganglia - autonomic ganglia - adrenal medulla - and Schwann cells

19. Lines the inside of the shell. it is a moist membrane that permits gas exchange

20. Begins when the morula develops a blastocoel

21. The embryo develops within the egg - feeding on nutrients stored in the yolk

22. Occurs in the lateral - widest portion of the oviduct when sperm traveling from the vagina encounter an egg -can occur within 12-24 hours after ovulation

23. Process that - by the end of gastrulation - regions of the germ layers begin to develop into a rudimentary nervous system

24. Hollow sphere of cells of cells which is the blastocoel on the fourth day -the stage of the embryo that implants in the uterus

25. Uterus contracts - expelling the placenta and the umbilical cord

26. Major organs begin to develop -cartilaginous skeleton begins to turn into bone by the seventh week -organs will form - brain is fairly developed - and the embryo is referred to as a fetus

27. Musculoskeletal system - circulatory system - excretory system - gonads - connective tissue throughout the body - and portions of digestive and respiratory organs

28. A series of strong uterine contractions

29. Eggs develop in women and sperm develop in men - which results in the possibility of reproduction occuring

30. The body organs begin to form. in this process - the cells interact - differentiate - change physical shape - proliferate - and migrate

31. Epithelial linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts (including the lungs) and parts of the liver - pancreas - thyroid - and bladder lining

32. Fluid-filled cavity developed through blastulation

33. Solid ball of embryonic cells when cell division occurs

34. The fetus does a termendous amount of growing -begins to move around in the amniotic fluid - its face appears human - and its toes and fingers elongate