Test your basic knowledge |

People Skills

Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Making introductions

2. Evaluations of self worth (how you feel about these qualities)

3. Not constructive or helpful

4. Factors that shape our frame of reference

5. The medium that carries the message

6. Background of communication that influences how people interpret the message

7. Factors that shape EQ

8. Stress key words - not confusing or complicated

9. Effective communication basics

10. How is verbal communication both a bridge and a barrier?

11. It takes a lot longer to _____ a relational mess then it does to prevent one

12. ABCs for giving directions

13. Which 2 guidelines for listening would you choose to incorporate more into your listening?

14. Inspiring and influencing others - setting your actions as example - knowing where to go...

15. Training of oneself; correction or regulation of oneself for improvement

16. What % of communication is language?

17. What are the 3 parts to the 'I Statement?'

18. Harmonious and assertive tone

19. Giving criticism

20. What is the healthy listening habit?

21. Skills that promote relationships with other people.

22. Cardinal rule of conflict

23. A group of people who work together to set goaks - make decisions - solve problems - and put ideas into action

24. Your ability to understand and manage your own emotions and be sensitive to others emotions

25. Putting up an emotional guard against negative opinion

26. Your conscious read of others thoughts and feelings

27. What you're going through when you're trying to interpret

28. Handling problems and criticism gracefully and maturely

29. Introducing a new person to a group

30. Interrupting others

31. An oversimplified and distorted belief about a person or group

32. Anything that distracts

33. Following a strict code of conduct or standard of values

34. What % of communication is paralanguage?

35. The principles of conduct that govern a group or society

36. Criticism expressed in a way that threatens the other person (retaliate)

37. Being on time

38. 4 types of love in the greek language

39. The relatively stable perceptions you hold of yourself (who you think you are - e.g. smart)

40. What nonverbal symbols are best at communicating?

41. _______________ criticism is presented in a way that can help you learn and grow.

42. Your message expresses thoughts and feelings clearly and directly w/o making judgements

43. Be brief and to the point

44. The unwillingness to express thoughts and feelings in a conflict (you run)

45. How conscious you are of your own motivations - thoughts - and feelings

46. Considerate

47. Aggressive

48. Unequal treatment based on such factors as race - religion - nationality - gender - age - or physical appearnace.

49. What is the nature of conflict?

50. What question helps you be more aware?