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Peripheral Vascular Surgery
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1. What are capillaries
Weitlaner self-retaining retractor
Vessels that are between the arteriols and venule
3-0 or 4-0
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
2. What are the 3 branches of the aortic arch
Innominate (brachiocephalic) - left common carotid - and the left subclavian arteries
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
Incision into an artery
Arterial embolectomy
3. What are the sutures for the iliac artery
Arterial bypass
5-0 or 6-0
Blood - fat - air - or portions of tumors that break free
4-0 or 5-0
4. What are some special conseriderations for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery
#11 on a #7 handle
Flush then clamp proximal then distal
They have compromised circulation and poor vascularization - and may be diabetic or cigarette smokers
Thin tunica media - thicker tunica adventita - lumen is larger - have valves
5. What drugs are used in vascular surgery
Sodium heparin 1000/500mL saline - lidocaine with or without epi - papaverine - antibiotic irrigation - hemostatic agents
The surgeons hands should be wet
The popliteal vein
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
6. What communicate in the circle of willis
Internal carotid artery
The two internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery & the posterior cerebral artery
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
7. What is an ateriotomy
Double armed needles - tapered
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
Incision into an artery
Saphenous vein
8. When is arterial blood volume decreased
As the heart beats faster there is less blood volume
The popliteal vein
A closed system of vessels that transport blood from the heart to the body and back
Carotid endarterectomy
9. What is the location of the biforcation of the aorta and What vessels are involved
Arterial embolectomy
Left & right common iliac arteries are at the 4th lumbar
SA node
Coronary arteries
10. In What procedure is a fogarty catheter used
Arterial embolectomy
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
Through the artery to compress the plaque against the wall of the artery
Left & right common iliac arteries are at the 4th lumbar
11. What are the layers of the heart
Innominate (brachiocephalic) - left common carotid - and the left subclavian arteries
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
Epicardium - myocardium - and endocardium
12. What procedure is the javid shunt used for
Coronary arteries
Carotid endarterectomy
Vena cava
Generally fusiform - below the origin of the renal arteries and end at the bifurcation of the iliac arties
13. What type of blade is used for an arteriotomy
Rubber shods
#11 on a #7 handle
A closed system of vessels that transport blood from the heart to the body and back
Internal carotid artery
14. What factors influence blood pressure
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
Innominate (brachiocephalic) - left common carotid - and the left subclavian arteries
Incision into an artery
Arterial bypass
15. What do the anterior and posterior tibial veins unite to become
In the capillaries
Supine with head turned 45 degrees to the unaffected side
As the heart beats faster there is less blood volume
The popliteal vein
16. What graft material is not used in the popliteal area
Vertebral arteries
Knitted polyester - woven polyester
Heparin and antibiotics for irrigation
Splenic artery
17. What vessels are clamped during a carotid endarterectomy
Heparin and antibiotics for irrigation
Internal carotid then the external carotid then the common carotid artery
The surgeons hands should be wet
3-0 or 4-0
18. What are pledgets used for
Incision into an artery
Dorsal venus arch
To reinforce the anastomosis
19. From What vein is the blood taken to pre-clot the graft
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
Double armed needles - tapered
Vena cava
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
20. What vein is on the lateral side of the arm
Arterial bypass
Basilic vein
Coronary arteries
5-0 or 6-0
21. What is the pt position for carotid endoarterectomy
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
Sarot clamp?
SA node
Supine with head turned 45 degrees to the unaffected side
22. What is blood pressure
Thin tunica media - thicker tunica adventita - lumen is larger - have valves
The force that blood exerts on the internal walls of the vessels
Sarot clamp?
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
23. How is the fogarty baloon catheter used
Through the artery to compress the plaque against the wall of the artery
Generally fusiform - below the origin of the renal arteries and end at the bifurcation of the iliac arties
Supine with head turned 45 degrees to the unaffected side
In the capillaries
24. What type of retractor is used in an aortofemoral bypass
The force that blood exerts on the internal walls of the vessels
4-0 or 5-0
Weitlaner self-retaining retractor
Dorsal venus arch
25. What structure is the pacemaker of the heart
SA node
Cramping pain or a dull ache
Vessels that are between the arteriols and venule
Knitted polyester - woven polyester
26. What procedure is used for an iliac artery obstruction
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
Femorofemoral bypass
4-0 or 5-0
Supine with head turned 45 degrees to the unaffected side
27. Which clamp is removed last
As the heart beats faster there is less blood volume
Internal carotid artery
Thin tunica media - thicker tunica adventita - lumen is larger - have valves
Hyline cartilage
28. sutures for posterior tibial - internal carotid - brachial - radial or ulnar
6-0 or 7-0
Knitted polyester - woven polyester
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
Internal carotid artery
29. What are the layers of vessels
Incision into an artery
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
To reinforce the anastomosis
Left & right common iliac arteries are at the 4th lumbar
30. What is the best approach for an aortofemoral bypass
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
Arterial bypass
Rubber shods
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
31. Which artery feeds the upper digestive tract - spleen - and liver
The surgeons hands should be wet
Epicardium - myocardium - and endocardium
Splenic artery
Dorsal venus arch
32. What is an atrial embolism
The two internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery & the posterior cerebral artery
Incision into an artery
Blood - fat - air - or portions of tumors that break free
Double armed needles - tapered
33. Where do the coronary arteries arise from
Weitlaner self-retaining retractor
Sodium heparin 1000/500mL saline - lidocaine with or without epi - papaverine - antibiotic irrigation - hemostatic agents
Ascending aorta
34. sutures for common carotid or subclavian
As the heart beats faster there is less blood volume
#11 on a #7 handle
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
35. Which arteries supply the spinal cord
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
Femoral arteries
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
Vertebral arteries
36. What arteries supply the myocardium
Rubber shods
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
Vertebral arteries
Coronary arteries
37. What should be done before tying polypropylene sutures
Splenic artery
Dorsal venus arch
Stainless steel mesh - titanium - polypropylene
The surgeons hands should be wet
38. What type of needle is used for vessels
Ventricular contraction - resistance - blood viscosity - and heart rate
Double armed needles - tapered
#11 on a #7 handle
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
39. What solution is not used during grafting procedures
Arteriosclerosis obliterans
Through the artery to compress the plaque against the wall of the artery
Sarot clamp?
40. What materials are used for stents
Innominate (brachiocephalic) - left common carotid - and the left subclavian arteries
Arteriosclerosis obliterans
Stainless steel mesh - titanium - polypropylene
Ascending aorta
41. What is the sequence of clamping in an ateriotomy
SA node
Saphenous vein
Flush then clamp proximal then distal
42. What organ does the gastric artery feed
Flush then clamp proximal then distal
Femorofemoral bypass
Double armed needles - tapered
43. What organs does the superior mesenteric artery feed
Vena cava
Knitted polyester - woven polyester
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine
Innominate (brachiocephalic) - left common carotid - and the left subclavian arteries
44. What medication is added to saline
Heparin and antibiotics for irrigation
Internal carotid then the external carotid then the common carotid artery
Vertebral arteries
Epicardium - myocardium - and endocardium
45. What are the general characteristics of veins
#11 on a #7 handle
To reinforce the anastomosis
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
Thin tunica media - thicker tunica adventita - lumen is larger - have valves
46. What are delicate sutures tagged with
Arteriosclerosis obliterans
Cramping pain or a dull ache
Rubber shods
The force that blood exerts on the internal walls of the vessels
47. What is the peripheral vascular system
The two internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery & the posterior cerebral artery
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
A closed system of vessels that transport blood from the heart to the body and back
Coronary arteries
48. What are the deep veins of the foot
Epicardium - myocardium - and endocardium
#11 on a #7 handle
Dorsal venus arch
Through the artery to compress the plaque against the wall of the artery
49. What drug is used for arterial vasospasms
Tunica intima - tunica media - & tunica adventita
Cramping pain or a dull ache
Blood - fat - air - or portions of tumors that break free
50. What arteries supply the brain - head - and neck
To reinforce the anastomosis
Cramping pain or a dull ache
Right common carotid artery and external carotid artery
Unpaired - just below the celiac trunk its branches feed the pancreas - duodenum - small intestine