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Perl Programming

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Removes trailing newline

2. To write to a filehandle

3. To read an entire file into an array (one line per element)

4. Removes the last element from the array pop

5. To get rid of the ________ in $line you could now chomp() (Ex: chomp($line);)

6. The __________ in perl: - uses grave marks `command args`- returns the output of the command to the variable you specify - if $output = `command arg` the output is stored all in one variable (all lines seperated by n) - if @output = `command arg` the

7. _________ @arrayName) returns the size of the array

8. Add a new element to the from of the array with the value $newwValue

9. Delete the hash entry with the key given

10. _________ in perl - Singular variable - starts with "$" - Number or characer or string- Perl does automatic type conversion of these

11. The variable that provides the last index of an array

12. Returns a copy of the string as all upper case

13. Sort and array alphabetically

14. $#arrayName returns the value of the ______ of the array (NOT the data stored in that array element)

15. Common ___________: substr($string, $start, $numchars); - length($string) - lc($string) - uc($string) - chomp($string) - chomp(@string) - join(':", @string) - split(/\s/, $string) - lcfirst($string) - ucfirst($string)

16. Split string into an array using spaces as delimeter

17. Returns a two element ray of the next key value pair; resultArray[0] is the key resultArray[1] is the value

18. _________ of scalar variables in perl - using "=" - Ex: $myVariable = 5;

19. Returns a copy of the string as all lower case

20. Regular ____________: w - alphanumeric word including underscor - d - digits 0-9 - s any whitespace - . - any character

21. The open() statement in perl: open(________, file_mode, "filename.txt")

22. In perl the _______ will recognize syntax errors and halt execution BEFORE it begins - and will output statements; it does not understand and the line which it encountered the error on

23. A special system variable used to pass arguments to script

24. To include modules in perl

25. The purpose of {} in an "if" statement: To Define the __________ of the if statement. Unlike C the {} braces ARE REQUIRED

26. Common ________: keys(%hash) - values(%hash) - each(%hash) - delete($hash{keyName}) - exists($hash{keyName}) - reverse(%hash)

27. Does the hash key with "keyName" exists

28. eq - ne - lt - le - gt - ge

29. _________ $#arrayName give value of last index available in the array. Ex an array of size 5 will have its $#arrayName = 4

30. Regular __________: * - 0 or more characters - + - 1 or more characters - ? - 0 or 1 characters

31. Modules in perl - Synonymous with header files in C - Collection of ______ and variables that may be used in your program

32. < - > - == - <= - >= - !=

33. ________ in perl - A collection of data (static data or scalar variables or arrays or hashes can all be stored in an array element)

34. Returns all of the values of the hash as an array

35. In arrays elements need not be __________

36. The four types of loops in perl: while - until - for - ________

37. Returns a copy of the string with the first letter lower case

38. Join the elements of the array seperating the elements with the ':' character

39. The use of ______ in perl - Documenting code - Created by placing a "#" on a line. - are not multi-line

40. The three basic ________ of the open() function: > write - >> append - < read file

41. Removes the first element of the array shift

42. Two ____________ in regular expressions: =~ Contains - !~ Does not contain

43. The two phases of creating a PERL program _______ - Execution

44. Returns a copy of the string with the first letter upper case

45. Assignment of a hash variable for a single hash element

46. Stores information about the current users environment. You can print this from the command line using printenv

47. Returns all of the keys of the hash as an array

48. The use of "if" "if-else" and "if-elsif-else"

49. Assignment of hash variables in perl (when oringally defining the hash)

50. Explain how to read a line from a file handle