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Personal Selling
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1. The personal distance that individuals prefer to keep between themselves and other individuals and is an important element of nonverbal communication
customer value proposition
Sequence of the Sales Presentation
Resolving Complaints
2. Need - product or service features - company or source - price - time(stalling)
Characteristics of effective sales goals
reward power
different types of objections
expert power
3. Providing useful information - Expediting orders and monitoring installation - Training customer personnel - Correcting billing errors - Remembering the customer after the sale - Resolving complaints
net profit
major city pattern
Different types of prices
Relationship enhancement activities
4. Respond to the objection by providing evidence that helps the prospect realize s/he is mistaken
mental steps in buying
indirect denial
ways to approach a prospect
Characteristics of effective sales goals
5. Some training is required; customizable while being written but not delivered; may be percieved as more credible
Steps in the Selling Process
written proposal
circular route pattern
6. Listen - Acknowledge - Assess - Respond - Confirm
Single-factor analysis
handling objections(LAARC)
coercive power
gross profit
7. Means the buyer pays transportation charges on the goods--- the title passes to the customer when the goods are loaded on the shipping vehicles
FOB (free on board)
leapfrog pattern
Characteristics of effective sales goals
major city pattern
8. Classification allows two factors to be considered simulataneously
components in the sales Dialogue Template
components of a commitment
Steps in the Selling Process
Portfolio Analysis
9. One time reduction in prices commonly used in both consumer and industrial goods
non-cumulative quantity discounts
expert power
straight line route pattern
10. Listen carefully - ask the customer what s/he would like you to do - negotiate an agreeable solution
steps to resolving complaints
sales dialogue template
FOB destination
zone price
11. Influence based on special skills or knowledge
check back or response check
Different types of account classifications
Determine Markup based on cost (% Markup based on cost)
expert power
12. Forestall - Direct Denial - indirect denial - compensation - question - third party reinforcement
Sources of power
methods for handling resistance
Types of discounts
13. Earned when buyers pay their bill within a stated period
straight line route pattern
cash discounts
Sequence of the Sales Presentation
14. Certainty - uncertainty - significance - connection and love - needs of spirit
The human needs
sales presentations
check back or response check
Different types of account classifications
15. Executive summary - situation analysis - needs benefits analysis - company description - pricing and sales agreement - suggested action and timetable
steps to resolving Complaints
components of a sales proposal
referent power
third party reinforcement
16. Power that results from the authority to bestow rewards on other people
major city pattern
relationship enhancers
reward power
17. Price based on geographical location or zone of customers
handling objections(LAARC)
major city pattern
zone price
different types of objections
18. One-time price reductions the producer passes on to channel members or directly to the consumer
consumer discount
components in the sales Dialogue Template
relationship enhancers
trade discounts
19. It is important to uncover the ________________ and match them with the benefits of your product in the presentation
Types of discounts
needs of the prospect
major city pattern
Determine Markup based on cost (% Markup based on cost)
20. Business conversations between buyers and sellers that occur as salespeople attempt to initiate - develop - and enhance customer relationships. Sales dialogue should be customer-focused and have a clear purpose.
components of a commitment
components in the sales Dialogue Template
referent power
sales dialogue
21. Territory routing plan in which salespeople start from their offices and make calls in one direction until they reach the end of the territory.(located in clusters away from one another)
circular route pattern
straight line route pattern
Relationship Detractors
22. Single-factor analysis - portfolio analysis
Importance of managing expectations
steps to resolving complaints
Single-factor analysis
Different types of account classifications
23. Ask for the order/direct commitment -legitimate choice/alternative choice - summary commitment - t-account or balance sheet commitment - success story commitment
Types of discounts
indirect denial
reward power
different ways of earning commitment
24. A flexible planning tool that assists the salesperson in assembling pertinent information to be covered with the prospect.
Single-factor analysis
Sources of power
gross profit
sales dialogue template
25. (amount added to cost/cost)
Determine Markup based on cost (% Markup based on cost)
list price
customer value proposition
26. Failure to meet expectations results in dissatisfaction - meeting expectations results in satisfaction - exceeding expectations results in delight
different types of objections
Sequence of the Sales Presentation
sequential Components of Effective Followup
Importance of managing expectations
27. A statement of how the sales offering will add value to the prospect's business by meeting a need or providing an opportunity.
importance of followup and customer retention
Different types of account classifications
confirmed benefits
customer value proposition
28. Sales presentation that includes scripted sales calls - memorized presentations - and automated presentations. little training is required; inflexible/not customizable; difficult to build trust
canned presentation
Relationship Detractors
straight line route pattern
29. Manufacturer reduces prices to channel members to compensate for services they perform
written proposal
components of a commitment
Different types of Routing plans
trade discounts
30. Routing plan in which - beginning in one cluster - the salesperson works each of the accounts at that location and then jumps to the next cluster.(widely dispersed)
leapfrog pattern
Steps in the Selling Process
types of sales presentations
31. Memorized selling: structured - need satisfaction selling: Unstructured - problem solution selling: customized - Formula Selling: Semi-structured
types of sales presentations
FOB destination
different types of objections
non-cumulative quantity discounts
32. An appointment - agreement for next meeting - agreement for product demo - a sale
relationship enhancers
steps to resolving complaints
components of a commitment
33. 1) straight line route pattern 2) cloverleaf pattern 3) circular route pattern 4) leapfrog pattern 5) major city pattern
Different types of Routing plans
mental steps in buying
cloverleaf pattern
ways to approach a prospect
34. Comprehensive communications that convey multiple points designed to persuade the customer to make a purchase.
sales presentations
Types of discounts
check back or response check
customer value proposition
35. Expert power - referent power - coercive power - reward power - legitimate power
indirect denial
Sources of power
net price
list price
36. 1. Introduction 2. Need discovery 3. Present benefits addressing the buyer's explicit needs 4. Continuation of prior sales calls should start with a summary of earlier calls 5. Pricing issues should not be focused on until the customer's needs have b
referent power
Portfolio Analysis
sales dialogue template
Sequence of the Sales Presentation
37. Discounts the customer receives for buying a certain amount of products over a stated period
Relationship Detractors
Different types of account classifications
handling objections(LAARC)
cumulative quantity discounts
38. 1. attention 2. interest 3. desire4. conviction 5. purchase
components of a commitment
mental steps in buying
gross profit
indirect denial
39. 1. Setting Goals and Objectives tory Analysis and Account Classification 3. Development and Implementation of Strategies/Plans 4. Tapping Technology and Automation 5. Assessment and Evaluation
sequential Components of Effective Followup
different ways of earning commitment
Sequential Stages of Self-Leadership
40. Standard price charged to customers
organized presentation
list price
Determine Markup based on price (% markup on price)
handling objections(LAARC)
41. Questions salespeople use throughout a sales dialogue to generate feedback from the buyer
check back or response check
customer value proposition
Determine Markup based on price (% markup on price)
sequential Components of Effective Followup
42. Prospecting - Preapproach - approach - presentation - trial close - objections - meet objections - trial close - close - Follow-up
legitimate power
Determine Markup based on cost (% Markup based on cost)
Steps in the Selling Process
43. Intensity - Persistence - Direction
Different types of Routing plans
sequential Components of Effective Followup
The dimensions of motivation
44. The added value or favorable features of the product or service the seller offers
leapfrog pattern
third party reinforcement
45. The money remaining after the costs of marketing and operating the business are paid
net profit
written proposal
sales presentations
46. List price - net price - zone price - FOB shipping point - FOB destination
relationship enhancers
leapfrog pattern
confirmed benefits
Different types of prices
47. An in-person meeting between a salesperson or sales team and one or more buyers to discuss business.
sales call
indirect denial
steps to resolving Complaints
SPES sequence for presenting sales aids
48. (amount added to cost/selling price)
non-cumulative quantity discounts
sales dialogue template
Characteristics of effective sales goals
Determine Markup based on price (% markup on price)
49. Personal goals - sales call goals - account goals - territory goals
The dimensions of motivation
Levels of sales goal
zone price
50. Prospect information - customer proposition - sales call objective - situation and needs analysis - competitive situation - beginning sales dialogue - anticipate questions & objections - earn prospect commitment - building value through follow-up a
components in the sales Dialogue Template
sales call