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Personal Training Math Formulas

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Waist/hip

2. Maximal heart rate

3. Oxygen consumption

4. Specific - measurable - attainable - relevant - and time-bound

5. 1000 one thousand

6. MHR x desired intensity (between 64% -93%)

7. .393 inches; .032 feet; .01 m

8. 1 - RM (lbs) x desired intensity

9. Target heart rate

10. Provides 7 calories of energy

11. Oxygen uptake (ml/min) x 1 -000 / bodyweight (kg)

12. Lean weight

13. 2.54cm ; .083 feet; .33 m

14. Desired body fat %

15. Weight (kg) / height(squared)[meters]

16. 39.3 inches; 3.3 feet; 100 cm

17. Provides 4 calories of energy

18. Specific - measurable - attainable - relevant - and time-bound

19. Provides 7 calories of energy

20. Fat weight

21. Resting heart rate

22. Body mass index

23. Maximal heart rate

24. % of 1 - Rep Max

25. 1000 one thousand

26. 16oz; 453.6 g; .45Kg

27. 1 - RM (lbs) x desired intensity

28. Oxygen uptake (ml/min) x 1 -000 / bodyweight (kg)

29. Maximal oxygen consumption

30. Metabolic equivalents

31. Resting heart rate

32. Body weight

33. Mhr - rhr

34. Provides 9 calories of energy

35. 1000 meters; .62 miles

36. Waist-to-hip-ratio

37. Waist/hip

38. Mhr - rhr

39. .393 inches; .032 feet; .01 m

40. Body weight

41. (METS) x (3.5) x (BWkg) / 200 = kcal/min

42. The total amount of oxygen used during a single bout of exercise (L/min)

43. Lean weight

44. (220-age-RHR) (intensity) + RHR = Target HR

45. .04 inches

46. Accounts for oxygen used relative to bodyweight; it is measured in ml per kg of bodyweight (BW) per minute of exercise (ml/kg/min)

47. 39.3 inches; 3.3 feet; 100 cm

48. Body mass index

49. Provides 9 calories of energy

50. Kilocalories; also called calories