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Php Programming Basics

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. $_POST Data sent using POST found is sent to _______

2. Leading 0x: 0x13F or 0xA23

3. _______ is a comparison operator

4. To sort values of an array without regard to the keys

5. Used to convert certain HTML tags into their entity versions.

6. The seven main error reporting constants are: E_NOTICE - E_WARNING - E_PARSE - E_ERROR - E_ALL - _____ - E_DEPRECATED

7. To iterate over the values of an array

8. The concatenation assignment operator?

9. The name of the #! used to designate the location of the PHP binary

10. To remove all HTML and PHP tags.

11. bitwise right shift

12. leading zero: 0100 or 0567

13. _________ can be used in conditional statements to set precedence

14. Creates a pointer to a file with the declared mode (read - write -etc.).

15. When used the value can be passed safely through the URL (GET).

16. To refer to an element in a multidimensional array list the indices in order of _____ to more precise;

17. To reset an array _______ the array() function to the array

18. a storage location in the computer's memory that has a type & a name and a contents

19. Uses two arguments: constant name and constant definition

20. any programing language where the user must support the language the script is written in

21. The three types of loops in PHP are: for - while - ____.

22. Function used to round down to the lowest integer

23. This fatal fatal is caused by a semantic mistake: omission of a semicolon or imbalance of quotations or parentheses or braces.

24. An array of variables passed in the URL

25. bitwise left shift

26. Use _______ for passwords or pages that would not be bookmarked or pages that require security.

27. says 'if' this then do this 'else' do this or 'while' this do this

28. Variable names cannot begin with _______

29. Hypertext Preprocessor - a server-side programing language used to create webpages

30. To find how many substrings are in a string

31. The prefix for a dynamic variable - also known as a variable variable

32. Document Type Definitions

33. bitwise XOR

34. Returns a string with backslashes in front of the specified characters

35. To merge arrays

36. Predefined constants such as __LINE__ or __FILE__ or __FUNCTION__ or __CLASS__ and __METHOD__

37. allows you to split strings based on more complex rules

38. either hasn't yet been set or is assigned NULL value

39. Active Server Pages

40. Returns a character from a specified ASCII value

41. Control structures that break exit

42. This error refers to a variable with no value.

43. To put a dollar sign before a variable like $10 where 10 is the variable's value - you can escape the first dollar sign; $$cost; or you can use __________.

44. addition

45. Returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters

46. To get time data

47. Used to find the amount of words in a string.

48. A conditional or loop is a ________________.

49. The array that stores variables specific to a user's visit

50. Besides GET and POST ________ can be used to access data but $_POST and $_GET are more precise and therefore preferable.