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PMP: Project Management Professional

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Process of indentify all people or organization impacted by the project and documenting relevant infromationo regarding their interests - involvement - and impact on project success

2. Factors that limits project options such as the number of people available - amount of time or money available to finish the job or other resources or assest issues

3. Self Actualization - Esteem - Belonging - Saftey - Physological

4. Concept that defines a low level of detail on the WBS for immediate work being accomplished while the work to be done in the future is only at the highlevel of decomposition in the WBS until it is soon to be started. The concept that utilizes the pro

5. Process of developing a document that formally authorizes a project or a phase and document initial requirements that satisfy the stakeholders needs and expectations

6. Conflict Solution where there is an attempt to focus on the positive and distract the attention from the negative

7. Herzberg theory on motivation - basically what drives us to do things

8. Forecasting method that incorporates intuitive judgement - opinions and probability estimates

9. Tool you can use initially in a project to evaluate what could potentially cause defects. You can use it during the project to review symptoms to determine the real problem (continue to ask questions until the root cause is determine)

10. The Process deciding how to approach and conduct the risk managment activities for a project

11. Request that have been through the changes control system and approved. They are now part of the project with any potential ipact now affecting the project Difference between requested changes and approved changes

12. Mock-up technique that uses software to simulate project charactereristics to determine possible outcome

13. 1 Has a specific purpose 2. Creates specifi results 3 Has a definite start and finish dates 4. Is temporary 5. Could be progressively elaborated

14. Process of improving the competencies - team interaction - and the overall team environment to enhance project team

15. A milestone has a ______duration

16. Communication that is not on the record

17. Document what you do - Do what you document - Document any variance (from the normal process)

18. Forecasting methods that uses the assumption that is possible to identify the underlying factors that might influence the variable that is being forcasted

19. What is the output of Identify Risk?

20. Responsiblity Assignment Matrix The tool lets the project team know who is involved in each area and what they are responsible for an in what area

21. States that 100% of the work of a project needs to be represented in the creation of the WBS. What is the 100% rule?

22. When an activity cannot be estimated with a resonable degree of confidence the work within the activity is decomposed into more detail. Estimates are made to the smallest incremental level need and then aggregated into a total quantity for each of th

23. Conflict Solution that entails considering insights and views from a variety of sources and leads to consensus management which in turn leads to commitment

24. Practice of providing more than what the customer request

25. Special benefits offered being on a certain project of doing a certain activity Difference between Fringe and Perks

26. In the project coordinator form of a matrix organization - project coordinators often....

27. An after the fact look at what caused a difference between the basline and the actual performance

28. The consequences (good or bad) or the amount at stake if something does occur

29. Invokes determining the latest that an activity can start w/o delaying the activites that follow it.

30. Formal or informal system used in project mgmt to ensure that work is done as planned. It ensures that right work is done in the right order at the right time by the right people

31. Risk for which insurance can be purchased - thereby transferring the risk for financial benefit to the party accepting the risk

32. Cost associated with conformance to requirements and the step taken to elimate non-conformance

33. Team members - quality of their work - Project Manager - quality on the project - Senior Exe - quality standards at the company

34. Plan defines the communication needs of the stakeholders - the communications format and frequency and who delivers them. It can include reports meeting scehdules - changes process and contact information for the team.

35. In the area of legal risks the reasons for licensing of projects

36. Modern quality philosophy that states that approx 99.999% of the everything a company creates or processes it executes are error-free

37. A constraint that should be completed but is not absolutly required to be completed before subsequent item can start

38. Delphi Technique Interviewing

39. Used for communication and information distribution on the project - not necessarily a hightech system but what ever is used for project communication on the project. Normally a mixture of technology and non-technology.

40. The narrative description of the project scope - including major deliverables - project assumptions - project constraints - and a description of work - that provides a documents basis for making future project decisions and for confirming or developi

41. dministrative closure for the feasibility phase of a project requires that ________.

42. Quality philosophy that focus on proactive attitude toward quality with a detail toward statistical analysis to document improvement

43. Employee works a great deal on the project and assumes that the reward will be relative to the amount of effort or perceived effort

44. Type of communication method between two or more parties performing a multidirectional exchange of information. It is the most efficient way to ensure a common understanding by all participants on specified topics - and inclues meetings - and phones

45. Commuincation within the project

46. Key tool for comparing a product or service to other standards

47. One choice does not include any other choices

48. Process of using expert opinion - which could come from people already on the project or those outside the project or even the organization

49. PM and team work to create a complete estimate from the bottom(activity level) up and roll it up to the total estimate. Main advantage - detail accuracy. Main dis ad - can take time to create

50. Shows the risk that potentially occur broken down by risk category