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PMP: Project Management Professional

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Process of indentify all people or organization impacted by the project and documenting relevant infromationo regarding their interests - involvement - and impact on project success

2. Used for - legal communication and project documents - When distance or extreme complexity are involve - official situations - presentations - primarily one directional communications

3. Shows the risk that potentially occur broken down by risk category

4. Mock-up technique that uses software to simulate project charactereristics to determine possible outcome

5. Type of power comes from an attitude or presence that a person has and the corresponding type of influence this person has on the team. It could also come from someone who aligns with other people in a powerful posistion at the company or on the team

6. Earlier in the project - the PM does directing - as the project evolves the PM shifts towards coaching. As the project gets a great deal of work accomplished - the PM goes to a Facilitator. The PM then goes to support at project closure

7. Characteristics which indicate that a risk event is possible in the near future. They are identified when the risk are identified

8. Communication up and down the organization

9. Forecasting method that incorporates intuitive judgement - opinions and probability estimates

10. Process of improving the competencies - team interaction - and the overall team environment to enhance project team

11. Shows the overall state of the project - aka the sum of all reports

12. Document what you do - Do what you document - Document any variance (from the normal process)

13. When Activity A starts Activity B can starts

14. Process of determining the project stakeholder information needs and defining a communication approach. Who needs what information - when they need it - how it will be provided to them and by whom.

15. Activity A start before Activity B finishes

16. Activity B msut be Finish by the time Activity A is finish

17. Inputs to many processes that deal with variables external to the project - such as imfomation systems and company policies and procedures. They can include process definitions - templates - organizations communications needs

18. The amount of risk remaining after a risk response 9from the risk reponse plan) has been implemented

19. Used to track technical performance such as how well something works or schedule or cost performance such as how things were completed on time or budget - respectively

20. Shows the type of resources broken down

21. Type of grid that groups the stakeholders based on their active involvement in the project and their ability to effect changes to the projects planning or execution.

22. An inventory managment process that lets a company have little or no excess inventory in stock- Ideally a stocks ZERO inventory with supplies arriving only when needed for the products being built

23. Process of collecting and distributing performance information - including status reports - progress measurements and forecast

24. CMMI - 6 SIGMA - LEAN 6 Sigma Quality Function

25. Worst form of power to use. People experience negative impact if they don't do what is desired

26. Process of using expert opinion - which could come from people already on the project or those outside the project or even the organization

27. One choice does not include any other choices

28. Benefits that everyone receives in the company i.e Ins or paid holidays

29. Conflict Solution Negotiation attempt to get everyone involved to give (concede) a little to find a common ground and resloution. It is sometimes viewed as undesirable because when everyone give something up there is a potential that the solution wil

30. Factors that limits project options such as the number of people available - amount of time or money available to finish the job or other resources or assest issues

31. The person responsible for a risk event if it occurs and is simialr to the person responsible for completing on activity

32. The Process of prioritizing risk for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact - The Process of numerically analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project objectives

33. Information Gathering Techniques from Identify Risks - tools and technique

34. A constraint that must be completed before subsequent items can start

35. Request made by someone on a project not approved and has no impact

36. PM and team work to create a complete estimate from the bottom(activity level) up and roll it up to the total estimate. Main advantage - detail accuracy. Main dis ad - can take time to create

37. Amount of time that an activity can slip or be delayed without delaying the finish date of the project (or activity or published project completion date)

38. Calculating the expected monetary value (EMV) of a project risk is found by....

39. Communication with peers

40. In the project coordinator form of a matrix organization - project coordinators often....

41. Breakdown structure to help dreak down the risk on a project. It helps create a brainstorming type of environment that allows the team to identify and categorize additional risk. Similar to WBS but the team creates it.

42. What % of time does a Project manager spend on communications?

43. Shows a reporting relationship between the resources in a organization. This structure is typically shown in company division - departments and group. Typicall is does not show details related to project organization and work

44. Estimate is usually a total time or cost estimate that has no significant detail. Info can be created quickly - lack detail

45. A milestone has a ______duration

46. In fixed pricing the most important consideration is ____.

47. Type of power that comes from senior Mgmt at a company authorizing you to be a P.M. and whatever authority comes with that.

48. An output of Define Activites that identies all milestones and indicated whether the milestone is mandatory

49. Putting more resources on the Critical Path activites. Usually increases cost but minimal risk exposure

50. Employee works a great deal on the project and assumes that the reward will be relative to the amount of effort or perceived effort