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Praxis I Math

Subjects : praxis, math
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What is the formula for a square if you only know the length of the diaganol

2. Is a polygon that is both equilateral and equangular

3. Two distinct straight lines can intersect at most at only one point

4. Two angles with a common vertex and with sides that are 2 pairs of opposite rays

5. A __________of a circle is a line segment drawn from the center of the circle to any point on the circle

6. A __________is any process that assigns a ___________value of y to each number of x

7. A point has no ________or thickness

8. The __________property of multiplicaiton for every real numver a - for every real number b ab= ba

9. A line that joins the midpoint of two sides of a triangle is called the__________

10. What is the formula for the area of a circle

11. If a=0 in a quadratic formula - the quadratic is reduced to a linear function and a ____________

12. When proving 2 polygons are similar - what is the formula you use (hint: n= the number of sides)

13. A line that divides a line segment into two congruent segments

14. A triangle whose sides are equal

15. What is 4 to the power of 1/2 or 4^1/2

16. What is the square of ((x1-x2) + (y1- y2)) =

17. The __________property of additon says that fro every real number a - ther is a real number such that a + - a = - a+ a = 0

18. Two angles with a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points

19. A parallelogram that has tow adjacent sides that are equal and whose sides are perpendicular to each other

20. What is the linear equation where a - b and c are constants b cannot = 0

21. A triangle with a 90 degrees angle

22. In a quadratic equation in 2 unknowns has the general formula ax^2 + bxy + cy^2+dx +ey+ f = 0 the graph is called an __________or a __________ or __________(b=0 and a=c)

23. What is the formula for the area of a square

24. What are the 2 formulas to calculate the circumference of a circle

25. To solve a system of equations you must first make the two equations ___________to each other - then use the discrimant to find if the system has any real roots

26. When solving a system of equation involving quadratics and one is linear and the other is quadratic - solve the _______ first - then substitue the found value into the quadratic and solve for the other unknown

27. ___________is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel

28. An angle whose measure is larger than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

29. Is a polygon whose angles are equal in measurement

30. What is the closure property of addition - for every real number a - for every real number b ______________ is a real number

31. 1/a^n can also be written as a to the ______

32. The _________property of addition says that for every real number a - for every real number b for every real number c (a+b) + c = a + (b+c)

33. A triangle with having at least 2 equal sides

34. What property of equality ways for each real number a - for each real number b - for each real number c - if a=b and b=c - then a=c

35. Once you find the roots of a radical equation you must check them to see if any are __________roots (which means they are not equal when plugged back into the original formula) these roots must be ___________

36. The y value of the vertex of parabola is the equation

37. The perimeter of a polygon is equal to the ________of sides X the _____________ of sides

38. To calculate the diagnol of a square you multipy any ______by the _______________of 2

39. The value of y where a point intersects the x axis = __________

40. A line that intersects a circle in tow point is called the _______

41. i^2 = _____________

42. A _________ number is a number that can be written in the form of a + bi

43. For each real number a - for each real number b - if a= b - then b=a

44. In order to decimal to a percentage you need to ______ by 100

45. What is the closure property of multiplication for every real number a - for every real number b _________ is a real number

46. The least common multiple is the smallest quantity divisible by ______ number of the set

47. Is a polygon whose sides are equal in measure

48. A ray _________ divides the angle into 2 angles that have equal measure

49. If a triangle has two congruent sides then it is an _________triangle

50. In a quadratic formula if the a value of the parabola is less than 0 the parabola opens ___________