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Praxis II Major Authors And Works

Subjects : praxis, literature
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1. A pampered dog (Buck) adjusts to the harsh realities of life in the North as he struggles with his recovered wild instincts and finds a master (John Thorton) who treats him right; novel - adventure story - setting late 1890s

2. Wrote The Catcher in the Rye

3. Wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

4. Wrote Sarah Plain and Tall

5. Wrote David Copperfield - Great Expectations; English novelist during Victorian era

6. Wrote Little Women; American novelist

7. Inspired by witch's prophecy - a man murders his way to the throne of Scotland - but his conscience plagues him and his fellow lords rise up against him; themes: unchecked ambition as a corrupting force - relationship between cruelty and masculinity

8. Wrote 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock -' 'The Waste Land' and 'The Hollow Men;' British WWI poet - playwright - and literary critic

9. Maintains the bird metaphor throughout the poem's ninety - six lines - describing the various 'flights' of five of her children and her concerns about those remaining in the nest

10. Wrote Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: 20th century Irish author

11. Wrote The Story of My Life and The Frost King; American author - political activist - lecturer; first deafblind person to earn BA

12. Wrote The Fall of the House of Usher - The Murders in the Rue Morgue - and The Raven; wrote poems: 'To Science -' 'The City and the Sea -' and 'Silence;' American writer - poet - editor and literary critic; part of American Romantic Movement

13. Wrote 'Civil Disobedience;' American author - poet - naturalist - tax resister - development critic - surveyor - historian - philosopher - and leading transcendentalist

14. Wrote Island of Blue Dolphins

15. Wrote Red Badge of Courage; American novelist - short story writer - poet - journalist - raised in NY and NJ; style and technique: naturalism - realism - impressionism; themes: ideals v. realities - spiritual crisis - fears

16. A Trojan (Aeneas) destined to found Rome - undergoes many trials on land and sea during his journey to Italy - finally defeating the Latin Turnus and avenging the murder of Pallas.

17. Wrote Alice In Wonderland

18. set in modern times and focuses on the current circumstances of Stanley Yelnats - an unfortunate - unlucky young man who is sent to Camp Green Lake for a crime he didn't commit

19. Wrote The House on Mango Street

20. Wrote Johnny Tremain

21. Wrote The Hobbit

22. Wrote The Aeneid

23. Book written by George Orwell - announced an insane world of dehumanization through terror in which the individual was systematically obliterated by an all - power elite; key phrases: Big Brother - doublethink - Newspeak - the Ministry of Peace...Tru

24. A self - made man (Gatsby) woos and loses a married aristocratic woman (Daisy) he loves

25. After having an affair with a handsome military man - a woman kills herself; russion - 1970s - psychological novel

26. Wrote 'The Road Not Taken;' American poet; highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech; won Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry four times

27. Wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God; 20th century African - American writer; folklorist during the Harlem Renaissance

28. Wrote Fahrenheit 451 - Dandelion Wine

29. Wrote Jane Eyre

30. Wrote Frankenstein; Romantic British novelist - short story writer - dramatist - essayist - biographer - travel writer

31. The portrait of a sinful young man ages while the young man depicted in the portrait remains youthful; English Gothic novel

32. Wrote Billy Budd - Sailor; Moby Dick; classified as a Dark Romantic; American novelist - short story writer - essayist - and poet

33. Wrote 'On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer -' 'To Autumn -' and 'Bright Star - Would I Were Stedfast As Thou Art;' English poet in Romantic movement during early 19th century; motifs include departures and reveries - the five sense and art - and th

34. A girl (Alice) falls asleep and dreams of a series of adventures; children's novel; fantasy

35. Wrote 'The Birth - Mark -' The Scarlet Letter; works are considered part of the Romantic movement (specifically dark romancism)

36. Wrote The Great Gatsby

37. After surviving a poverty - stricken childhood - the death of his mother - a cruel stepfather - and an unfortunate first marriage - a boys finds success as a writer; themes: plight of the weak - importance of equality in marriage - dangers of wealth

38. Wrote The Bell Jar; born during the great depression

39. Wrote 'A Fisherman -' 'The Second Coming -' and 'Easter 1916;' Irish poet and dramatist; foremost figures of 20th century literature; British WWI poet

40. Wrote To Kill a Mockingbird; American author

41. Wrote I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; African - American autobiographer and poet

42. Wrote Wuthering Heights

43. Wrote The Diary of a Young Girl (autobiographical literature set between 1942-1944) 1st published in 1952 - chronicles her life in Nazi Germany

44. Wrote Witch of Blackbird Pond

45. A young woman (Esther Greenwood) whose talent and intelligence have brought her close to achieving her dreams must overcome suicidal tendencies

46. A great warrior - goes to Denmark on a successful mission to kill Grendel; he returns home to Geatland - where he becomes king and slays a dragon before dying; poem; alliterative verse - elegy - small scale heroic epic; author unknown; setting around

47. Wrote 'Self - Reliance;' Transcendentalist poet - essayist - speaker

48. 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate;' Shakespearean couplet with ABAB CDCE EFEF GG rhyme scheme

49. Wrote The Swiss Family Robinson

50. Wrote Hoot