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Professional Communication Skills Vocab

Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The minimum number of people needed to achieve the desired results

2. What audience members hold to be true or false

3. An initial assembly of your team to familiarize all members with the goals - expectations - and particulars of the project and each other

4. The recipient of a message

5. A way of better understanding your audience by compiling attitudinal information relative to values - beliefs - and ideology of your audience

6. A therapeutic technique that helps people who are anxious reduce their fears by changing unrealistic beliefs to more realistic ones

7. A tension between two opposing but valuable preferences

8. Recasting your interpretation of an event from a different perspective

9. A person who is a compulsive communicator. He or she seemingly cannot 'shut-up'

10. Proactively and systematically gathering and reviewing information about those whom you will be presenting your message in an effort to increase presentation effectiveness

11. A decision-making method that pursues agreement among most team members while thoughtfully resolving and/or alleviating objections along the way

12. Taking another person's work in full and representing it as your one while making little or nor change to the material

13. Statistical data about an audience

14. Communication that is not occurring in real-time

15. The act of interpreting a situation and treating the interoperation as real

16. Theory of the perfect team size according to Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos

17. The first stage of hearing is when you receive the message (or listen to it)

18. Areas of the citations- like author - title - journal title - abstract or full text- that are found in various journals

19. The process in which you are engaging when you share personal or intimate information with an online audience

20. A therapeutic technique that helps anxious people reduce their fears by visualizing positive outcomes of future experiences

21. Revealing personal or intimate information to an online audience

22. The anxiety a person experiences when speaking in public

23. Characteristics of the audience a speaker might want to know before a speech - such as - ethnicity - ages - education level - sex - socio-economic status

24. What an audience members judge to be right or wrong

25. To grasp the meaning of; to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty

26. A leadership style in which the leader is hands-off and allows members to make decisions on their own

27. From the Greek word for 'the word;' it is translated as logic

28. The changes in culture - the industrialization of work - the shift from villages to towns and cities - the rise of individualism - decline of community - and the technological advances that account for our present social situation

29. The Greek word meaning 'credibility'

30. Understanding that your personal opinions and preferences are only temporary - and you might change your mind if you heard a better idea

31. To say something in return: make an answer; to react in response

32. A statement used in your presentation that demonstrates why the source you are referring to is credible

33. Stage of the five-step - active-listening model involves answering and giving feedback.

34. Combining information from several different sources to create your work and either failing to properly cite them all or failing to add your own original contribution

35. The symbolic exchange process whereby individuals form two or more different cultural communities negotiate shared meanings in an interactive situation

36. Ideas - feelings - information - and the like presented to an audience through a variety of methods as selected by the presenter - and preferably developed at all times with the audience in mind

37. Hierarchical cultures where there is a clear chain of command and communication interactions are dependent on where one's position falls on the hierarchy

38. To bring to mind or think of again; to keep in mind for attention or consideration

39. Being consciously aware of - and paying attention to our communication behavior

40. Failure to exercise sufficient care to protect others from the foreseeable risk of harm caused by one's actions

41. Therapeutic technique that helps alleviate people's fear through directed conversation

42. The source's act of transforming an idea into a message to transmit to a receiver

43. Fearing evaluation - feeling - feeling conspicuous - holding yourself to rigid rules - negative self-talk

44. Failing to properly attribute to a specific piece of information to its source - including faulty paraphrasing

45. Just because you are not talking does not mean you are not sending a message. Name the basic proposition of communication that explains this concept

46. Many digital communication technologies - particularly text-based technologies - lack much of the information we have face-to-face interactions

47. This type of communication apprehension occurs only in particular - and typically stressful - contexts

48. Having multiple types of connections with another person in your group

49. A type of newspaper article - written either by editors of the newspapers or approved guest writers - that expresses an opinion rather than delivering neutral reports on the news

50. To mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of; to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences