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Programming Logic And Design

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Describes the extra resources a task requires.

2. Marks the end of the module and identifies the point at which control returns to the program or module that called the module.

3. You perform an action or task - and then you perform the next action - in order. A sequence can contain any number of tasks - but there is no option to branch off and skip any of the tasks.

4. A preselected value that stops the execution of a program.

5. Occurs when repeating logic cannot end.

6. The act of assigning its first value - often at the same time the variable is created.

7. A named memory location whose value can vary.

8. A classification that describes what values can be assigned - how the variable is stored - and what types of operations can be performed with the variable.

9. Small program units that you can use together to make a program. Programmers also refer to modules as subroutines - procedures - functions - or methods.

10. End of file.

11. Contains information that expands on what appears in another flowchart symbol; it is most often represented by a three-sided box that is connected to the step it references by a dashed line.

12. A measure of the degree to which all the module statements contribute to the same task.

13. An unnamed constant whose purpose is not immediately apparent.

14. A literal numeric or string value.

15. A name to describe structured programming - because structured programmers do not use a "go to" statement.

16. Describes the entry of data items into computer memory using hardware devices such as keyboards and mice.

17. Number is a number with decimal places.

18. A program include the steps that are repeated for each set of input data.

19. Hold the steps you take at the end of the program to finish the application.

20. Indicates an output operation and is represented by a parallelogram in flowcharts.

21. The symbol that you can use to combine decisions so that two or more conditions must be true for action to occur.

22. Can hold text that includes letters - digits - and special characters such as punctuation marks.

23. The documentation that is outside a coded program.

24. Consists of all the supporting paperwork for a program.

25. The used at each end of a flowchart. Its shape is a lozenge.

26. Diagrams used in mathematics and logic to help describe the truth of an entire expression based on the truth of its parts.

27. Indicates and output operation and is represented by a parallelogram in flowcharts.

28. Include steps you must perform at the beginning of a program to get ready for the rest of the program.

29. Includes the module identifier and possibly other necessary identifying information.

30. The act of containing a task's instructions in a module.

31. Describes the operation of retrieving information from memory and sending it to device - such as a monitor or printer - so people can - interpret - and work with the results.

32. The equal sign; it is used to assign a value to variable or constant on its left.

33. All the text - numbers - and other information processed by computer.

34. A statement that provides a data type and an identifier for a variable.

35. A preselected value that stops the execution of a program.

36. A specific numeric value.

37. Indicates an input operation and is represented by a parallelogram in flowcharts.

38. Describes the process of naming variables and assigning data type to them.

39. A diagram that illustrated modules relationships to each other.

40. The format naming variables in which the initial letter is uppercase - multiple-word variable names are run together - and each new word within the variable name begins with an uppercase letter.

41. The process of paying attention to important properties while ignoring nonessential details.

42. 1) understand the problem. 2) Plan the logic. 3) Code the program. 4)Use software to translate the program into machine language. 5) Test the program. 6) Put the program into production. 7) Maintain the program.

43. Hold the action that results when the Boolean expression in the decision is true.

44. Floating-point numbers.

45. The similar to variable - except that its value cannot change after the first assignment.

46. Contains all the statements in the module.

47. Action is taken only when the Boolean expression in the decision is true.

48. The entire set of actions an organization must take to switch to using a new program or set of programs.

49. Occurs when a correct word is used in an incorrect context.

50. A memory location in which the computer keeps track of the correct memory address to which it should return after executing a module.