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Public Speaking

Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The art or study of public speaking

2. Doing _______: get your audience's attention - indicate your purpose - establish your credibility (preview you main points) -> but not in persuasive speeches

3. A speaker should worry more about the ________ than the speech

4. The ___________ is: first - second - third - next - then finally

5. Vocalized _______ tend to distract your audience.

6. Speaking from _______ experience is usually a good idea.

7. Group of people a speech is directed towards

8. Answers the question 'what is the support for my assertion?') - Supporting materials presented to back up the claim

9. An example of intrapersonal communication is...

10. Answers the question 'How are my supporting materials and assertions linked together?'

11. This speech pattern conveys ideas through the medium of a story with characters - setting - and a plot

12. A sneer is an example of...

13. Reiterate main points of speech

14. What is the audience level of interest when the speaker's primary responsibility is to direct behaviors?

15. Life experiences which affect a person's perception - is ultimately the place from which Context is constructed

16. Monroe motivated sequence: ________ - imagining the solution being implemented

17. Argument that if other people agree then the audience should also agree - everyone is doing it - favorable audiences

18. Leave audience with something to think about (rhetorical question)

19. Which is communication apprehension?

20. __________ increases when we suffer from stage fright.

21. An audience is more likely to pay attention if a speech has a...

22. Illustrations or cases that represent a larger group or class of things

23. Answers the question 'what am I asserting?' - Thesis of the speech - Includes at least one premise and a conclusion

24. It is easier to _______ facts than to correct them.

25. Monroe motivated sequence: ________ - simple and easy things the audience can do to enact the solution - answers= how? what? when?

26. What is the audience level of interest when the speaker's primary responsibility to get interest?

27. Make a solid first...

28. A good speech has _____ main parts.

29. Arguing from a specific fact - make a general claim

30. What is the audience level of interest when the speaker's primary responsibility to get attention?

31. This speech pattern is useful for recounting the history of a subject - a sequence of events - or a step by step procedure

32. This speech pattern describes or explain the physical arrangement of a place - scene - event - or object - useful for describing an object - a place - or how something is - provides your audience with a sense of how a topic unfolds over time

33. Monroe motivated sequence: _________ - relating the topic to the audience

34. To find good speech ideas - you must sometimes break the rules and look for ideas in...

35. Call to action

36. Monroe motivated sequence: ________ - there is a problem

37. Where the speaker tells the audience that they 'should or shouldn't' be doing something.

38. Explain or describe what something is

39. What is the general purpose for chronological speech pattern?

40. You should practice a speech _______ rather than silently.

41. Maslow's hierarchy: _________ - realizing your full potential - discovering passion

42. The power source for a speaker is the...

43. Review main points - reinforce your general purpose - provide closure

44. What is the audience level of interest when the speaker's primary responsibility to make an impression on listeners?

45. Stands for an idea

46. Use ________________ to move from the intro to body - from point to the next - and from the body to conclusion

47. Key characteristics of populations - i.e. sex - age - race

48. Relying on an individual's opinions or experiences related to a particular topic

49. ____________ is closely related to empathy.

50. What is the audience level of interest when the speaker's primary responsibility is to foster conviction?