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1. Normal range of PaCO2
release of O2 from Hb
Hypoventilation or modest changes in the PaO2
Normal to increased FEV1%
35 to 45 mmHg
2. During expiration - thoracic cavity volume decreases - and the intrapulmonary pressure becomes greater than
The atmospheric pressure
Anemia - since the oxygen saturation at which cyanosis becomes clinically apparent is a function of hemoglobin concentration
Expiratory airflow - the expiratory time is very short - and chest expansion is poor
3. Oxygen moves from the...
Number of pillows the patient uses for sleeping - or by the fact that the patient needs to sleep sitting up
Fraction (%age) of inspired oxygen
Alveoli to the blood
Air-filled - fluid-filled - or solid
4. forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)
The volume of air that is forcefully expired during the first second after a deep breath - or the portion of the FVC exhaled in one second
Interstitial diseases or early pulmonary edema
Blue or bluish-gray discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
5. Sharp peaks and smooth descents on the flow-volume curves - and a flat plateau at the end of the volume-time curve suggests
500 to 800 mL
Vesicular breath sounds - Bronchiovesicular breath sounds - Bronchial breath sounds
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
A good effort
6. FEV1% in restrictive disease
Inside of the thoracic cavity wall and the upper surface of the diaphragm
The negative logarithm of hydrogen ions in the blood
Normal to increased FEV1%
Bronchospasm - mucosal edema - or excessive secretions
7. Factors that influence the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin
Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) - Bohr effect of pH - Temperature
Pleural space
Hypoventilation or modest changes in the PaO2
Either inspiration or expiration
8. The lungs are paired - cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity separated By what space?
Manubrio-sternal junction (angle of Louis)
Increased rate of breathing and is commonly associated with a decrease in tidal volume
Immediate oxygenation with or without intubation
9. Patients with obstructive disease have normal
Lung volumes - but find it difficult to exhale rapidly
Increased minute volume ventilation - which results in a lowered carbon dioxide level
Upper respiratory obstruction - usually in the trachea or larynx
Partial pressure of O2 in the arterial blood
10. Which lobe has an inferior tongue-like projection called the lingula?
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
Left upper lobe
The volume of air that is forcefully expired during the first second after a deep breath - or the portion of the FVC exhaled in one second
A good effort
11. terminal respiratory unit
Hypoventilation or modest changes in the PaO2
right & left
12. With restrictive disease - the flow-volume curve is...
right and left mainstem bronchi
PaO2 is less than 40 mm Hg - and the unsaturated hemoglobin is 5 grams/dL
reduced in size - compared with a normal curve - due to lower lung volume
Terminal - and ultimately into respiratory bronchioles so small that each is associated with one acinus
13. Auscultation of the chest depends on...
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
A reliable and consistent classification of auditory findings
Partial pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood
The negative logarithm of hydrogen ions in the blood
14. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) is...
Dyspnea that awakens the patient several hours after going to sleep
PaO2 is less than 40 mm Hg - and the unsaturated hemoglobin is 5 grams/dL
Keep the body adequately supplied with oxygen and protected from excess accumulation of carbon dioxide
Blue or bluish-gray discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
15. A normal volume-time curve rises
respiratory bronchioles - alveolar ducts - alveolar sacs - and alveoli
quickly - usually reaching a plateau within 6.0 seconds
Brief - discrete - non-musical sounds with a popping quality
16. high CO2 = high acidity =
Graphic representations of the patient's efforts in the form of a flow-volume curve and a volume-time curve
release of O2 from Hb
Wheezes - high-pitched - musical sounds - distinct whistling quality
17. What occurs passively as muscles relax?
The examiner can clearly distinguish the word that the pt speak or whispers
Increased minute volume ventilation - which results in a lowered carbon dioxide level
A tracing of the lung volume against time in seconds
18. The trachea divides into right and left mainstem bronchi At what level?
The amount of air that can be exhaled after expiration
T4 or T5 - and just below the manubrio-sternal joint
19. Restrictive Disease: Expiratory volume is reduced more than
Soft - high-pitched and crisp
Expiratory airflow - the expiratory time is very short - and chest expansion is poor
Number of pillows the patient uses for sleeping - or by the fact that the patient needs to sleep sitting up
The total amount of air that can be exhaled following a maximal inhalation
20. normal adult tidal volume
There is an inverse relationship between pressure and volume
500 to 800 mL
Bronchospasm - mucosal edema - or excessive secretions
Total lung capacity (TLC)
21. Resistance is dependent upon
Speed of airflow - the higher the flow - the greater the resistance
Decreased pressure
To assess response to treatment
22. The internal intercostals decrease the transverse diameter of the chest during
The total amount of air that can be exhaled following a maximal inhalation
23. Nitroglycerin applied to the probe area has been reported to...
Overcome some of the problems associated with low blood flow to the probe site
Sternocleidomastoid - Scalene Muscles
Expiratory airflow - the expiratory time is very short - and chest expansion is poor
Vesicular breath sounds - Bronchiovesicular breath sounds - Bronchial breath sounds
24. The muscles of inspiration are the...
Portable antero-posterior (AP) view
Diaphragm - External Intercostals
'scooped out' or bowl-shaped
25. the lingula is analogous to...
Portable antero-posterior (AP) view
The right middle lobe
Sternocleidomastoid - Scalene Muscles
26. PACO2
Obstruction below the vocal cords (subglottic or tracheal obstruction)
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli
Inside of the thoracic cavity wall and the upper surface of the diaphragm
A percentage of predicted values - which are derived from normal individuals grouped by gender - age - and height
27. total lung capacity (TLC)
The total amount of air in the lungs at the end of a maximal inhalation
The volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each resting breath during normal - quiet breathing
Mouth as well as through the chest wall
28. The primary muscles of respiration are the...
Narrowed nearly to the point of closure
Diaphragm and the intercostal muscles
29. At rest - the use of accessory muscles is a sign of...
respiratory rate and rhythm - the depth of breathing - and the relative amount of time spent in inspiration and expiration
Significant pulmonary impairment
Spirometry in the diagnosis - severity staging - and monitoring of these conditions
Expiratory volume - and there is a prolonged expiratory time
30. Continuous lung sounds
Wheezes - high-pitched - musical sounds - distinct whistling quality
31. The spirometry printout usually includes
32. Normal lung sounds
Vesicular breath sounds - Bronchiovesicular breath sounds - Bronchial breath sounds
The amount of air that can be exhaled after expiration
Partial pressure of O2 in the arterial blood
Narrowed nearly to the point of closure
33. Dyspnea is defined as
'scooped out' or bowl-shaped
right & left
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Saturated with oxygen or unsaturated
34. The acini consist of the...
respiratory bronchioles - alveolar ducts - alveolar sacs - and alveoli
Air to move from the upper airway to the farthest alveolar reaches
Insufficient oxygenation of hemoglobin in the lungs
Pulse oximetry
35. Rhonchi occur during
Significant pulmonary impairment
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli
Either inspiration or expiration
Normal to increased FEV1%
36. Rhonchi originate in the...
Blue or bluish-gray discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
Larger airways
The volume of air inhaled and exhaled with each resting breath during normal - quiet breathing
37. The muscles of expiration are the...
Postero-anterior (PA) and lateral view series
Internal Intercostals - Internal and External Obliques - Transversus Abdominis
Increase the intrathoracic space
38. Chest Radiography: The most common chest X-ray series is the...
Lung volumes - but no difficulty or delay in exhaling what volume they do have
Postero-anterior (PA) and lateral view series
No respiration for > 20 seconds
39. most important factor that influences the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin
A pulsatile blood flow - therefore it may be inaccurate in situations that result in peripheral vasoconstriction
results in a lower than normal FEV1%
Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)
40. Orthopnea is quantified by
Narrowed nearly to the point of closure
Number of pillows the patient uses for sleeping - or by the fact that the patient needs to sleep sitting up
Oxygen (O2)
41. Bronchial breath sounds
Air to move from the upper airway to the farthest alveolar reaches
Inflammation of the adjacent parietal pleura
Spirometry in the diagnosis - severity staging - and monitoring of these conditions
Louder and higher in pitch - with a short silence between inspiratory and expiratory sounds - the expiratory phase lasting longer than inspiratory phase
42. Stridor is a high-pitched - noisy respiration - Which is indicative of...
Immediate oxygenation with or without intubation
The atmospheric pressure
Upper respiratory obstruction - usually in the trachea or larynx
43. Coarse crackles are...
Ventilation - Diffusion - Perfusion
Shaped like a sail - rising rapidly to a sharp peak - then descending in a straight line at about a 45˚ angle
Louder - lower-pitched - and slightly longer in duration
Internal Intercostals - Internal and External Obliques - Transversus Abdominis
44. PaO2
Anemia - since the oxygen saturation at which cyanosis becomes clinically apparent is a function of hemoglobin concentration
The amount of air that can be inhaled after normal inspiration
Partial pressure of O2 in the arterial blood
45. Cyanosis is caused by
Increased amounts of unsaturated hemoglobin in capillary blood
There is an inverse relationship between pressure and volume
Inside of the thoracic cavity wall and the upper surface of the diaphragm
46. Pulse Oximetry: The amount of absorption differs depending on whether the hemoglobin is...
right & left
Saturated with oxygen or unsaturated
Total lung capacity (TLC)
Lung volumes - but find it difficult to exhale rapidly
47. pH
The negative logarithm of hydrogen ions in the blood
release of O2 from Hb - as heat is a by-product of metabolism.
Internal Intercostals - Internal and External Obliques - Transversus Abdominis
Overcome some of the problems associated with low blood flow to the probe site
48. Cyanosis
Mouth as well as through the chest wall
To assess response to treatment
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
Blue or bluish-gray discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
49. An SaO2 of 90% correlates with a PaO2 as low as 59 and requires
results in a lower than normal FEV1%
A tracing of the lung volume against time in seconds
The right middle lobe
Immediate oxygenation with or without intubation
50. What is the potential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae?
Pleural space
Lung volumes - but no difficulty or delay in exhaling what volume they do have
Alveoli to the blood
An area of higher concentration to that of a lower concentration passively - with no expenditure of energy