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Radiology 2

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What are common sources of background radiation

2. What control factors effect the density of a radiograph

3. Max molar anatomy

4. A patient complains of pain in the upper molar region. What radiographic exposure should be made?

5. What is the proper patient position for BW's?

6. How does reducing exposure to the patient benefit the operator

7. Size film used for anterior PA's for patients with narrow arches

8. Proper patient positiong for paralleling

9. You notice on a PANO that the ant. teeth appear narrow and out of focus. What caused this

10. What part of the x-ray machine is responsible for providing the electrons

11. What is the maximum size of the x-ray beam at the patients face

12. Size film used for BW on adults when only one film is taken on each side

13. You process a set of BW's in the automatic processor. three of the BW's are of good quality - but fourth is completely blank. What probably caused this?

14. which anatomical structures appear radiolucent

15. What type of film are calcium tungstate screens paired with

16. What is the bremsstrahlung radiation

17. What are occlusal radiographs used to diagnose

18. What Size film is 2 1/4 x 3

19. Size film used for PA's on small children

20. What anatomical structures appear radiopaque on a dental radiograph

21. What size bulb is used in safelight

22. When using D speed film - you use 50 impulses of radiation. How many impulses would you use with E speed film?

23. What would cause a properly exposed film to appear dark?

24. What is small doses of radiation given over a long period of time

25. A properly exposed film appears completely black. when was is exposed to white light

26. How are indirect exposure films exposed

27. when duplicating radiographs - What side of the duplicating film is in contact with the radiograph to be duplicated

28. What projection would you take for a patient complaining of pain in the lower left molar area

29. What causes teeth to appear very short and distorted

30. What is the source-skin distance of x-ray machine that operates at 75 kVp

31. an insurance company requests a patient's radiographs when examining a dental clain. you only have one copy of the radiographs. What should you do

32. which anatomical structures appear radiopaque

33. when mounting a film the dot is convex - On What side of the mouth would you find #32?

34. What causes missing apices

35. You take a radiograph using 10 mA 30 impulses and 90 kVp - your dentist wants a radiograph with increased contrast and equal density. What settings would you use?

36. when viewing a duplicated radiograph - you notice that the duplicate is too dark. What should you do to duplicating time to lighten the film

37. What is used to clean the screens inside of a cassestte

38. What is the purpose of the lead foil?

39. when viewing a molar BW - What should be on the distal of the film

40. How would a film appear if submerged totally in the developer but not in the fixer

41. How does radiation effect cells

42. What types of cells must be effected in order for mutation to occur

43. total filtration required of x-ray machines that operate above 70 kVp

44. What is done to the primary beam to make is useful

45. How is vertical angulation established with the paralleling technique

46. you change from an 8 inch to an 16 inch focal film distance. How is the intensity of the beam affected

47. How long does film stay in the developer

48. How does resolutiong and detial of a panoramic radiograph compare with that of PA's and BW's

49. Mand premolar anatomy

50. How long are films fixed