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Radiology 3
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1. Somatic effects that have a threshold; effects increase in severity with increasing absorbed dose. (Examples: Erythema - loss of hair - cataracts - and decreased fertility)
Mylohyoid Ridge
Nonstochastic (deterministic) effects
Developer Solution
Total (inherent + added) filtration
2. Bony prominence posterior to maxillary third molar; radiopaque
Maxillary Tuberosity
Milliamperage adjustment
3. Closed - pointed cone-high production of scatter - not used any longer.
Alveolar Crest
Conical PID
Primary Radiation
Superior Foramina of incisive canal
4. All cells except reproductive; effects are seen in person irradiated
Inherent filtration
Somatic cells
Radiosensitive cells
5. The x-ray photon is deflected from its path during its passage through matter
Rectangular and round PID
Compton Scatter
Lamina Dura
Coherent Scatter
6. Continues from ramus; radiopaque band
Cortical Bone
Free Radical Formation
Internal Oblique Ridge
Kilovoltage peak adjustment
7. Bump or nodule that appears radiopaque
Coronoid Process
Latent Period
8. Between canine and lateral incisor - depression is not always visible - radiolucent
Lateral Fossa
Rectangular and round PID
Inverted Y
Superior Foramina of incisive canal
9. Posterior to mandibular third molar
Alveolar Process
Mylohyoid Ridge
10. Bump of bone - muscle attachment; lingual aspect of mandible - 'ring shaped' radiopacitiy below mandibular incisors.
Inherent filtration
Body of Mandible
Genial Tubercles
Maxillary Tuberosity
11. The measurement of the number of electrons moving through a conductor. Measured in amperes (A) or milliamperes (mA)
Fixer Solution
12. V-shaped radiopacity at intersection of floor of nasal cavity and septum
Characteristic Radiation
Anterior Nasal Spine
Inherent filtration
13. Sievart
Direct Injury
Rem (Roentgen equivalent (in) man)
Secondary Radiation
14. Occurs very little; most photons pass through cell with little or no damage
Scatter Radiation
Radiosensitive cells
Direct Injury
15. Removes unexposed silver halide crystals and creates white/clear areas on film; black metallic silver remains on film.
Fixer Solution
Lingual Foramen
Dose Rate
Maxillary Tuberosity
16. Tube that passes through bone - contains nerve canals/blood vessels/and appears radiolucent
Nutrient Canals
Rad (Radiation absorbed dose)
Rectangular and round PID
17. Suggest that no matter how small the amount of radiation received - some biologic damage occurs.
The optimum temperature for manual processing?
Nonthreshold dose-response curve
Scatter Radiation
Indirect injury
18. Restricts size and shape of beam to lower patient exposure - Round: cone shaped beam-2.75 inches in diameter - Rectangular: Rectangular beam slightly larger than size 2 film- lowers patient exposure
Rem (Roentgen equivalent (in) man)
Nonthreshold dose-response curve
19. Area of body exposed total body produced more adverse effects
Lingual Foramen
Amount of tissue irradiated
20. Scooped out of depressed area of bone that appears radiolucent
Indirect injury
Mental Foramen
21. The penetrating x-ray beam that is produced at the target of the anode
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Alveolar Crest
Primary Radiation
22. Cortical bone; J or U shaped radiopacity
Zygomatic process of maxilla
Anterior Nasal Spine
Primary Radiation
23. Two small openings (radiolucent) found on floor of nasal cavity->common exit is incisive foramen
Kilovoltage peak adjustment
Superior Foramina of incisive canal
Rectangular and round PID
Alveolar Crest
24. Dental x-ray machines operating 70 kVp or below: minimum 1.5 mm aluminum filtration - Dental x-ray machines operating above 70 kVp: minimum of 2.5 mm. of aluminum filtration.
Total (inherent + added) filtration
Genial Tubercles
Step-Down Transformer
Fixer Solution
25. Tubes within maxillary sinus that carry nerves - blood supply - radiolucent band with boundary of two radiopaque cortical bony lines
Nutrient Canals
Amount of tissue irradiated
External Oblique Ridge
Submandibular Fossa
26. X-radiation created when the primary beam interacts with a matter
Secondary Radiation
Step-Up Transformer
Anterior Nasal Spine
Added filtration
27. Produced when a high-speed electron dislodges an inner-shell electron from a tungsten atom and causes ionization of that atom. Occurs only at 70 kVp and above.
Characteristic Radiation
Total (inherent + added) filtration
Nutrient Canals
Cortical Bone
28. Cortical bone - radiopaque band above maxillary incisors
Body of Mandible
Nonthreshold dose-response curve
Floor of Nasal Cavity
Alveolar Crest
29. Reproductive (ova - sperm). Effects are passed on to generations. Genetic damage cannot be repaired
Alveolar Crest
Body of Mandible
Genial Tubercles
Genetic cells
30. Superior to internal oblique ridge; anterior border of ramus ends in external oblique ridge; radiopaque band
Added filtration
External Oblique Ridge
Step-Up Transformer
31. Space between root and the lamina dura - thin - radiolucent line - healthy PDL is uniform thickness
Kilovoltage peak adjustment
Periodontal Ligament Space
Maxillary sinus
Superior Foramina of incisive canal
32. Tube that travels length of mandible - radiolucent; has cortical walls - houses inferior alveolar nerve
Indirect injury
Step-Down Transformer
Mandibular Canal
Radiosensitive cells
33. Coronal part of alveolar bone - between teeth - cortical bone - radiopaque
Coherent Scatter
Amount of tissue irradiated
Alveolar Crest
Anterior Nasal Spine
34. 'Cheekbone'; cortical bone; radiopaque band extending from zygomatic process.
Free Radical Formation
Mandibular Canal
35. Sharper of dark and light areas and how they are separated on film. Low kVp results in high contrast (many white and black areas - very little gray). Useful when diagnosing decay. High kVp results in low contrast (many shades of grade) Useful for per
Nutrient Canals
Step-Up Transformer
General Radiation
36. Marked prominence that appears radiopaque.
Nasal Cavity/Fossa
Primary Radiation
The optimum temperature for manual processing?
37. Anterior ramus of mandible; attachment for muscle of mastication; superimposed around maxillary tuberosity.
Coronoid Process
Nonstochastic (deterministic) effects
Step-Up Transformer
38. U-shaped portion extending from ramus to ramus
Body of Mandible
Submandibular Fossa
Inherent filtration
39. Do not occur in dentistry
Primary Radiation
Short-term effects
Incisive (Nasopalatine) Foramen
Conical PID
40. Darkness or blackness on film. If kVp is increased film will be darker. If decreased - film will be lighter
Long-term effects
Secondary Radiation
Inferior Nasal Conchae
41. Aluminum disks between collimator and tubehead seal. Aluminum disks filter long wavelength - low energy x-rays from x-ray beam. 0.5 mm increments
Added filtration
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Body of Mandible
42. Produced when an electron hits the nucleus of a tungsten atom or passes very close to the nucleus of a tungsten atom.
Alveolar Process
General Radiation
Septa within maxillary sinus
43. Quantity of radiation received or total amount absorbed (more damage with tissue absorbing large quantities of radiation)
Milliamperage adjustment
Total dose
External Oblique Ridge
Inherent filtration
44. Depression of bone; submandibular salivary gland found here; radiolucent; below mylohyoid ridge
Submandibular Fossa
Nasal Cavity/Fossa
Step-Down Transformer
Long-term effects
45. Used to decrease voltage from the incoming 110- or 220-line voltage to the 3 to 5 volts used by the filament circuit.
Fixer Solution
Nutrient Canals
Step-Down Transformer
Maxillary Tuberosity
46. Surrounds root - cortical bone - radiopaque
Lamina Dura
Amount of tissue irradiated
Maxillary Tuberosity
47. Hole in bone below mandibular premolars - blood supply to lower lip exits here; radiolucent; often misdiagnosed for periapical pathology
Total dose
Mental Foramen
Mandibular Canal
48. Pear shaped compartment - appears above maxillary incisors. Appears as a large radiolucent area above the maxilla.
Inverted Y
Nasal Cavity/Fossa
Scatter Radiation
49. 8 inch and 16 inch; longer are preferred due to less divergence of beam - open ended and lead lined.
Step-Down Transformer
Periodontal Ligament Space
Rectangular and round PID
50. Small lymphocyte - bone marrow - reproductive cells - immature bone
Inverted Y
Radiosensitive cells
Incisive (Nasopalatine) Foramen