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1. What changes are seen with total PSA and fraction of free PSA
Endometrial > ovarian> cervical (in US)
Inc in total - and dec in free fraction
17beta estradiol
2. What common valvular abnormality is common in Turner's
Round ligament of the uterus
Aortic bicuspid valve
Peripheral adipose tissue
Sprinolactone - digitalis - cimetidine - alchohol - ketoconazole
3. blood containing cyst from ovarian endometriosis that varies with menstrual cycle
Chocolate cyst
DES in utero (DES is a sythetic estrogen)
17beta estradiol
Follicular phase varies - luteal phase is 14
4. Which androgen is responsible for libido
Increase in size in pregs - decrease in size meno - estrogen sens
5. What is the pattern seen in leiomyoma
During fetal life
Whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles
6. What is the best test to confirm menopause
Increased FSH
DRE - hard nodule and biopsy
Mittelschmerz syndrome
7. how can struma ovarri present?
Hypogondadotropic hypogonadism
Good - late metastasis
Hyperthyroidism - contains functional thyroid tissue
8. what stimulation is required to maintain milk production and What is the pathway
Diploid - 4N - 46 sister chromatids
Inc freq of urination - nocturia - difficulty starting/stopping urination - dysuria
SANS - hypogastric nerve
Suckling - inc oxytocin - prolactin
9. What are the risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia
Anovulatory cycles - hormone replacement therapy - PCOS - granulosa cell tumor
Down regulation
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
10. What is the venous drainage of the left ovary/testis?
Invasive ductal
Estrogen - LH surge - ovulation - progesterone from CL - menstruation
PANS - pelvic nerve
Left gonadal vein - left renal vein - IVC
11. Benign - looks like bladder
Inc AFP and hCG
Bowenoid papulosis - carcinoma in situ of the penis
Brenner tumor
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
12. What serum markers are associated with embyronal carcinoma
Inc AFP and hCG
1 week - 2 weeks
Delivery of fetus
13. How does endometrial hyperplasia manifest clinically
17beta estradiol
Alpha1 antagonists - terazosin - tamsulosin - finasteride
Post menopausal bleeding
Squamo - columnar jxn
14. predisposing factor to clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina
DES in utero (DES is a sythetic estrogen)
Ectopic preg
Increase in size in pregs - decrease in size meno - estrogen sens
15. Which side is varicocele more common on...
Lack of spermatogenesis due to inc temp of testis inside body and associated risk of germ cell tumors
46 xx
16. Where is androstenedione made?
Tunica vaginalis lesions
Stimulates testosterone release from leydig cells
Adrenal gland
17. breast path - diseases of the major duct
Testicular lymphoma
Adrenal gland
Fibrcystic change - ductal cancer
Invasive lobular
18. > 35 day cycle
Krukenburg tumor
Smooth muscle
Abruptio placentae
19. What structures does testosterone negatively feedback on?
The semiT and the blood vessels
Premature ovarian failure (Pof)
The anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
Squamo - columnar jxn
20. How does exogenous testosterone create azoospermia
Lack of spermatogenesis due to inc temp of testis inside body and associated risk of germ cell tumors
Chromosomal abnormalities
Inhibition of HCG access
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
21. What is a potential complication of endometrial hyperplasia
Severe bleeding iron def anemia - miscarriage
Endometrial carcinoma
GnRH from hypoTh - LH and FSH from ant pituitary
Call exner bodies
22. What does hCG do in the first trimester to maintain the corpus luteum
Mimics LH
HPV 16 - 18
Both ovary and testicular tissue present - ambiguous genitals - rare 46 XX - 47XXY
23. What is the most common pathogen in acute mastitis
Upregulation - LH surge - ovulation
Stimulates testosterone release from leydig cells
S aureus
24. Uterin fundus to labia majora
Stimulates sertoli cells to produce ABP and inhibin
Round ligament of uterus
25. What does LH do
Stimulates testosterone release from leydig cells
Testosterone - DHT - androstenedione
Enlarged bilateral cystic ovaries - amenorrhea - infertility - obesity - and hirsutism
Estradiol and possible growth promoting effects of DHT
26. Which androgen is responsible for the deepening of the voice
Periurethral lobes - lateral and middle
Female pseudoHerm
27. What is the right venous drainage of the ovary/testis
Right gonadal vein - IVC
Estrogen overstimulation
28. histo: simple cuboidal epithelium
69 xxy
Phyllodes tumor
29. Which system and nerve allow for erection in the male?
PANS - pelvic nerve
Anovulatory cycles - hormone replacement therapy - PCOS - granulosa cell tumor
IV mag sulfate - diazepam
30. What does progesterone do to myometrial excitability
Granulosa cell tumor
31. What is the risk for carcinoma among patients with intraductal papilloma
Slight increase - 1.5 to 2
Fibrocystic disease
Acute mastitis
Post menopausal bleeding
32. What is the average age of onset for menopause
Adrenal gland
Spermatogonia (germ cells)
51 yo
33. What are the treatments for BPH
Premature ovarian failure (Pof)
Cyclic bleeding - chocolate cysts - severe menstrual related pain - infertility
Alpha1 antagonists - terazosin - tamsulosin - finasteride
History of infertility - salpingitis - ruptured appendix - prior tubal surgery
34. What is the prognosis for seminoma
Good - late metastasis
Preeclampsia clinical
Just prior to ovulation
35. What is the most common form of male pseudoHerm
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Severe bleeding iron def anemia - miscarriage
Erythroplasia of Queyrat - carcinoma in situ of penis
1 week - 2 weeks
36. What are predisposing factors for placenta previa
Endometrial > ovarian> cervical (in US)
Prior c section - multiparity
Female pseudoHerm
37. histo: simple columnar epithelium - ciliated
Bowenoid papulosis - carcinoma in situ of the penis
PCOS - obesity - Asherman's - HPO axis defect - Pof - hyperprolactinemia - thryoid - eating disorders - cushging's - adrenal insuff
Fallopian tube
38. histo: stratified squamous epithelium - nonkeratinized
Serous cystadenoma
Asia - Africa - S. America - HPV - lack of circumcision
39. When does the secondary oocyte complete meosis II
40. eclampsia
Preeclampsia + siezures
Sclerosing adenosis
Feedback inhibition
20 to 40
41. What does the histo show for prostate cancer
Epithelial hyperplasia
Small infiltrating glands with prominent nucleoli
Smoking - HTN - cocaine
42. What is the serum marker for BPH
Stimulation of secretion - but blocks its action at the breast
Lateral invasion can block ureters causing renal failure
Bicornute uterus
43. Which nerve and nerve fibers control for ejaculation
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - exogenous administration of steroids
Visceral - somatic nerves in pudendal
Production of a thick cervical mucus
44. Where does prostatic adenocarcinoma arise from?
Broad ligament
Posterior lobe peripheral zone
Suspensory ligament of ovaries
45. defect in androgen receptor resulting in normal appearing female - rudimentry vagina - no uterus or uterine tubes
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - 46 XY
5 alpha reductase - inhibited by finesteride
Mucinous cystadenoma
46. 90% of ovarian germ cells tumors - contains cells from 2 or 3 germ layers
Testis determining factor
Left gonadal vein - left renal vein - IVC
Mimics LH
47. What is a complication of cryptorchidism and why does it occur
Lack of spermatogenesis due to inc temp of testis inside body and associated risk of germ cell tumors
Stimulates testosterone release from leydig cells
Meigs syndrome
48. breast path - diseases of the terminal duct
Stimulation of secretion - but blocks its action at the breast
Tubular carcinoma
Suckling - inc oxytocin - prolactin
49. < 21 day cycle
Low progesterone
Neoplastic cells block lymphatic drainage
17beta estradiol
50. which cysts results from gonadotropin stimulation and is associated with choriocarcinoma and moles
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - 46 XY
Hirsutism - hot flashes - atrophy of the vagina - osteoporosis - coronary artery disease
Theca - leutin cysts