Test your basic knowledge |


Subject : health-sciences
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. How does autoimmune dz cause thromboemboli

2. What are the SPHERE of complications in lung cancer

3. What does the respiratory zone consist of and What is its fxn

4. What changes at high altitude can result in RVH

5. Define inspiratory capacity (IC)

6. What is the airway and alveolar pressure at FRC - What is the intrapleural pressure - and What does that prevent

7. What does pulm HTN result in

8. What lung abnl is characterized by absent or decreased breath sounds over affected area - dec resonance - dec fremitus - and which side is the trachea deviated towards

9. What is an association and potential complication of paraseptal emphysema

10. What does the conducting zone consist of...

11. What is the protein content an exudative pleural effusion and What are the potential causes

12. What is the imaging test of choice for PE

13. How many lobes does each lung have - and What is the lingula

14. What happens to lung volumes in obstructive lung disease

15. What lung abnl is associated with bronchial breath sounds over lesion - dullness and increased fremitus

16. What changes in EPO occur at high altitude

17. What must occur with a exudate pleural effusion

18. Which lung is the more common site for an inhaled foreign body and why

19. What is central sleep apnea

20. How happens to the proton from the rxn the created bicarb

21. What layers must CO2 and O2 traverse to complete gas exchange

22. What are the findings associated with sarcoidosis

23. Define residual volume (RV)

24. How do you prevent DVT

25. Lung cancer in central region - undifferentiated beoming very aggressive - associated with ectopic production of ACTH - ADH and Lambert Eaton syndrome - cancer and histo

26. In what cells do you find lamellar bodies

27. Susceptibility to what infection is increased in silicosis and why

28. What is a typical tidal volume

29. What is are the symptoms of a pulmonary embolism

30. What kind of space is in the conducting tree and what kind of muscle exists there

31. Lung cancer not linked to smoking - peripheral - grows along airywas - can present like a PNA - cancer and complication

32. At what PaO2 does hypoxemia begin

33. What is the criteria for chronic bronchitis

34. If you aspirate a peanut while upright - where will it go

35. What is the course of of pulm HTN

36. What is virchow's triad

37. Lung absecss often reults From what organisms

38. What is the formula for pulm vasc resistance

39. What does alveolar pressure do to capillaries in the apex of the lung

40. How does mitral stenosis cause pulm HTN

41. What enzyme increases activity in emphysema

42. What is the characteristic lymphatic pleural effusion

43. Why do pts with emphysema exhale through pursed lips

44. What drug therapy is used to augment the changes in bicarb exretion

45. What does each bronchopulmonary segment have in the center and along its border

46. What is the ideal V/Q ratio and why

47. What is nl pulmonary artery pressure and At what point is it considered pulm HTN

48. What does a V/Q ratio of 0 indicate

49. What happens with the O2 curve shifts to the right and What does it facilitate

50. Why is cesarean delivery a risk factor for neonatal RDS