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RHCSA Commands

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Configuration for VNC

2. Install a pkg.rpm locally

3. Process packets coming into the system

4. Register on the RHN

5. Search for command in the doc directory

6. Get more information on a package availale through yum

7. Start GUI for Firewall

8. Show IP address with the IP command

9. System config firewall

10. Contains RPM database

11. Search for a package within all packages

12. FTP package used in RHEL 6

13. Redirect errors to std out

14. Remote copy /home/test1.html to the /var/pub directory on server6 with progress - preserving hard links - and using relative path names

15. Create a symbolic link to /pub on the FTP and name it pub

16. Generate SSH Keys

17. List VMs

18. Edit files with cat until the _EOF is found

19. Install the VNC server package

20. Display packages that match the pathname

21. Process packets being forwarded through the system

22. Persist the web server on boot

23. Get a list of package groups from yum

24. Remove a package named firefox4

25. Extract a star compressed file

26. Import a public key

27. Sync ntp time with the instructor

28. Email related messages log

29. Create a gzip-compressed backup of /etc in /tmp

30. Extract a gzipped tar ball in your home directory

31. Program to analyze standard log files and send a summary email to root

32. Remote file copy /home/test1.html to the /var/pub directory on server6

33. Shows network / global network variables: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=shuttlehosti GATEWAY=

34. See the configuration files installed with a package named httpd

35. Stores IPtables rules (filter) chains - input forward output are persistant

36. Repos for yum

37. Install the star compression tool create an archive with the star tool.

38. Local host file (contains hostname). Can contain local system DNS.

39. Uninstall a package group with yum

40. List iptables

41. Restart the ntpd service

42. Copy a public ssh key to server6

43. List scripts that can be run after installation of pkg.rpm

44. Acting as a router with forwarding

45. Query configuration files with RPM

46. Grep with ignoring case

47. GUI install / uninstall with yum

48. Extract /tmp/etc.tar.gz to /etc

49. An example of searching through system logs with interpretation.

50. Configuration file for system logs