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Ruby On Rails Basics

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Naming convention for classes

2. Default Rails environments: development - test - ________

3. Methods by default are ________

4. to run the latest migrations

5. Long form of "rake" which can do more complex things like modifying the database structure and running testsis

6. a RESTful application uses ... to define an interaction with the data.

7. A script that alters the structure of the underlying database

8. the three "magic columns" are:id - _______ - updated_at

9. models have only ______names

10. h in in <%=h ... %> is a ______ that escapes special characters to sanitize malicious input

11. This is a comparison operator

12. A search form is not associated with a ______

13. a RESTful application uses ... to define an interaction with the data.

14. the second uri indicate

15. This variable changes the environment

16. You add the filter code right after the line introducing __________ in the controller

17. A special class whose only job is to have attributes and to hold data

18. to get character from ascii value

19. Rails' object-relational mapping library

20. the concept of writing code that can work with objects of multiple types and classes at once

21. Command to run a migration

22. Methods by default are ________

23. expression that all layouts have

24. to specify a format like html or xml in routes.rb

25. Kinds of test you create yourself

26. tag that starts a form

27. edit routes

28. This method name indicates to rails that it should validate before saving/updating

29. to add an error (called "there was an error") in the validate method

30. Naming convention for file names

31. The "format" in "repond_to do |format|"? is a ______

32. to include a module inside another class/file

33. Rails' application framework

34. Embedded Ruby (ERb) processes data from model objects AND _______ as inputs

35. the second uri indicate

36. Before it saves or updates data a model object _______

37. A script that alters the structure of the underlying database

38. All constants are _______

39. Unlike regular erb files partials' names begin with an ________

40. Before it saves or updates data a model object _______

41. to insert "1 + 1" into a string

42. to declare global variables

43. the concept of writing code that can work with objects of multiple types and classes at once

44. Command to run a migration

45. the three "magic columns" are:id - _______ - updated_at

46. This is a comparison operator

47. Naming convention for file names

48. The three kinds of tests are: unit and functional and _________ tests

49. Allows instance variables to be accessible outside the class by defining = operators for variables

50. Unlike regular erb files partials' names begin with an ________