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Ruby Programming Vocab

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. data passed to methods in parenthesis after a method's name.

2. method that tells an argument's place value within an array

3. a module that works everywhere within ruby without being refereed to. Contains many common ruby methods.

4. a string method that substitutes THE FIRST occurrence of a string within a string

5. returns ASCII value of x

6. (regular expression)any nonletter or nondigit or nonunderscore.

7. a string method that substituition. Requires 2 arguments.

8. a regular method that is the anchor for the end of a line

9. a collection of objects or values with associated keys

10. a string method that splits a string into an array

11. array method that transforms the contents of an array according to a specified set of rules

12. defines a class variable. Can be used anywhere within a class

13. passes value into block of code and assigns it the label of "x"

14. a string method that uncapitalizes first character

15. less than or equal to (comparison operator)

16. (regular expression)any letter or digit or underscore

17. a string method that removes last character

18. method that tells if an argument is within the limits of two numbers

19. (regular expression)any digit

20. defines array of multiple elements seperated by a space

21. a definition of a concept in an object oriented language.

22. an array method that

23. (regular expression)any space or tab or newline or whitespace

24. used in an expression to manipulate objects

25. comaprison operator that will read 0 if = or 1 if higher or -1 if lower.

26. method that tells an argument's place value within an array

27. (regular expression)any nondigit

28. a section of code with no discrete name which is not a method by itself that can be called upon and can receive an argument.

29. comparison operator for "equal to"

30. (regular expression)any non-whitespace character

31. the remainder operator

32. allows for classes to relate to each other in a hierarchy

33. array assignment oprator

34. methods that step through lists element by element (like each or upto or times etc)

35. Boolean AND operator

36. a set of code within a class or object

37. Boolean OR operator

38. a string method that removes last character

39. array method that removes last item from an array

40. sets a text delimiter

41. a definition of a concept in an object oriented language.

42. tells you all methods that an object may invoke.

43. comparison operator for "not equal to"

44. Boolean not and or (lower preference)

45. the representation of data from a start to end point

46. data passed to methods in parenthesis after a method's name.

47. (regular expression)any nondigit

48. (regular expression)any space or tab or newline or whitespace

49. method to determine if an object is an even number

50. (regular expression)anchor for the start of a string