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SAT Math Tricks 2
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Know How to Use Units of...
Time - Distance - Area or Volume to Find or Check Your Answer
Easy but That Can Be Tricky - Beware of Choice A as a 'Lure Choice'
2. Translate English Words into...
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
Averages and Inequalities
Mathematical Expressions
3. Remember Classic Expressions Such as...
R x T = D
Known Quantities (the Whole Equals the Sum of Its Parts)
Mathematical Expressions
X^2 - y^2 - x^2 + 2xy + y^2 - x^2 - 2xy + y^2 - x + y/xy
4. Know How to Solve Problems Using the Formula...
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
Make the Problem Simpler
R x T = D
5. Use the Given Information
Effectively (and Ignore Irrelevant Information)
Averages and Inequalities
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
R x T = D
6. Use New Definitions and Functions...
Easy but That Can Be Tricky - Beware of Choice A as a 'Lure Choice'
Effectively (and Ignore Irrelevant Information)
Choice E and Work Backward
7. Know How to Find Unknown Quantities (Area - Length - Arc & Angle) from...
R x T = D
Averages and Inequalities
Mathematical Expressions
Known Quantities (the Whole Equals the Sum of Its Parts)
8. Know How to Find Unknown Expressions by...
Prove or Disprove Your Guess
Never Multiply and/or Do Long Division If - Reducing Can Be Done First
Choice E and Work Backward
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
9. Watch Out for Questions That Seem Very...
10. When Calculating Answers...
Never Multiply and/or Do Long Division If - Reducing Can Be Done First
Tedious Calculations Since There is Usually an Easier Way
Averages and Inequalities
Make the Problem Simpler
11. When Each Choice Must Be Tested - Start with...
Prove or Disprove Your Guess
Known Quantities (the Whole Equals the Sum of Its Parts)
Certain Choices
Choice E and Work Backward
12. Know and Use Facts About...
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
Effectively (and Ignore Irrelevant Information)
X^2 - y^2 - x^2 + 2xy + y^2 - x^2 - 2xy + y^2 - x + y/xy
13. Use Specific Numerical Example to...
Prove or Disprove Your Guess
Known Quantities (the Whole Equals the Sum of Its Parts)
R x T = D
Make the Problem Simpler
14. Know How to Eliminate...
Certain Choices
Make a Problem Easier; Label Unknown Quantities
Choice E and Work Backward
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions
15. Draw or Extend Lines in a Diagrams to...
Make a Problem Easier; Label Unknown Quantities
Never Multiply and/or Do Long Division If - Reducing Can Be Done First
Make the Problem Simpler
16. Try Not to Make...
Choice E and Work Backward
Tedious Calculations Since There is Usually an Easier Way
Effectively (and Ignore Irrelevant Information)
Mathematical Expressions
17. Cancel Quantities to...
Never Multiply and/or Do Long Division If - Reducing Can Be Done First
Choice E and Work Backward
Make the Problem Simpler
Certain Choices
18. Know How to Manipulate...
Averages and Inequalities
Known Quantities (the Whole Equals the Sum of Its Parts)
Certain Choices
Adding - Subtracting - Multiplying - or Dividing Equations or Expressions