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SAT Vocab - 2

Subjects : sat, english, vocabulary
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A huge appetite; cannot be satisfied; insatiable

2. Adherence to the truth; truthfulness

3. Gradual - often unconscious - process of assimilation

4. Highly detailed

5. To put down with comtemptuous jeering

6. Annoyingly talkative

7. Charmingly simple and carefree

8. Of doubtful authenticity; false; spurious

9. An inequality; an imbalance

10. Delete; remove

11. Strong dislike

12. Unable to pay; out of money (solvent - solvency - soluble - insoluble)

13. Deception by subterfuge; deliberate trickery

14. The study of characteristics of human population

15. Practical. sensible

16. Deliberately deceptive in behavior or speech

17. Readily taking on various forms and meanings

18. A general commotion; an uproar

19. Showy; intended to attract notice; pretentious

20. Cheerfully confident; optimistic

21. An eloquent writer or speaker

22. Remaining in a pure state: uncorrupted by civilization

23. An original model

24. An inference

25. Policy of granting concessions to maintain peace

26. A ruler or other person with unlimited authority

27. Happening or moving extremely slowly

28. Very depressed

29. Promptly obedient - submissive - marked by or exhibiting fawning

30. Lack of interest or concern

31. Poor; penniless; not affluent

32. Mobile; not sedentary

33. Great in depth of feeling - intellect or meaning

34. To compensate - to make payment for - to pay a person

35. Feelings of sincere and deep regret

36. Flowery in style - very ornate

37. Doomed to failure

38. Sad mournful - melancholic

39. Scientific study of insects

40. To regard with great respect - to hold in high esteem

41. A beginner

42. Showing haughty disdain or arrogant superiority

43. An office or position that provides an income for little/ no work

44. Of or related to the ear or the sense of hearing

45. An intruder: a gate-crasher

46. To hold back one's thoughts and feelings

47. Outstanding

48. Very small

49. Out of reach; difficult to catch

50. Possible