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SAT Vocab Multiple Meanings

Subjects : sat, english, vocabulary
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. To remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration - let's table the discussion on cafeteria lunch and go for a nice walk instead.

2. General acceptance . The banning of handguns gained currency after the movie theater shooting spree.

3. To suspend; to engage; holding one's attention. I am afraid my brother is case of arrested development. Her beauty was arresting. His Chaucer lecture was arresting.

4. Fitting - proper.It is altogether meet that Jackie Robinson is in the baseball hall of fame

5. To bring up - announce - begin to talk about. Many parents are afraid to broach the subject of colleges with their kids

6. -pompous - self-important. He believes he is consequential because he donated money to the school fund.

7. Hidden - concealed - beyond comprehension. John Lofter was well regarded because his evil intentions were occult.

8. (v.) - To toss around The ship was buffeted by high winds)

9. To move heavily and clumsily. Hagrid lumbered back to his shack.

10. (n.) - The physical character - health of a body. I am very lucky because I have a very healthy constitution - so have never missed a day of school.

11. Soften or moderate Although he was disappointed - my dad tempered his words with a slight smile.

12. To successfully travel through. He negotiated the sharp turn very poorly.

13. To soften; moderate. Mr. King - after forbidding students to wear shirst with scenes of violence tempered his remarks by saying that they did not apply to boys who never wore hoodies or shirts with offensive militaristic designs to school

14. (v.) - To cut short. He cropped his jeans so he he could wade into the water and not have wet pants around his ankles

15. (v.) - To bother - question repeatedly Harry badgered me for a new lacrosse stick

16. Exceptional - unusual - odd.She was singular in her gymnasts talent. She was singular in her Gothic taste.

17. To devise a new word Who coined the name 'labradoodles?'

18. Contemptible; despicable. I find his behavior to be scurvy.

19. (v.) - To complain about or denounce bitterly

20. To restrain; halt; contain. He was able to check the flow of water with his wrench.

21. A serious situation or problem. Joe did not apprear to recognize the gravity of the situation

22. (n.) - A dissolute man - womanizer. Do not go out with Bill - he's a rake and can't be trusted.

23. (n.) - To read over or study with great attention. Fran pored over the yearbook hoping to find himself in many pictures.

24. Ordinary. Please don't wear the solid red tie; it is so pedestrian. Please don't order a hotdog at the restaurant - it's so pedestrian.

25. (v) - To shock or stun. I was floored by his unexpected bouquet of flowers

26. A group of trees. Please put the new bench in front of the stand of pine trees.

27. A strong tendency. Annie has a bent for Chemistry.

28. To attempt to gain the favor or support of a person or group - The politician courted support for the new bill he wanted to pass -

29. Wit - joker. I love having dinner with your cousin; he's such a wag.

30. To co-mingle - to debase by mirroring with something inferior. I am afraid the bowl is made of an alloy - not sterling as we thought.

31. To imply - suggest - or insinuate. He intimated that I had stolen his bike.

32. A stereotypical or formulaic character. i don't remember her name beacause she was just a stock character in the play.

33. To lean or tilt to one side. When our dog wakes from a nap - his head lists to one side.

34. To pry - to press - or force with a lever; something taken by force - He prized the locked door until the door jam gave way.

35. Multicolored - usually in blotches. His face was pied from exposure to poison ivy

36. (adj.) - Simple - undecorated

37. (n. - adj.) - Artificial or pretentious behavior. The trouble with Jill is that her behavior is so affected that it is impossible to determine her real personality

38. Sharply perceptive; keen; penetrating. For some reason very librarian our school has ever ever hired has been trenchant.

39. A perfect example Sam was the personification of bravery.

40. To saturate or completely soak - as in to let a tea bag steep. Allow the tea to steep for at least five minutes -

41. To lose vigor (as through grief). After her husband died - Mrs. Deary pined for weeks.

42. Official approval or disapproval of an action. Mrs' Gerring sanctioned ipod but only for studying vocabulary

43. (v.) - To modify or soften the severity of a statement

44. (v.) - To attempt to get recognition or applause (e.g. to milk an audience) The young singer stayed on stage after the applause died down hoping to milk more even more recognition from the audience.

45. Elevation of a land surface. The globe we have had all the mountain ranges in relief. Remember bas relief?

46. (v.) - To move slowly and awkwardly. The old man lumbered down the lane

47. To lose courage - turn frightened. The chimpanzee was quailed by the alpha male in the group.

48. A tool used for shaping. My father used a die to shape the replacement spindle for our stair railing.

49. (v) - To shock or stun

50. (adj.) - Serious Pleas recognize the gravity of the situation and refrain from laughing.