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Software Testing Tools Inspection And Test Execution

Subject : it-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. This is usually conducted prior to a design inspection.

2. Variable Capture/Replay Tools inroduced this to be used in conjunction with the capture/replay features.

3. This automatically notes a discrepancy in the expected results.

4. In Variable Capture/Replay Tools - this is where the values of the inputs and outputs are stored.

5. One purpose of the inspection and preperation and meeting is to do this when a defect exists.

6. Mecury Interactive introduced this concept.

7. In a Capture/Replay tool - this captured in the background.

8. This is held at the beginning of the preparation phase where the inspection materials are given.

9. One purpose of the inspection and preperatoin and meeting is to validate the face identified item are this.

10. The design specificaiton of this type of module contain preliminary design specifications and narrative of changes in High-level design inspeciton.

11. The purpose of the inspection process is to remove this as early as possible in the development process.

12. The design specificaiton of this type of module must contain high-level descriptions of the interfaces and processing in High-level design inspeciton.

13. In the preperatoin phase of the inspection process - this person makes any partcular not of any diffculty in understading the design code or commentary.

14. In the mid 1980s - this emerged to improve the efficency and quality of the taget application

15. Has to be subject to the same rules and standrads that were applied - to software developemnt.

16. During this phase - defects are identified - dicussed - and recorded.

17. This person prepares to send the material to the inspeciton team.

18. In a Capture/Replay tool where tests are performed in this way.

19. Enables tester to record interaction scenarios by recording the mouse/keyboard inputs and response sent to the screen during the scenario.

20. In the early 1990s - the power of this was recognized in software testing

21. In the early 2000s - they introduced an even broader definition of testing.

22. In 60s-70s - Software Testing is used to demonstrate the program's ________.

23. During the inspection meeting phase of the inpection process. This person is reponsible for maintaining proper conduct for the meeting and assuring that the team members approach this task professionally.

24. This is need in Capture/Replay tools to handle conditions - exceptions and the increased complexity of software

25. In the preparatoin phase of the inspection process - each of these people must examine the material for all possible defects.

26. A type of inspection that must contain a descrption of each new task/module including interfacing and processing.

27. In the inspection meeting of the inspection process - this person is responisible for presenting the product in a logical and orderly manner.

28. This phase of te inspeciton process is where team members come together to discuss the discrepancies detected.

29. Responsible for the entrire inpection process

30. A software testing concept that aligns IT strategy and execution with buiness goals

31. In the 1980s - Software Testing now included this.

32. Different than Static Capture/Replay Tools - The inputs and outputs are variable.

33. In this inspection process phase - the moderator must determine that a reinspection is required and begin preparation.

34. In the late 70s Software Testing is defined as the process of executing a program to do this.

35. This included the minimun estimated time required to prepare for the inspection.

36. In this inspection process phase - the moderator must make sure no defects are found and send the copy to SQA.

37. The two types of Capture/Replay Tools.

38. In a high level design inspeciton - this must be collected in the design phase and must be collected and maintained by the system engineering.

39. Started in 1980s with the emergence of automated capture and replay tools

40. In this type of Inpection - the design specification must contain - source of the design - graphical presentation of the function allocation to hardware resources - graphical presentaion of the function flow - descrption of the scheduling - and lots

41. In the early 1990s - software testing became more advanced using this.

42. In the rework phase of the inspection process - this person must examine the defects found and make the necessary correction.

43. Six Distinct Phases of the ______________: Planning - Overview - Preparation - Inspection Meeting - Rework - and Follow-Up

44. The design specificaiton of this type of module must contain preliminary design specifications in High-level design inspeciton.

45. One purpose of the inspection and preperatoin and meeting is to do this during this preperation and do this at the meeting.

46. One purpose of the inspection and preperatoin and meeting is to do this for the delevoper to use when they are making fixes

47. A short-lived technique of software verification in the 60s and 70s.