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Stagecraft Basics

Subject : performing-arts
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Best friends with Sound Tech in that both work hand in hand - makes everything work (elec) - wires - hangs - plugs & focuses according to Lighting Designer

2. (Walls) - Flat pieces of theatrical scenery which are painted and positioned on stage so as to give the appearance of buildings or other background

3. Made of plastic or vinyl - can project lights and images from front or back of them.

4. Plug in wall

5. Hire and fire Managing Director and Artistic Director - these are patrons w/ money & connections - in the upper echelons of authority and want to help theater but doesn't necessarily know how

6. Correct order of a 5 line system pipe

7. Most effective device for controlling a fire in the theatre - or any building

8. (Walls) - Flat pieces of theatrical scenery which are painted and positioned on stage so as to give the appearance of buildings or other background

9. Reinforcers that joints in wood and metal - anything that connects (Keystone - corner block - anything that bridges two pieces together )

10. To use a fire extinguish (acronym)

11. Made of plastic or vinyl - can project lights and images from front or back of them.

12. First rules of safety in theater

13. Also known as teasers - hung over head of the stage main use is to mask any equpiment usually fixtures you dont want audience to see

14. One that makes - trims - designs hats; also sometimes handles accessories

15. Everything filters through from Artistic Team - knows budget of time - labor - and money; keeps everyone in communication - conductor/diplomat

16. Lighting position: anti-pro - or anti-proscenium

17. Teeth per inch (razors/blades) - fewer for softer wood - more cuts through metal (unforgiving)

18. Connection between pipe batten and lift lines - before trim chain.

19. Type of performance space that is small - created out of a room - painted all black; the scenery can be arranged in any way inside the box

20. Most commonly used lighting instrument in the theatre that we focused

21. The person who finds the financial investors - hires the director and production staff - sets the budget - and pays the bills for a theatrical production

22. A hose connection for a fire hose

23. Best friends with Sound Tech in that both work hand in hand - makes everything work (elec) - wires - hangs - plugs & focuses according to Lighting Designer

24. A platform where pig irons are loaded onto or off of arbors

25. Imaginary line from one side of the proscenium opening tot he other - divides apron from the stage floor.

26. A stage area out of sight of the audience

27. Imaginary line from one side of the proscenium opening tot he other - divides apron from the stage floor.

28. Made of channels - A visual or aural signal that indicates the beginning of an action - line of dialogue - or piece of music

29. A theater stage that extends out into the audience's part of a theater and has seats on three sides

30. Large portables pieces of the stage setting

31. Teeth per inch (razors/blades) - fewer for softer wood - more cuts through metal (unforgiving)

32. A hose connection for a fire hose

33. Stage weights that remain on arbor when there are no scenery or lights attached

34. Scenery used to block the audience's view of parts of the stage that should not be seen

35. A platform where pig irons are loaded onto or off of arbors

36. Also known as teasers - hung over head of the stage main use is to mask any equpiment usually fixtures you dont want audience to see

37. Corridor or hallway to make quick passage way from one side to another - behind stage

38. Also known as legs - flats or curtains at the extreme right and left of stage

39. A curtain or drop made of gauze-like fabric; when lighted from the front - it is opaque - but is transparent if lighted from the back; a firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater

40. Makes shoes

41. Front part or area of the stage extending past the main act curtain; also called lip

42. (Framing) - Rails (shorter) always caps a style (long)

43. The part of the stage closest to the audience

44. One who works in the theatre as a resource for the history of plays and dramatic literature. They research - study - write - and often teach this material to others

45. A curtain that travels up and down inside a guide; fire curtain track

46. Front part or area of the stage extending past the main act curtain; also called lip

47. Any arangment of cloth or other material that curves around the rear of the stage and partiall down the sides usually neutral in color it is often lighted to represent the sky or used as a projection surface

48. Anything and everything in lobby - downstage from proscenium

49. A thin translucent membrane used over stage lights for color effects

50. Flat view of area if cut or sliced - like a dissection and see inner workings of multiple levels