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State Board Esthetician Exam
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1. Bromelain
Pineapple-derivative of enzyme
Small blisters that expand and rupture within 24 hrs. Yellow fluid that drains and forms a honey colored crust
Moderate acne- blackheads and milia can break out in the greater numbers.
Vitiligo and albinism
2. Pressure in microderm
Deepest type of chemical peeling performed by a esthetician
Very thin like glaze - spreadin the direction ofhair growth at a 45 degree angle toward you - better for large areas
Body's defense
Medium pressure should be used when holding the hand piece against the skin
3. Skeletal system
Uses methods of physical contact to literally scrape or bump cells off the skin
Cancer causing
Bones - structures - protect organs
Common - acquired - benign skin growths that look like a small piece of soft - hanging skin.
4. Cool Colors
Relaxing and calm- blue - green - violet - grey
Aging - longer more intense ray - penetrates the reticular dermis
Falling out
Chemicals that kill a majority of pathogenic microorganisms
5. Results of Microderm
Mixture of different chemicals evenly dispersed through the mixture
Type of crystals that can be used for microderm- benefits: less irritation - stable - hard - inert
Refreshed appearance - reduction of t-zone oiliness - temporary pore reduction - tighter skin
Blood and metabolic stimulation
6. Warm Wax
Quicker than hot wax - larger areas can be waxed at once - suitable for most hair types - hair re-growth is finer
Cuticle that splits around the nail
Tinea versicolor- yeast infection that affects the ability of the skin to produce melanin
Ingredient that attracts water
7. Pancreatin
Cancer causing short ray - penetrates to the stratum corneum
Chemical exfoliant that works from the inside out. Glycoloic - lactic - malic - and tartaric acids -- best for aging - dry/dehydrated - wrinkle and hyperpigmentation
Bovine (pig or cow) derivative of enzyme
A chemical in its simplest form
8. 4 procedures an esthetician performs where they may come in contact with infected body fluid
Tendency of topical substances to cause the development of comedones
Bond between two ions that have opposite charges
Extractions - microderm - mani/pedi - waxing
9. What implements or materials cannot be used in an autoclave?
Wasting away
Very large vesicles (blister)
Agents that remove dead skin cells
10. Ingredients that attract water to the skin
Cancer causing
Vitiligo and albinism
Anything that prevents you from doing a treatment
Hyluronic acid - humectants
11. Comeceutical
Process of purifying water
Measurement of mathematical changed in the experiment
Product designed for appearance improvement and has positive physiological effects
12. 3 types of blood borne diseases
Antibacterial - antiseptic - ant-inflammatory - keratolytic - kills p.acne
HIV - Hepatitis - Syphilis
Bond between two ions that have opposite charges
13. extrinsic aging
Smooth -pinkish - translucent
Controllable factors that contribute to the aging of skin - ex- sun exposure
14. lymphocytes
increase sensitivity of the skin - dehydration - possible hyperpigmentation - fluctuation in blood flow
White blood cells formed in the lymphatic tissue thru out the body
Pore opening
Outer tissue
15. Aging Classification Systems
Wasting away
Ingredients that do not react to normal chemical reactions within the skin; making it unlikely to produce allergic or irritant reactions
Thin layer of tissue- this is how the nail plate and nail bed are attached
Glogau - Rubin
16. Vitiligo
Melasma - and Chloasma
Anything that prevents you from doing a treatment
Loss of cells that give color to the skin(melanocytes) results in smooth - white patches in the midst of normally pigemented skin
Connects all bones
17. Signs of Infection
Measurement of mathematical changed in the experiment
Pain - Swelling -redness - gever - throbbing - pus
Constantly bathes the various tissues of the body.removes the waste/toxins in the body
18. Buffering
Bright - attention getting reds - orange - pink - yellow - coral - brown
Any mark on the skin that is not normal
Guard Cells that Constantly Patrol the Epidermis
Reduce strength
19. Mandible
Bond between two ions that have opposite charges
Lower jawbone
First stage of comedo formation; a comedoso small that it can be seen only with a microscope
Connects all bones
20. Frontal
Form the forehead
HIV - Hepatitis - Syphilis
Includes how to safely clean up after an accidental spill
Thickening of the tissue
21. Sensitive
Common - inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky - white to yellowish scales to form an oily areas such as the scalpor inside of the ear
Bacteria that does not need oxygen to grow or survive
Granular scrubs - brush machine - luffa
Mostly thin - small pores - pink to red in color. Flushes easily - can be uncomfortable/painful when touched
22. Disinfectant
Chemicals that kill a majority of pathogenic microorganisms
Protein that makes up 70% of the weight of the skin
Thickening of the tissue
Effects the epidermis (stratum corneum)
23. Collagen
1:10 with water 4 disposable materials that prevent cross- contamination 1. cotton swabs 2. paper towels 3.Disposable staptulas 4. Gloves
Aids in the coagulation of blood
1. Sodium Hydrochloride(household bleach) 2. Formaldehyde
Gives skin its strength and found in the reticular dermis
24. Ostium
Non inflammatory acne lesions usually called blackheads
Severe itching - swelling - severe redness
Injury - nutrition deficiency - hereditary
The opening of a follicle
25. Cherry Angioma
A nodule is a raised lesion that is larger and deeper in the skin than a papule
Artificial way of tricking the immune system into making anitbodies
Worst enemy of the langerhans cells
Fairly common skin growths that vary in size. Can occur almost anywhere on the body but usually develop on the trunk
26. 10 pints
How many pints of bloodare in the human body
Development of an idea based on available information
Gentle tapping movements
Infection of the skin that may affect any part of the body. Usually appears on the lower legs or face
27. Microcomedo
Removal of dead skin cells
First stage of comedo formation; a comedoso small that it can be seen only with a microscope
Ingredient that attracts water
Clotting of blood
28. Distillation
Allows other structures to move around inside the cell
Main method of extracting essential oils. Egyptians were the first to use this
Gommage - granular scrubs - microderm - luffa
Crack in skin
29. Primary colors
Bond between atoms sharing electrons
Effects the epidermis (stratum corneum)
Red yellow blue
(Eczema) is inflammation of the upper layers of the skin - causing itching - blisters - redness - swelling - and often oozing - scabbing - and scaling
30. Non-inflammatory
Softening - antibacterial and anti inflammatory
The impaction is neither red nor inflammed
Inflammation of the hair follicle due to an infection
Raised growths on the skin. Means greasy and keratosis means thickening of the skin
31. Frosting
A white appearence of the skin that appears after applying a strong exfoliation peeling substance
Freckle smaller than 1 cm
Forms side and top of cranium
32. Causes of Leukonchia
Microorganisms that cover almost every surface - including the skin of the human body.
Other Potential Infections Material
Injury - nutrition deficiency - hereditary
Refreshed appearance - reduction of t-zone oiliness - temporary pore reduction - tighter skin
33. 3 diseases a client may have that would contraindicate in-office treatments?
Pink eye - impetigo - herpes
A white appearence of the skin that appears after applying a strong exfoliation peeling substance
White spots appearing on the nail
Same as magnifying glass
34. Black
Works well onto small patches of strong coarse hair - the wax gets a better grip of the hair than warm wax - it does not leave a sticky residue like warm wax - it is good for removing shorter hairs - possibly more suited for sensitive skin - less red
A form of eczema that primarily affects oily areas of the face
Get keloids easily - hyperpigmentation easily - can be sensitive - age slowly
A reciprocal measurement of hydrogen's in a substance
35. AHA
Chemical exfoliant that works from the inside out. Glycoloic - lactic - malic - and tartaric acids -- best for aging - dry/dehydrated - wrinkle and hyperpigmentation
The sharing of electrons between two atoms
Health - Insurance - Portability - Accountability - Act
36. Protection
Type of tissue that the cells control the brain and nerves
Get keloids easily - hyperpigmentation easily - can be sensitive - age slowly
Dried body serum (pus or blood)
Main function of the nail
37. lymphocytes
An element that will easily pass and electrical current or flow of negatively charged electrons
In normal adults they makeup 22-28% of the total number of Leukocytes in the circulating blood
Crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail
A popular treatment - therapeutic use of plants for beauty and health purposes
38. Highlighting
Loss of cells that give color to the skin(melanocytes) results in smooth - white patches in the midst of normally pigemented skin
Scab and scar tissue build to protect and induce healing
Uses light color to enhance features making it appear larger
Thickening of the tissue
39. Biologically Inert Ingredients
Health - Insurance - Portability - Accountability - Act
Ingredients that do not react to normal chemical reactions within the skin; making it unlikely to produce allergic or irritant reactions
Herpes zoster
The sharing of electrons between two atoms
40. Friction
An experiment that does not change behavior
Massage movements is usuallyused to stimulate cellulite areas
White spots appearing on the nail
Lack of lipids (lack of fat/oil)
41. Galvanic
Client is face up
Inflammation of the skin
Mildest acne that's often just a minor pimple that appear occasionally in small numbers and small bumps that can disapper without being treated
Creates a chemical reaction that acts to emulsify or liquefy sebum- 2 reactions disincrustation and iontophoresis
42. Spot treatments on the body
Every 2 weeks
Back - cellulite - hand - arm - foot
HIV - Hepatitis - Syphilis
Smooth -pinkish - translucent
43. Neutron
Particles that make up the nucleus of an atom- no charge
Avoiding malpractice through avoiding potential risk
Ingredient that attracts water
Erbium - CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
44. Scientific Method
Any sort of mechanically or manual manipulation of soft tissue
Creates a chemical reaction that acts to emulsify or liquefy sebum- 2 reactions disincrustation and iontophoresis
Regulates hormone producing glands
Development of an idea based on available information
45. Skin tags
Regulates hormone producing glands
Generally manufactured without the use of certain ingredients that are known to frequently cause allergic reactions
Very small threadlike growing
Allergies - rosacea - acne - psoriasis - cancer
46. Common Complications with chemical peels
(hair growth phase)- transition or shrieveling phase
Injury - which can cause hyperpigmentation - cold sore reactivating
Found on the cheeks - jaw line - and chin
Measure of the amount of current flowing into a circuit
47. Comedogenicity
Gives skin its strength and found in the reticular dermis
1:10 with water 4 disposable materials that prevent cross- contamination 1. cotton swabs 2. paper towels 3.Disposable staptulas 4. Gloves
Ingredient that attracts water
Tendency of topical substances to cause the development of comedones
48. Pustule
Chemical exfoliant that works from the inside out. Glycoloic - lactic - malic - and tartaric acids -- best for aging - dry/dehydrated - wrinkle and hyperpigmentation
Type of wound is unclean with jagged edges and can be of varying depths
Body's defense
Flat surface raised above the skin
49. Skin Concerns found in a medical environment
Common - acquired - benign skin growths that look like a small piece of soft - hanging skin.
Ther term for immunity to a certain disease you have had from birth as a result of your mother's blood and your parent's genes
Moderate acne- blackheads and milia can break out in the greater numbers.
Allergies - rosacea - acne - psoriasis - cancer
50. AMP
Lower jawbone
Measure of the amount of current flowing into a circuit
Ringworm of the feet
Bond between atoms sharing electrons