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Stocks And Soups

Subject : cooking
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What ingredients are used to thicken soups?

2. Which is larger a tablespoon or a teaspoon?

3. Define a STOCK.

4. What does DEGRASS mean?

5. When and how should cold soups be served?

6. What does 'a la minute' mean?

7. Name 3 liquids can be used in making a stock?

8. What must you do to the roux to make it work?

9. When should we DEGRASSER a stock?

10. What is the name of the knife cut for making small dice?

11. What is OIGNON BRULE and What is it used for?

12. What is the most common liquid to make a soup?

13. What are the 4 components of a stock?

14. When and how should cold soups be served?

15. When and how should hot soups be served?

16. What are the four QUALITY STANDARDS for a STOCK?

17. What are three uses of a stock?

18. What is a REMOUILLAGE?

19. What does 'a la minute' mean?

20. List three REGIONAL SOUPS.

21. Describe a stock pot.

22. After we have cooked the stock - how long do we have to cool the stock to 70 degrees F? How long do we have to cool it to 41 degrees F or lower?

23. What is a CONSOMME? Describe how it is made?

24. Give three examples of herbs we used to make soups in our labs.

25. What does to 'adjust the seasonings' mean and which two seasonings does this normally refer?

26. What is a FUMET?

27. Who is Escoffier? What did he say about STOCKS?

28. When and how should hot soups be served?

29. What two parts make up a roux and what are there ratios?

30. Describe the MOP (method of preparation) for making PASTA FAGIOLI? Ingredients included the following:a. Pasta b. ground beef c. onions d. carrots e. celery f. tomatoes g. pasta h. beans i. beef stock j. salt and pepper

31. What does CARAMELIZATION mean?

32. What is evaporation and how does it affect the cooking of soups and stocks?

33. When should dried herbs be added to a soup?

34. List three ways we can cool a stock.

35. List three methods used for thickening soups.

36. What does the term SWEAT mean? How is this different from SAUTE?

37. What is MIREPOIX? What are the three components and their ratios of the vegetables used in a mirepoix?

38. What is the purpose of a roux?

39. What is a BISQUE? How does it differ from other cream soups?

40. What is used to make a shellfish stock?

41. What do you do to a soup if it is too thick?

42. What is a Bouquet GARNI? How is this different from a SACHET D'ESPICES?

43. What is the size of a small dice?

44. What ingredient in the soup does the term CHOWDER refer?

45. List three basic or simple stocks.

46. How many ounces are in one cup?

47. When should you add a Bouquet GARNI or a SACHET D'ESPICES to a STOCK?

48. What is GELATIN?

49. What are two classifications of soup and give two examples for each classification?

50. What five ingredients are in Bouquet GARNI or in a SACHET D'ESPICES?