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Stress Management
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1. Bad habits - poor education - nadequate career development opportunities - lack of identity and recognition for good performance - poor economic benefits - working conditions - equipment - excessive paperwork... - fears regarding job competence - ind
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
Stress internal to You
2. Be aware and recognize the problem - urge the person to seek help - encourage the person after they seek help - keep in mind that avoiding the problem only contributes - consider resources
Daily Stress
Coworker can help in 4 ways
3. Everyday annoyances such as being stuck in traffic - that cause minor irritations and may have long-term ill effects if they continue or are surrounded by other stressful events
Daily Hassles (Background Stressors)
Coworker can help in 4 ways
Heart rates above 175 bpm
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
4. Loss/change in important relationship - expresses hopelessness - depression - guilt - change in sleep and/ or appetite - minimal social support - alcohol/ substance abuse - legal problems/financial problems - under investigation - talks about death
Daily Hassles (Background Stressors)
Other Suicidal thoughts
Mental Rehearsal
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
5. Can be acute or chronic.
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
Parts of the nervous system
Daily Stress
Tactical Breathing
6. Frustration with the system - with society - workplace...
Family and personal stressors
Daily Stress
Cataclysmic Events
Stress external to you
7. May experience auditory changes - loss of peripheral vision - and depth perception
Heart rates above 175 bpm
Parts of the nervous system
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
Aid Life (acronym)
8. May exhibit irrational behavior such as repetitive non productive activities.
Cataclysmic Events
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Coworker can help in 4 ways
Heart rates above 200 bpm
9. Marital - children - parents - financial
Daily Stress
Parts of the nervous system
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Family and personal stressors
10. Ask - Intervene - Don't keep a secret - Locate help - Inform superiors/responsible person - Find someone to stay with the person
Aid Life (acronym)
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
Family and personal stressors
Daily Stress
11. A stressor that is in demand - real or imagined - A stressor that can be social - psychological - spritual/physical - Psychological changes are life saving - A threat or demand is perceived and interpreted by the cerebral cortex.
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
Physiology of stress
Stress internal to You
12. 1. Exercise 2. eat right 3. get enough sleep 4. manage anger 5. know your limits 6. know the difference between achievement and perfection
Cataclysmic Events
Tactical Breathing
Stress reducers
Parts of the nervous system
13. A stressor that is perceived to be positive.
Heart rates above 175 bpm
Physiology of stress
14. Is prolonged unrelieved stress also called cumulative stress.
Stress external to you
Basic approaches to stress management
Chronic Stress
15. A stressor that is perceived to be negative.
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Basic approaches to stress management
16. Denial Phase - Anger Phase - Bargaining Phase - Depression Phase - Acceptance Phase
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Parts of the nervous system
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
17. A phenomenon in which victims of major catastrophes or strong personal stressors feel long-lasting effects that may include re-experiencing the event in a vivid flashback or dream
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Psychophysiological Disorders
18. Bad habits - poor education - nadequate career development opportunities - lack of identity and recognition for good performance - poor economic benefits - working conditions - equipment - excessive paperwork... - fears regarding job competence - ind
Personal Stressors
Stress internal to You
Family and personal stressors
Daily Stress
19. Visual changes - time perception changes - hearing perception changes - memory changes - heightened sense of alertness - elevated heart rate and breathing
Syptoms associated with High Symphathetic N
Heart rates above 175 bpm
Daily Hassles (Background Stressors)
Parts of the nervous system
20. A stressor that is perceived to be positive.
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Stress internal to You
Other Suicidal thoughts
21. Marital - children - parents - financial
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
Family and personal stressors
22. Visualizing successful performance of skills in a variety of situations
Aid Life (acronym)
Cataclysmic Events
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Mental Rehearsal
23. Creates major distress and long lasting disruptive changes in person's life.
Family and personal stressors
Risk Factors (SAD PERSONS)
Other Suicidal thoughts
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
24. Short Termed
Stress internal to You
Physiology of stress
25. Medical problems influenced by an interaction of psychological - emotional - and physical difficulties
Daily Stress
Psychophysiological Disorders
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Personal Stressors
26. Visualization - mental imagery - guided Imagery - unguided imagery - thought stopping/blocking/focusing - tactical breathing - breath for count of 4 - hold for 4 - exhale - progressive muscular relaxation
Relaxation Techniques
27. Failed attempts to cut back on alchol or quit for whatever reason - difficulty enjoying life - declining performance - feeling guilty - drink alcohol or frequently hung over on job - need a drink to get going
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Stress reducers
Stress internal to You
Stress external to you
28. Central Nervous System - Sympathetic Nervous System - Parasympathetic Nervous system
Heart rates above 175 bpm
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Parts of the nervous system
Personal Stressors
29. Can be acute or chronic.
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
Daily Stress
Mental Rehearsal
Psychophysiological Disorders
30. Strong stressors that occur suddenly - affecting many people at once
Stress external to you
Personal Stressors
Cataclysmic Events
31. A heavy duty stress that causes psychological and physical discomfort for 2 days to a month.
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Parts of the nervous system
Personal Stressors
Aid Life (acronym)
32. Frustration with the system - with society - workplace...
Stress external to you
Heart rates above 200 bpm
Physiology of stress
Stress internal to You
33. Central Nervous System - Sympathetic Nervous System - Parasympathetic Nervous system
Other Suicidal thoughts
Heart rates above 200 bpm
Daily Stress
Parts of the nervous system
34. A stressor that is in demand - real or imagined - A stressor that can be social - psychological - spritual/physical - Psychological changes are life saving - A threat or demand is perceived and interpreted by the cerebral cortex.
Parts of the nervous system
Physiology of stress
35. Heart rate - Blood pressure - breathing - sweating - Huge blood flow changes - Senses and perception changes - Parasympathetic NC is turned off or reduced
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Daily Stress
36. Natural reaction of the mind and body to demand place on it --Pleasant or Unpleasant - A person's response to events that are threatening or challenging
Mental Rehearsal
Daily Stress
Risk Factors (SAD PERSONS)
37. Heart rate - Blood pressure - breathing - sweating - Huge blood flow changes - Senses and perception changes - Parasympathetic NC is turned off or reduced
Physiology of stress
Parts of the nervous system
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System
38. Is prolonged unrelieved stress also called cumulative stress.
Daily Hassles (Background Stressors)
Chronic Stress
Physiology of stress
39. Avoid - alter - adapt
Basic approaches to stress management
Psychophysiological Disorders
Family and personal stressors
40. Sex - age - depression - previous exposure to suicide - ethanol/alcohol/drug abuse - rational thinking - social support system lacking - organized plan - no spouse or significant other - sickness
Stress internal to You
Risk Factors (SAD PERSONS)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Stress internal to You
41. A stressor that is perceived to be negative.
Risk Factors (SAD PERSONS)
42. Breath in for a count of 4 - hold for count of 4 and exhale for count of 4.
Tactical Breathing
Parts of the nervous system
Chronic Stress
43. Natural reaction of the mind and body to demand place on it --Pleasant of Unpleasant.
Family and personal stressors
Aid Life (acronym)
Parts of the nervous system
44. A heavy duty stress that causes psychological and physical discomfort for 2 days to a month.
Heart rates above 200 bpm
Daily Stress
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Stress external to you
45. Short Termed
Critical Incident Stress (CIS)
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse
46. Major events - such as a death of a family member - that have immediate consequences that generally fade with time
Personal Stressors
Heart rates above 200 bpm
Phases of transition that experience traumatic events
Affects of Sympathetic Nervous System