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TAKS 10th Grade Social Studies

Subjects : taks, humanities
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A system in which each branch of government has its own powers

2. Things that you own

3. The number of pople living per unti of an area (per square mile)

4. Established a system of setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the UNion. its consitution had to provide for a representative governemnt and ithad to prohibit slavery

5. An act of the Second Continental Congress - adopted on July 4 - 1776 - which declared that the Thirteen Colonies in North America were 'Free and Independent States' and that 'all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain - is a

6. Those advances in science or medicine that adaacnes the knowledge of a state or individual

7. Powerfuly Knetucky congressmn senator who propoosed the American system and the Compromise of 1850

8. Fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina

9. Living in a city

10. Partainingto or of the nature of a union of states under a central govermnet distinct from the indivdual govermnets of the separate staets

11. The idea of a state declaring a federal law illegal

12. Mexico sold all of California and New mexico to the US

13. A machine that separates the seeds from raw cotton fibers - Eli whitney

14. Is the right of the Supreme Court to judge laws passd by COngress and determine wheaterh they are consitutial or not

15. Was an escaped slave who became a Conductor on the Undergroud Railroad and helped over 300 salves to freedom in the North

16. The right to vote

17. Next to or beside

18. The freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with minimal goverment regulations

19. Short speech given by Abrahman Lincoln to dedicate a cemetry for soliders who died at the Battle of Gettysburg. It is considered a profound statement of American ideals. Four score and seven years ago - our fathers....and that governemtn of the peopl

20. The offense of acting to overthrow one's government

21. Usually good or services sent out of one's country or are to be consumed by antoher

22. A country or state that is surrouded by land on all sides

23. Wre people who opposed to the constituion preferring more power to be given to the state governments than to the national government

24. An economy that operates by voluntary echange in a free market and is not planned or contorlled by a central aauthority; a capitalisc economy

25. Published the Liberator; abolished Slavery

26. A sudden increase in the birthrate of an area or state

27. Deleting parts of publication or correspondence or thertrical performances deemed harmful to an individual or party

28. Thsoe rights reserved speifically for the state and not given to the federal government

29. Robert Fulton

30. An ecomny where buisness compete for business in an open market - with little governmnet interfernce

31. A succesful - floursihing or thriving condition

32. The legal prohibition and ending of slavery

33. Massachusetts Congressman and senator who spoke for the Norhta nd the preservation of the Union

34. Is a tax on goods brought into a country

35. The turing point of the Civil War for the North - Confederate troops were forced to retreat and never invaded the North again

36. Citizens individually choose their representatives in a legislature

37. Living in a country

38. Cultural patterns that are widespread within a popualtion *style of clothes and hair ect

39. Is the first ten amednments of the Constituion and detail the protection of individual liberties

40. Is a cruel and unjust government

41. Women's rights organizer

42. An alteration of a addiation to a motion - bill - constution

43. Former slave who became the best know black abolitionsit in the country 'north star'

44. The 1803 Court decision that gave the Supreme Court the right to determine whether a law violates the Constituion it set up the principle of Judical Review

45. To contaminate or corup

46. To change

47. Forbidden colonist to settle west of the Appalachian Moutians

48. Stressed three dnagers facing the nation. The first related to the rise of polictical parties. Written by George Washington

49. Small town in Virgina where Robert E Lee surrendered the Confederate Army to Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War

50. Eli Whitney